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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Might aswell add something real to this thread. * I hate crafting. Baldur's Gate II did it perfecly, but modern games with their gathering 4000 wood all over the world and carry it always... no, it sucks.
  2. You probably didn't understand me. The person I replied to claimed romance was one of the character interactions RPGs needed. Or PoE would miss one of the required ones. I was just wondering, what are the "required" and since when is there a checklist for all character interactions in a RPG needed. Is Force Choking on there? Why not? I just wanted this elusive (since non-existant) list upon which the user based romances needed in or one checkbox was unmarked. Right below the Force Choke teammember probably What the people who "like" romances however do not get is the law of economics. There is no "more OPTIONS", there are different options. Different options non-romancers wont get, but without romances, non-romancers still get all the other options. Options that may be locked out due to gender or other romance choices. Options that are now to be used for other conversations. A LOT of conversations will be locked out if writing for romances, even for the pro-romancers themselves, that now can be given to EVERYONE to flesh out characters, get interaction and make memorable characters. Tell me again, how that is selfish of us apparently, instead of from you guys, who just want to reduce all our conversations with teammembers just for romances? How is "Well, now that romances is in, you got 30 teammate conversations less since that's the sacrifice" not shoving things down our throat? See above. Imagine Mass Effect II. Now imagine, if instead of romances for all characters, they used those resources to actually flesh out characters. To add a main plot. To not have dozens and dozens of conversations locked away from you simply because you didn't romance, and all that could be re-molded into something fleshing out those now talkless characters for everyone. Budding more with Garrus for example. Wouldn't that be... something you would have wanted?
  3. I think people just make up stuff now to make it into this thread than giving actual opinions. Or there is no hope for humanity...
  4. That's crazy... seeing Thriump Studio's is here in the Netherlands. Shouldn't we pay less than the US then???
  5. So you really really REALLY can't see how they rather want to spend the time making romances to develop other parts of character interaction more. Really? It has to be one of those 3 reasons? Really? "We rather want to have friendships rather than romances" "LAZY!" "We think we better off spending our time on adding more NPC intercuts in conversations than roamnces" "Bad resource management!" "We spend this time in more character interaction" "Pew Pew preferencers!" Also, feel free to prove it's doable (since apparently 'it's out there'). And if you say Mass Effect or Dragon Age, I will get violent. Also, feel free to give me "ALL CHAR INTERACTIONS." Like it's a checkbox. I want to make sure they made all of the possibilities out there... and add none that are technically impossible in your obvious all-inclusive list...
  6. No, a better comparrison would be; Devs want to implent for weapons regular, incendiary, hollow, explosive and rubber. However due to this, the only really have time to do all banal, like just being modified damage, since they need to make them, place them throughout the game, balance them. Then one dev figured they just take out hollow, and now they had the time to add to all other types, so incdendiary puts people on fire, explosive, well, explodes, and rubber knocks people down. And the game got the better for it.
  7. Somneone didn't read the statements of the devs? The reason we give slack for 'cutting party interaction' is because that's not happening. It's just being relocated from "romances" to other (and in many's opinion better and more useful ways) ways to flesh out character interaction. No cutting, no mismanagement, just... what's always been planned, what always would have been. The core is completely and utterly intact, and as strong as it ever was. Don't get why anyone would assume otherwise.
  8. I'm going to say... yes, your laptop graphics card sucks. And it's that, not the drivers...
  9. Are we really discussing "which IE game is *more* IE" due to... romances? 1 out of 5(!) of the IE-games had Romances, and now not doing them in this new game is ignoring all IE-games? Logic, where have you gone?
  10. I'll happily nuke annoying woman I don't like anyway to keep Carth around .
  11. I loved my fights where I could just, as assassin, CC some thugs and we all skipped most fights. With 2, you can pretty much avoid 80% of the fights. I don't experience the "bad DPS" as much, but of course, I'm already filling one DPS slot, so that makes it 50% less likely, and in many cases my friend was the other DPS, so we were good. Just waiting a zillion hours for tanks and/or healer. Most people no longer do CC though, and I often find combat started before I can and comments like "we don't need to CC, idiot" If solo'ing, just turn off AoE on your comp, and they should not break CC at all.
  12. My story too... *has collectors edition Oblivion here due to that, gathering dust :/* And no, Morrowind isn't just liked by a small internet community. Pretty sure you can't dodge arrows or spells. Though it has been too long to say for certain here...
  13. No, I don't recall that about Morrowind at all. It was more ability driven than skill, not everyone could be joined. All that, as stated, started with Oblivion. One of several reasons most people think it's Bethesda's last good game. It did have skills training per use, a system that is good on paper, but terrible in execution.
  14. Ehm, Morrowind had skill checks instead of flex. It's Oblivion who started to move away from the dice roll to the actiony gameplay. So, why dislike Morrowind again?
  15. The worst is when I expect a calm cutscene to watch, and take a grab a drink or something to eat during it, then suddenly have to press some button. Usually resulting in me dying since I have my hands full...
  16. You mean dice rolls, or Batman/The Witcher2 "roll around the battle field constantly is needed" rolls?
  17. It leaves me rather cold if in or not, but if they have some spare time left on the animators part, I suppose it could be a nice little touch. (in cities or otherwise 'friendly' areas, I agree in hostile areas weapons should be ready 24/7)
  18. Why do you hate free speech so much? RPG codex doesn't like romances either?
  19. Let's see. I probably forgot most anyway, but some I recall now... * I really like having to aim before shooting in RPG/FPS combo's (ME1, Alpha Protocol, Deus Ex). But all I ever hear is complaining, and ME2 and DX:IW both replaced it with horrible systems instead. * I prefer ME3 over ME2, and think ME1 was the best. * I really really REALLY suck in the IE-games. Doesn't stop me liking them though. Can't understand the modern reasoning for making games so easy. * While HD remakes for old titles can be good, most HD-remakes are utterly pointless. Case in point; Fable, Halo, Serious Sam, Painkiller. Pick an old outdated game, don't upgrade games that are perfectly fine. * Similarly, people saying that games of 10 years or less old have "graphics that can't be played with" and ask HD-remakes (like the KOTOR games) makes me die inside. What the **** is wrong with you people? * I don't really like Fallout: New Vegas * Sandbox ruins everything. * The dialogue wheel is the worst invention in RPG-land so far. Even beating QTE events/minigames.
  20. Hear hear. Bethesda seems to have a lot of "negativity shielding" for some reason. Complain about bugs? Sure... but nothing is then said about the many in ANY of their titles. F:NV buggy? No one mentions they're the same bugs from Fallout 3, which never got the complaint. Etc. etc. Not quite sure why Bethesda has a green card to do many things badly where other games got burned to the ground for doing them ****ty like them. :/ Anyway, still ploughing through KOTOR2, fixing bugs left and right 0_o
  21. @ Osvir; Most likely they will do an auto-save before boss-fight ala Baldur's Gate II. I cannot expect a RPG that's storydriven, with sequels and expansions coming, to continue on after the endgame. Just too many variables will need to be changed. All those people giving information about the end need to acknowledge you did kill the main baddy, etc. etc. Yes, it's definitely possible. The question, however, is it WISE to do so. To super-balance and number tweak yourself in a corner. To me, it would be not. It would limit yourself on pacing, balancing, side-quests, bonusses. The kind of planning required, the potential balance and pacing bumps; It just seems to me a pure cap allows you a much better handle on those, than a "there can only be xxxx XP given in the entire game, take your piece of the pie". Imagine there's an infinite XP bug in launch (not an unlikely scenario)... you're screwed with your plan. Imagine some XP boosts might be bugged, and the player cannot even reach lvl 12 normally. A cap would just allow "you get this much XP with the MQ" and then give out XP as desired on side-quests, not confined to the rigid inherence limits of "Max XP - Main Quest XP" Yes, I heavily support Objective XP over kill XP, but I think this would kind of take it a step too far.
  22. Remember, in the US, if you kill one police officer after a bombing (the Boston Bombers) you WILL be met with a 1000+ bulletrain. Compared to that, the police in Ukrain was very forgiving for deaths. You wont get that leniecy in the West. The deathtoll being almost 1:1 (especially tuesday) doesn't really support that that was the cause at all. But go ahead and keep claiming the protesters were completely peaceful. While the new agreemements and elections are good... I have a feeling nothing will change at all in Ukrain. They can't really turn their back on Russia, and the EU can't give them what they need, so if there's a new government that does exactly that, well, they're in far bigger troubles than they were under the current regime. And thus the new government will probably act as the old government out of neccessity, and nothing will change.
  23. You do realise this is an isometric game, not an over-the-shoulder like Dark Souls. Making things look like that is just a waste of time, since you wont be able to see it the same way. Also, I really hate the term "it shouldn't be complicated to implement"...
  24. Not really limited to BioWare, most final RPG areas feel like that. Think Bloodlines, KOTOR2. Heck even Planescape Torment somewhat.
  25. That'll be extremely hard to setup though. And can cause the bad side-effect a player needs to do everything. Also, it would probably slow down progression since with a cap they can be more lenient and allow players to pass levels quicker, since they will be stopped at the cap of content, while in your system there's no way to balance the game like that, it needs to go slower not to exceed the mass. I can't see it work in practice...
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