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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Don't you mean More appropriate forum ?
  2. Yes. But most players (*cough*WMP*cough) won't run these MP3's...
  3. You can select that during the install... but you don't have to. And KOTORs *.wav's will only generate static when run in WinAmp... only when converted to *.mp3 will they be audiable. Another way to make WinAmp run them is right-click; open with...; then select WinAmp and "always open with this program" And a small correction to above post... the "hide extensions" is inside Map-options of the Extra/Tools dropdown box...
  4. MILES method Find MILES sound studio (use google) and you can use this program to just listen to them... WINAMP method Requires a bit more work; but is better IMO (since WinAmp allows more than Miles player; like listening to a whole list instead one at a time). The trick is to make the files *.mp3... then WinAmp will read them. COPY the files though and make the copies *.mp3... don't want to alter the originals! Now how to make a *.wav *.mp3? 1. The manual way (slow) Right click a file and then select "change name". Now rename the .wav to .mp3. IF a file does not have such an extension go to "Extra (maybe different in English Windows; some say Tools or so?)" and De-select the box before "Hide extensions for known file types" 2. The fast (yet bit more tricky) way Go to the DOS-box (programprompt); should be somewhere in Start-Programs-Burea-Accessoires. Now enter CD C:\; and then CD *filenames path*:\ (for example CD C:\Kotor2\SoundFiles) Then use the command Rename *.wav *.mp3 Done. Edit; note to a mod; Move to kotor-section?
  5. Such is the plan. The execution kind of fails frequently on this though; with a vanilla Kotor2 (or 1.0b)
  6. Ahum... the issue was MADE by the patch... " Also; the sollution could be found in our Technical FAQ on top here of spoilers
  7. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=35894
  8. OMG It's saintfrancisnudecenterfold... Can I get your autograph... only forummember to get totally abused by Joseph Bulock for being totally unrealistic and insulting? ... Note how I wrote your name correct this time Mr. Bulock... please don't harm me EDIT; Now that I think about it, Centerfold; Do you still confuse BioWare and Obsidian with each other (seeing the thread you do)...?
  9. With too high a level some rewards (most noticable: Lightsabers) no longer appear in those "pop-up screens"
  10. im level 40 There is your cause...
  11. GOTY here.
  12. And IMO I always picked up the GEP there. Used it on loads of cams and bots in the game. Prefered weapon (skill lvl 3) was the pistol; but my latest game I try the SMG. With lvl 3 and plenty of mods installed all it takes is 3 sniper shots to the head
  13. The alien seller standing outside has them... either whack him; or persuade him to give it to you for the wrenchy thing found inside the bots in the Khoonda Residence
  14. Oops... Not sure what boolean to edit than... and no saves to try (or willpower to Kotor2 again for a long while to test)
  15. Not a bug... that's just the kotor2 Pazaak rules...added to make the invert cards more usefull... Trust me; you aren't the first to go over that
  16. As mentioned get the Gizka fixes... they work fine together. They will be combined in the Restoration Project mod... but untill that is done; you'll have to do with the seperate DL's The movie-patch is too big for the payoff (which you can barely notice, if at all); the music one is worth it though And as I always advise... STAY CLEAR OFF 1.0B. It breaks far more than it fixes (most which is unnoticable in an unpatched game anyway *sigh*)
  17. If you wanna talk about obvious bugs I have a Redemption/Quest for Fuel/HK-50's in Telos Military base for you :D
  18. Correct on that one; LadyCrimson. There is also another unopenable door on that level; but that leads not to another level but a small room with... (dunno; never got there)
  19. But you already got past it anyways... just so you know what caused it; not to get stuck a second time...
  20. Anyone seriously used the pause button in Kotor2? (okay; may be because of the AI being "clever" to nuke all your given orders; but still :D)
  21. Here you go
  22. Don't agree. 1) If you are pissed off if one near you gets executed while being innocent HOW exactly would they go about and make him the suspect? Like I mentioned before; If they only kill people who are proved guilty with DNA the change is so small it is neglectable. Science made it possible again; and we should take advantage from that change. Would you NOT be pissed if the same innocent friend would be jailed for life without reduction change. Why would that then not be enough to become "militant" but his execution is; even if a prisonvisit may corrupt him for life? 2) Why counterproductive? People who value life would think twice before commiting a heavy crime; and public executions are an excelent way to scare off people who think going into the crime-scene... It worked pretty fine in the past to scare off criminals and/or military leaders; why should *that* be different in the present time?
  23. And than I haven't even started about the theme song run in the main menu If you don't wish to try ingame... there is a link a page or 2 back
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