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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Feel free to hold it off... Everything that has to be done in the game "fast" or "immediately" usually has no trouble waiting a week, or month or so
  2. Than you must look not enough to pics of big cats like tigers and lions As for my avatar; anyone who has played Baldur's Gate2 should know what it is... As for my sig: Just found it ironic The other one was added because I was in a SupCom mood... while the quote itself is from Red Alert. Even though I do not like the game; the quote sticked (especially since I cannot come up with anything to replace it with)
  3. As for cut content in many other games; True. But mostly that does not affect storyline (is secondary) or if it was they have altered the story such that it had become needless (in which case a restoration would make no sense other than add confusal AND plot holes)...
  4. Hmmm... partially. As we all known she WAS to be on M4-78; but they already scrapped that early in the project. Wheter or not there ever was to be a living Vash on (copy+paste in) Korriban even without the rushing... who knows (well, OE does ofcourse)?
  5. Just wanted to reply on the "poorly written" character point here. As I mentioned before I do agree Kotor1 did better on the character-dev. Due to far more dialogue and intrussion into the avarage conversation (not just a DS/LS-gainage response) you GET far more intruiged into the character and their feelings/opinions. And don't go around saying HK-47 was a complete ripoff of C-3PO; and totally in the Star Wars mood And so; as it is many Kotor2 characters lack a proper character. Visas for instance, but I would also include Mira, Mandalore, HK and T3 (altough he DID do much better than in Kotor1); where the latest 3 just added NOTHING to them then what was done in Kotor1 (T3's only purpose was giving info about Kotor1; and his attitude was... to be blunt... a TOTAL R2-D2 ripoff)... Also the fact that they can be purely LS and bloodlust-ridden doesn't really help for the Kotor2-characters.
  6. Knights of the Old Republic (Yavin) Unreal Tournament (enter here) (bonuspacks)? And aren't those 2 Japanese titles MMORPG's (which basically means more expansions than the avarage "The Sims")?
  7. Movies... yup Games... call some names? As for the threadstarter: Get the PC-version and wait for TSLRP
  8. Nope. That is the "Heavy Exoskeleton" armor that you can buy on the Yavin IV spacestation...
  9. It's getting busy in the desert... in the back are the swoops of Calo Nord and thugs. And Bandon should learn to count... I had only found 2 starmaps when he showed up...
  10. On the console; use the camera to watch what is in that room; then just select to use to option that blows the droid (opening the door and destroying several crates of goodiees; but the ones with the spikes WILL remain)
  11. Yup; that door CANNOT be blown up in Hard difficulty... Either lower to Normal, then after blowing the door go back to Hard or find the alternative method on the console
  12. It is in 1.0b... do you have it? (poor you) Oh well; make sure to visit Team Gizka's site if you have...
  13. But why does it show an red icon but not my name on the main page then? Oh well; it IS the server cache; as after an (half a) hour it does no longer do so...
  14. Yup. Also from the other PC in my home-network. Altough NOT listed on the main page as online though... Does not happen when I click logout. But does happen if I X out of OE and then clean my cookies, and return (as guest, considering it no longer remembers me)
  15. Yup, but you can also do yourself with Switch (thnx to LadyCrimson for the link )
  16. Even after it all that it is still there... Doesn't do so in FF yup; however FF also has the "latest comment will become all comments" issue. Another oddity I noticed; If I log onto the forum with another PC (in my homenetwork though); so as guest... obviously I am not in the lower bar *online list*. But my icon next to my name IS red and my account says I reside in "viewing board index" :confused: (something to do with keep me reminded option during login?) EDIT: even if not logged in with that and all my cookiees wiped on all PC's. Does it check on IP? Not such an expert on websites; but doesn't cross-refering all IP's of users with accounts take quite some (wasted) bandwith which could better be used elsewhere???
  17. As seen in the picture the photos do not stay in the box where they are supposed to be. This is also the case in the Green Dragons own "all coments" tab
  18. Watching "all coments" on someonese profile page is broken. Icons do not display properly in their box AND all coments of user X will only display the last said thing of user X, instead of the proper said things. Attached pic (where I first noticed): As can be seen I use IE6
  19. Seems like one of the testers combed through Dxun and Onderon. But h
  20. Requirements; Lvl 15 50/75 (not sure which one)% towards DS/LS Visas Marr must have joined your party...
  21. Looks nice and clean again; But I would suggest a merge from "Spoilers" and "Kotor3" (something like; "Read before posting; on spoilers and Kotor3"?) and a resticky of TSLRP Other than that; nice job!
  22. The amount of stickies might be a problem :confused:
  23. You already play the Aliens RPG? Kidding aside, check the combat logs (under effects I think they hid it) for reasons as to why it might fail...
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