Just wanted to reply on the "poorly written" character point here.
As I mentioned before I do agree Kotor1 did better on the character-dev. Due to far more dialogue and intrussion into the avarage conversation (not just a DS/LS-gainage response) you GET far more intruiged into the character and their feelings/opinions.
And don't go around saying HK-47 was a complete ripoff of C-3PO; and totally in the Star Wars mood
And so; as it is many Kotor2 characters lack a proper character. Visas for instance, but I would also include Mira, Mandalore, HK and T3 (altough he DID do much better than in Kotor1); where the latest 3 just added NOTHING to them then what was done in Kotor1 (T3's only purpose was giving info about Kotor1; and his attitude was... to be blunt... a TOTAL R2-D2 ripoff)...
Also the fact that they can be purely LS and bloodlust-ridden doesn't really help for the Kotor2-characters.