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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Might be "cutscene" rooms like the one on the Harbinger (that would give weird effects when being opened through modding)? In that case not even TSLRP will open them for you...
  2. I believe the sollution was to delete the "memory" (hidden storage thingie) of the X-box. As for how to do that; it was once posted here (but have no clue how to find it; might also be deleted with Technical) but you might have more luck on a X-box forum/helpFAQ/helpdesk
  3. Rather worry about rebuilding HK-47... or you miss alot of good And I am pretty sure content for both sides is restored; as for LS/DS...
  4. Seen it posted on this boards before... If I recall (s)he never mentioned any progress however. Do you have a "hacked" X-box, or run it on a 360?
  5. There IS a bug however that can loose you that option though... I believe it is only available the first time after waking him up again (when he does the Go-to talk all over again)?
  6. No movies however. The five (or six if you have the High-Quality patch) include the 3 intro screens (OE, LA, Splash Screen) and 2 movies not shown ingame (a flyby of Goto's ship above Nar Shadda and an 50% mines version of the Khoonda Assault (altough that one MAY be in after all... but who ever disables just one set of mines?))
  7. 1.0B fixes this problem. Gizka fixes 1.0B. Do you have 1.0B installed, Kataki?
  8. Check out Obsidian's main page. It has a link to the High Quality Music Patch. Just use the conversion method described before on them and enjoy...
  9. Yes. These 2 showing up is a known bug. They are the Mira and Hanharr used for cutscenes in the main Nar Shaddaa area and are supposed to be invisible. However sometimes that just dissapears. And they have no actions beside functioning in these cutscenes (hence the "no reaction"). This also sometimes affects the Twin Suns in the door to the Cantina, and the 2 thugs you can jump down (they just stay there instead of leaving). Now to fix your problem try:
  10. You need 1) Defeat the Red Eclipse 2) Have pissed/pleased the Exchange enough (by doing side-quests on the planet or paying the bat)
  11. So you installed it before? Did you make sure all traces of it in the Registry had been deleted? Edit; And due to "random deletion" have checked for virusses/spyware?
  12. I must have blacked out when writing It SHOULD read: Kodin (Nar Shaddaa)
  13. See my post in your "game guides" thread (didn't see you made a new thread)
  14. As mentioned the paper manuals are often wrong... *cough*Bastila's Lightsaber*cough* As for HK-47: Peragus HK-50 Telos HK-50 Nar Shaddaa HK-50 Latest part can be bought from Koding (HK-50) or just kill him and take it from his corpse
  15. The Mira/Hanharr decision is NOT based on doing LS acts... it is based on YOUR alignment...
  16. In Kotor2's LS ending that is... These different plotlines make it difficult for sequels!
  17. Or perhaps... but JUSt perhaps... they rushed the ending. Not that there is any more proof than this to be found for it; so it's JUST a theory
  18. But it IS called "Death of the Ebon Hawk"
  19. Only thing I can come up with is that the Jedi Masters only know an assault as in that they bring troopers in transporters to the ground to fight. Apperently the whole concept of wiping them out of the air is alien to them... till Taris; and then it was too late...
  20. Seemed pretty obvious to me... but then again; I played KOTOR. I guess they wouldn't expect people to be confused by it. Anyways... it seems like TSLRP "fixes" it...
  21. Last game I did it took me between 4 1/2 and 5 hours. But then again I did try to seek every little buggy thing I could for Ulic's mod...
  22. Which is impossible because after Nihilus it is either you (DS path) or Traya (LS path)... Anyways; any chance that the original poster mistook Darth Atris Traya for Alternative Nihilus?
  23. Some might say "short on time" or "rushed"...
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