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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. DX isn't like that... I cannot imagine UNATCO being UNATCO without that theme music there... and especially NYC's maps have some great background music to it (or I just listened to that much more than the rest due to included in Demo; and remember it better because of that)
  2. VO redone... and this was still old. When DO you guys bring out movies with the actual combat mechanics? Anyway... +anticipation Only uploaded to Rapidshare... unless other people that downloaded uploaded elsewhere or unless there are other magreaders that uploaded it somewhere I wouldn't know what mirrors there could be. Suggestions?
  3. I think that if I made capital crime convictions "populair" again I would at myself as far better than when I fail to do so (which probably happens considering I am just one person and most of the population despises capital crimes; especially the ones in charge) @ 213374U: Random state killings? Do you Really think that with capital crimes a normal Western Country suddenly turns North-Korean? It will happen when one is proved to be guilty. With DNA you can be quite certain when that is the case; so the amount of random or innocent killings should be not enough to cause massive rioting and law-offending you imply; because the state acts *for random*
  4. Good thing the beam isn't bright blue giving it away from far; far; far away. I find them more annoying from nearby...
  5. Turn it back on... you miss a part of the experience (no, not XP or Skill points! ) otherwise That was only available on DX:IW's main site... but since that one is down Don't know an alternative adress for DL; but I could try uploading the whole track to Rapidshare if you want to. Just remember it is only the level (and credits/main menu) songs and NOT NG Resonaince (Sp?) (a.k.a. Kidneythieves) music. Makes it not that good as DX's soundtrack...
  6. Checking out the NWN2 forums @ BioWare I found a post with screens of the same build (by some Korean NWN2 communuity). THEY claim it is the "Sept 16" build 1 MONTH after the combat animations were "done" according to J.E. Sawyer. May I start to fear?
  7. Then again also monkeys (sticks, rocks); birds (traffic lights, trucks!!! (w00t)) and other animals do this... I believe the only reason why we are the "top species" on earth is because we alter the area to suit us instead of alter us to suit the area. Making it harder for the other species to live with us... and giving us domination... since we have the power to make the place completely unhabitable for any creatures besides us...
  8. Already listen to it now then to see it's okay ; EDIT: Dead link damnit. Ah well; try http://jadiepoo.com/dx/OST/ Especially 01 - Deus Ex Main Title.mp3
  9. PC Gameplay October Edition Presentation of NWN2 Narration: Dutch Lenght: 17 min 15 sec Download size: 206MB Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/34980265/NWN2PCGmovie.rar.html
  10. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=44178
  11. Or the animals are WAY smarter than us. That is what I believe atleast... just a matter of how you look at it...
  12. And as you know by now I cannot give a link for a stat of such... Hell; Wouldn't even know where to start looking for something like this on the net... Most of them I hear are not exactly replacing "Death penalty" with "life sentance" either... so that means these convicted ones get released. Then again I might have been listening to the wrong Anti-folks... True... But if I read in the media right now continues reports on the killing and raping of a 15-year old by a man who "already was convicted for this twice before; is known to have abused his family... and possibly also did this 10 years ago with another girl (but not convicted)" I cannot wonder but think WHY? I ain't living in the US...
  13. DX:IW's soundtrack (not the Kidneythieves (NG) tracks though... just the level ) was made freely available from the Ion Storm website. Site is gone now though... but I still have the soundtrack downloaded from there on my PC. And you played DX on the PS2? It is made for the PC; the port was done...well... quite awfull IMO. Try playing it on the PC; it may change your mind on things you hated (like the ammo)
  14. Check the logs (hidden somewhere in the (I believe) effects screen) There you can see the Roll ... VS. ... defense and the damage buildup/reduction stuff... gives a good idea of what does what...
  15. Sucks to be one of the people that don't qualify under "almost." Pretty much yes. But the chance is very rare and far less "innocents" die than when notorious criminals get released and re-do their *work*... *Work* killings it seems most anti-death-penalty people have no problem with...
  16. After extracting you had to run an installationfile (included with all the files) to make the movies and music execute properly. After that it worked fine; till the main menu turned totally black after a specific level and now I cannot save/load; making the game impossible for me... (altough I didn't knew you could change ammo type with a key)
  17. Can see the point on the outdated graphics (atleast it looks "realistic" unlike DX:IW's Neon Overflood)... but what was wrong with the music? The opening tune (Main Menu) is legendary!
  18. You need to buy it... check the following sellers; Alien mechanic; Dantooine Some droid; Onderon Droid Seller (The Exchange one); Nar Shaddaa
  19. How can one link to a newspaper; and the case given is already pretty old. Sure; it IS a rare case... but it happens! And if the offender was already jailed 3 or so times before that for the same offence... <_< Don't say it is common; just that it is not unheard of... and happens... New invention; DNA. Makes it almost impossible to kill the wrong person :cool:
  20. It is footage made by the magazine with a preview copy they got send. No Atari involved in making it... making the chance it is newer stuff likely. Just wish to know how "new" it is... None of you guys seen it yet (would it be legal to upload this stuff?)
  21. A non-believer here... Happened before... will happen again. Plenty of 65+ murderers wandering about killing folks... unless newspapers make up stuff... And about the rape part; there are several stories of grandparents abusing their grandchildren... while they are indeed of such an age. Killing them seems like a good thing to me... call it "forced euthanasia (sp?)" How much worse can it be than seeing their loved ones locked up behind bars for 30 years? Might aswell get over them fast; instead of tear on them for so long for no good... In this case it can; considering it isn't "violence"... it is the chainbreaking disruptor you wish to happen... Atleast that is how I view it; it is a perfect scaring tool. Cold War could be bloodier without nukes; crimerates could be higher with lower punishments. Criminals here LOVE spending their time in their well-cared for prisons. I doubt they will be so fast to do their mischief if you kill them instead of take care of them the following years... Yes. I can live with knowing I made the world saver from 1 lunatic... As in this case the "victim" isn't innocent like the victim of him/her likely was...
  22. And because nobody wants them after these 50 years they start killing/raping/stealing etc. again... Might aswell kill them; to prevent folks not even born now to get killed by our stupid decision to keep those criminals alive...
  23. Life sentance doesn't even exist here... Our law system SUCKS (a recent survey by my newspaper showed that 80% found the sentances for crimes were FAR too light for the commited crime...)
  24. And are all of these as obvious as the beard of a PC dissapearing in his skin when he talks? Just wondering how old/new this version of NWN2 was... as it still looked in bad buggy shape... and hope it is old (fear new though )
  25. Not that sure on the exact impact either... but if murderers get prison sentance reduction "to make space" I think it should have an effective effect here on it...
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