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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Only the VERY first time you talk to Pim can you give him the voucher for the fouth seat. If you ask anything else *at all* the option dissapears... FOREVER. Attached save; https://www.dropbox.com/s/ck7y0kajzx6r9v2/Hassat%20Hunter%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20autosave_2.rar?dl=0
  2. It seems it's not just limited to Neketaka... I just arrived at Dunnage and that vendor has 72 Crew quarters, animal shelters etc. in stock.
  3. Title really. He's belowdecks as Surgeon, not sure if that makes a difference. With everyone else, party member and crew alike having green circles he really stands out.
  4. When talking to Serafen 3, then 3 again... just keep picking 3 when it pops up afterwards; https://www.dropbox.com/s/gb8wmeo5fyaldvi/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28Abovedeck%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28762148643%29.rar?dl=0
  5. Slightly annoying when I want to talk to Serafen, but if he's in your existing party when you go visit your ship and enter Upperdeck, existing party members that spawn there (Sarafen, Maia, Mirken and Takata) do not spawn if they were in your party. You have to go belowdeck then back to upperdeck in order for them to spawn.
  6. Doesn't really seem contained to certain specific enemies, so I just uploaded my most recent save for this after checking it's easily reproducable in it; https://www.dropbox.com/s/e8h2rnqjpd0ccsg/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28TheBrassCitadel%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28762128573%29.rar?dl=0
  7. I don't have any saves near it, either only got before entering the Fort at all, or way after finishing it... sorry.
  8. I've played a bunch more of the game and ran into several "unique" enemies which are 100% beastiary upon killing just the one, so these should have the same behavior too.
  9. I actually have. https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1xspmj0dhlqnha/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28QueensBerth%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28757408198%29.rar?dl=0
  10. Not sure how bad these are (still no idea what they even do in the first place), but they are definitely not intentional. You can get 1 for evertime you ask Serafen "You don't fight like a pirate. Where did you train?" infinitively.
  11. Was expecting a bit more out of 'meet me in Port Maje' but well, got a typo. VO says "You're", ST says "You've" https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1445043791 The "Bounty- Radulf" got an erroneous enter, leading to this in the conversation log;
  12. "I want to make you a deal." "I was going to make you a deal." Probably shouldn't have that first line still in in this instance... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1444339407
  13. Talking to Aeldys and being smart-mouth ("I hear silver makes for a shiny hook") takes 250 coppers. Nowhere near as bad as losing 7000 more than said, but it still sucks how these money-spending options are absolutely not clear about these in the slightest (I just tried being an ass, not bribe her, seeing how she mentioned her right-hand man was "cut off").
  14. Here's one where you offer 450 coins... And end up paying 8100(!!!) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1444301164
  15. Even though Mule Kick is the replacement of Knock Down and in all cases superior, and should be the only available option on the UI as with all replacement skills, it's not.
  16. If you free her after Bedwyn dies, she mentions looking her up in the Court. She never spawns there though...
  17. A journal entry in Lost Dues in Good faith mentions Woedicans< https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1444191599
  18. Reproducing; Looking at beetle proper; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1444176832 Looking up Risen champion; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1444176925 Returning to beetle, it claims ALL these abilities; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1444177011
  19. Finding it odd that Beetles would have about 40 abilities like "lay on hands" after clicking on them from '25xp gained' I decided to click around a bit. Going to an opponent with no abilities cleaned the slate, going to beetle showed only ??? (removing ALL those other ones it showed). Clicking boar then it showed 2 abilities. Clicking beetles again it was convinced they too had these 2 abilities now. I would say this makes the beastiary much harder to use as guideline 0_o
  20. Pressing M "above deck" opens the world map (horribly broken without icons) rather than a map of the ship you are on.
  21. +1 here... finished the quest, got the adra, and while both upgrades display the exact same cost, one is greyed out and the other available. So very annoying :/
  22. Don't think it should be there... don't recall them being there when I played before. The option specifically mentions the journal and it's turned off as all others due to Expert mode :/
  23. +1 The current enhancement system is very unclear, and I have vowed to just ignore it for now till they improve it. I however HAVE to disagree with the user wanting the PoE1 system back. Loot in PoE1 was a total disgrace, there was no satisfaction getting any new items when that item was just a sum of parts you could craft yourself much earlier. With keeping enchantments, unique modifiers etc in PoE2 atleast looting has a use again. And enchanting would have been great if this UI wasn't so terrible in explaining what the hell is going on and you need to save+reload for every single item. Yeah... no.
  24. Still an issue in 1.2. Aside from the Whispers of Yenwood I also have Min's Fortune and Casita Samilia's Legacy. It seems every enchantment removes 2 options rather than just it's one???
  25. It's naming makes it fairly likely what it does, but unlike many enchantments who say "remove X" this doesn't say what it'll do at all.
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