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Everything posted by Blunderboss

  1. Very nice build , with alacrity , high dex , and gloves this ranger is closing to almost no recovery like the melee builds
  2. if Vent Pick's FoD gets boosted by Paladins talents its heaven for this build Bittercut+Vent Pick should be amazing especially when u reach 0 recovery . You can take Bleak Walker as companion if you dont want to follow cruel path , i dont think paladins loose much from not being MC , Faith and Conviction scales with companion level anyway . Special thanks to Boeroer for this build he posted something similar to this in his Skaen Priests thread . Would be nice if any1 could confirm if Vent Pick is working properly now as it used to be bugged only proc flames of devotion once , and if its FoD benefit from paladin talents or not
  3. Just a suggestion , but having solo builds on a separate section of the post could be better
  4. I remember messing arround a bit with solo rogue on easy/normal after PoE release , and its not that fun as it looks it will be in the first place . Invisibility when soloing will reset fights . Debuffing enemy for sneak attacks is complicated as u wont be able to flank them , and ur own debuffs are very limited . Because of the the things i mentioned above u will have to build more tanky than u would like to avoid cheesing , also the Riposte is useless talent even when soloing Sometime in the future i plan to mod cipher a bit ( adding rogue stuff with console ) and go solo on hard/potd this should be more interesting On other hand Ranger with its pet will be one man army on easy , should be interesting enough and you will be able to complete everything i think
  5. Or you can : build a bleak walker either using Bittercut+Shield or Dual wielding Bittercut and some other op one hander ( sabre with 3 fireballs too fun ) , get remember rakhan field , intense flames , scion of flame , spirit of decay , 0 recovery . Use sworn enemy and kill the biggest threat in seconds, and continue clearing ads with sacred immolation .
  6. I didnt like Interdiction+Painfull Interdiction for offensive skaen priest , would not even consider it for a buffing priest , imo : Interdiction + Painfull Interdiction is GREAT , but you need to spend 2 talent points for it ........ And then it becomes so much less valuable . I cant understand why Interdiction wasnt given to priests automatically like holy radiance , and then u would choose which of those abilities u want to enhance further with talents according to your priest playstyle ( same as i cant understand why shadowing beyond is still per rest for rogues thats just sick) Mods will fix this i guess after PoE is finished . I believe when ur going with full party effect from painfull interdiction can be easily replicated with other classes without spending 2 talent points on it .
  7. Rip retaliate ?
  8. I hope to see patch notes soon together with announcement of when 3.02 is going live , lets keep fingers crossed !
  9. Full tank rogues are okay for solo i guess , but if u build them like this in 6 character party i believe slot is wasted, However that is not needed , offensive built melee rogue can thrive in a party that has more melee bodies ( more than two tanks i meant ) as mentioned in other posts on the forum rangers pet help with that a lot , or having 2 tanks + 2 melee can solve your problems
  10. Im planing to start new playtrough with 3.02 and i was wondering what is the best way to manage your stronghold nowdays , assuming i want to complete all the quests it has to offer and get the maximum out of it , I was kinda planing to kill all named companions on sight because of my party having evil theme , but this is bad idea i guess because now u need them to do stuff in keep . I usually build Garden and Curio shop first for them ingredients , what is the best way to build keep now so i start getting the adventures right away , also as stronghold turns passes with completing quests i guess i should try to invest into it as much as possible before doing defiance bay stuff so i can have many turns to get those adventures , anyone have any insight on how to get best out of your keep? Please share
  11. So many choices for weapons twin sting , steadfast , mace with shadowing beyond , unlabored blade, double vent pick anyone , resolution+purgatory ? Crazy :D Using Twin Stings + Alacrity and then switching to melee is nice idea i guess Also what about dexterity , does it help with recovery ?
  12. Ok i was wondering this for quite some time so im just gonna ask it here What do i combine to : Reach 0 Recovery with Rogue using Nightshroud + Steadfast or basically weapons that cant have Durgan enchants , i assume i will have to stack those potions from early game :D
  13. Boeroer , i was thinking to skip Interdiction and Painfull interdiction talents ( i am runing full party so spending two talents on one debuff for SA doesnt seem to be worth it , especially because i wont have it untill later in the game ) , what do you think about geting Aggrandizing Radiance , to buff the priest when he goes into melee , i would pick it sometime after act 1 when heal from holy radiance isnt as crucial as early game , does +2 attributes get overwritten by some other spell ? Can i use it with watchers ability that also gives +2 of each stat for +4 stats boost or they dont stack ?
  14. Your the man ! Especially for testing the lash thing . I can sleep calm now :D
  15. Where are the links to this , because just today i saw someone reporting lashes not working , Also there is other topic where dev himself says Annihilation wont be fixed for 3.02 ? Edit : i found this in beta bugs forum Anyone can confirm its working ? Because it sure wasnt before
  16. I don't think that'd be bad for the sequel. People have already commented about wanting a pirate style, pistol in one hand sabre in the other. U mean half of poe builds including guns ? 3 guns + Melee Set , also no pirate ever fought with sabre while holding pistol in his other hand , if anything he shot with it once and threw it on ground , thats why they carried more than one pistol all the time too . Quickswitch enables all these "Pirate" builds to the maximum .
  17. And Annihilation bug is not one of those 400 ? What about Elemental Damage talents not working with weapons that have same damage type ? This destroys some character builds , makes some items useless etc etc. how come this is not between 400 adressed bugs , its beyond me
  18. It still doesn't work. Whaaaat....So Not only Annihilation doesnt work at all but now this , i was hoping to give my bleak walker paladin Bittercut and pick him +Corrode damage talent.... Anyone has a list of these known bugs that arent getting fixed anytime soon ? Kinda bumer , to find out that half of stuff i had planed for my playtrough doesnt work because of bugs . EDIT : From what i was told today on forum it seems both of these are fixed by now , hopefully... Altough cant be sure untill someone does the numbers but lets take devs word for now
  19. On Hard u can probably just enable max level scalling from the beggining on all areas , especially if u have a full party . Between easy hard and normal enemy have same stats just u can meet more of them in same encounter on hard than you would on normall .
  20. Thats great! Now all we need is 66% and 100% scalers ! Maybe with one of the last patches one can only hope
  21. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85203-302b-annihilation-doesnt-seem-to-be-working/ Assuming Resolution and Purgatory are bugged ( Annihilation doesnt work ) and wont be fixed in 3.02 and Bittercut is reserved for other character , what would be best weapons to use for rogue , stilettos? this effects damage quite a bit i guess
  22. That ... That is very dissappointing .... :/ Basically this makes two best damage orientated sabres bad ...
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