High up on the list for me.
Otherwise, in terms of DS titles, let's see...
- Heroes of Mana - that's just me being a Mana sucker, but the RPG-RTS elements actually look compelling given the control scheme.
- Dragon Quest IX - I haven't traditionally been a DQ player, but coop makes this a winner. Online coop even more so.
- It's A Wonderful World - A Squeenix new IP that actually doesn't look bad. The gameplay mechanics look quite interesting.
- Front Mission 1st - Given that I've never actually played FM1. FM3-4 were solid/good, so a localized version would be pretty appreciated. Especially with the DS SRPG drought. Gimme Fire Emblem DS, jerks.
- Pokemon? Hahahahahahahahahaha. Actually, I've never really seriously played a Pokemon game, but the appeal certainly is there, and the online part sounds pretty neat. The CCG gameboy version was good enough. I might possibly be interested in trying these ones out.
Otherwise, I'm still waiting for Phoenix Wright 2 and Hotel Dusk to show up at some point. Stupid Amazon. FFVI is also right up there, though of course, a GBA game. There's also a good number of titles in which I'm keeping an eye on, but nothing beyond mild interest.
For the 360, I don't see any potentially good coop games on the near horizon, so I can't say I'm really looking forward to anything much. Maybe Bioshock and Eternal Sonata. I'd like to say Mass Effect/Blue Dragon/Lost Odyssey, but I don't know.
For PC, the list is pretty short.
- Armed Assault
- Close Combat - Cross of Iron
- Airborne Assault - Battles From The Bulge