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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. By Zeus, why the crap are you looking forward to FF1/2?
  2. High up on the list for me. Otherwise, in terms of DS titles, let's see... - Heroes of Mana - that's just me being a Mana sucker, but the RPG-RTS elements actually look compelling given the control scheme. - Dragon Quest IX - I haven't traditionally been a DQ player, but coop makes this a winner. Online coop even more so. - It's A Wonderful World - A Squeenix new IP that actually doesn't look bad. The gameplay mechanics look quite interesting. - Front Mission 1st - Given that I've never actually played FM1. FM3-4 were solid/good, so a localized version would be pretty appreciated. Especially with the DS SRPG drought. Gimme Fire Emblem DS, jerks. - Pokemon? Hahahahahahahahahaha. Actually, I've never really seriously played a Pokemon game, but the appeal certainly is there, and the online part sounds pretty neat. The CCG gameboy version was good enough. I might possibly be interested in trying these ones out. Otherwise, I'm still waiting for Phoenix Wright 2 and Hotel Dusk to show up at some point. Stupid Amazon. FFVI is also right up there, though of course, a GBA game. There's also a good number of titles in which I'm keeping an eye on, but nothing beyond mild interest. For the 360, I don't see any potentially good coop games on the near horizon, so I can't say I'm really looking forward to anything much. Maybe Bioshock and Eternal Sonata. I'd like to say Mass Effect/Blue Dragon/Lost Odyssey, but I don't know. For PC, the list is pretty short. - Armed Assault - Close Combat - Cross of Iron - Airborne Assault - Battles From The Bulge
  3. I am on good authority to believe that the main reason behind this problem is that the Canadian government is out to personally offend you. Perhaps because you know too much. Because you are highly-educated. In fact, I would even state that this is possibly highly likely.
  4. I also show fair interest in titles that appear on systems I actively despise.
  5. I'm guessing this is practice for their objective 'Don't buy FO3 or we slit your throat' campaign.
  6. I enjoyed backstabbing you.

  7. I've only played Dragon Warrior 1 and 2, so I don't really have much to compare to (they were basically clones of Final Fantasy), but the thing that grabbed me by my hairy balls was the story. And it just wouldn't let go!! Also, the world is huge, beautiful and you're free to explore it to your heart's content. The game is extremely polished. One BIG warning though: If you can't stand ridiculous amounts of difficult random encounters, this game is not for you! Well, the game isn't for me anyway since I don't have a PS2, but hearing about the series getting some good polish is good news. I'm looking forward to DQ9, which is - incidentally - coming out on the DS.
  8. True, it's their problem. I mean, it's not like it was due to player incompetence or anything.
  9. Looks like patch 1.05 will be awesome.
  10. Don't worry, jorian, you still have a chance to become a moderator over here.
  11. Wait, so what's another news site that's reliable?
  12. Just finished the OC. Good game.
  13. How different is it from previous DQ's? Or is it the amount of polish the game has?
  14. Your #1 Stalker



  15. I'm not stalking you.

  16. Heh. Fanboys. In any case, FFVI is totally going to kick arse.
  17. You better not all be alanschu's. I don't want to be a mass murderer. 1848 seems a solid game, from what little I've played of it back when it was first released.
  18. Childish, yes, but there was only one real choice here. It was!
  19. I like to pretend I read this too.
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