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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. They got Mitsoda (Mitsuda?), one of Bloodlines' writers.
  2. It has nothing to do with including camera views. He'd rather just play the remaining 3rd person titles whether they're bad or good than the next best 1st person game. If he bases his gaming on the camera rather than the quality of the game, that says it all.
  3. Stop arguing, the point is that Hades would rather just play mediocre games in 3rd person than simply good games overall.
  4. I agree with you. The most fun I've had with GoW was when my Brother-in-law came over and we played a bit of co-op. Maybe we should try to get together and play co-op, because I've found the single player campaign utterly boring on my own. The multiplayer also just doesn't pull me in like Battlefield games. I've enjoyed Dead Rising a heck of a lot more, and Spliner Cell: Double Agent seems promising. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hahaha, I love GoW. But I *only* play it coop. In fact, all I've been playing on the 360 are coop games. Coop > all. GoW involving lots of yelling around > GoW. I also love Vegas coop. The 360 version of NHL 2007 is coming up soon as well. As appealing as Dead Rising and Lost Planet and Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect and whatever other sp game is coming out, they're bargain bin at most. Heck, we just picked up Halo2 for really cheap, and as 'ok' as the gameplay is, it's more enjoyable than what I've played of the DR/LP demo in virtue of coop alone. Put in coop in DR/LP, and that's another story. In the meantime, I have enough sp games on my backlog to not bother with them.
  5. I might pick up SotN again when it's made available on Xbox Live Arcade early next year.
  6. One camera > other issues
  7. PoR is only my second Castlevania. DoS was my first. (Well, I kinda went through SotN first, got the first ending, got bored, but I didn't really give it much of a chance) I'm not tired of the formula yet, but I can understand the feeling after 10 yrs of Metroidvanias. The level design is fine for me, but people have been saying it's a bit underwhelming. The bosses (most important point for me) are somewhat hit and miss. Some of them are pretty awesome, but some are just kind of bland/cheap. Overall, though, I'm pretty much enjoying the game. I'm only at the second set of portraits, though.
  8. Try non-RPGs that aren't FPS or action games. Puzzle games and survival horrors is not much of an attempt.
  9. So you hate action and first-person, then go out of your way to ensure that most non-RPG games you try are FPS?
  10. Broaden your tastes or get some reflexes. You complain about the dumbing down of games when you're shutting some genres completely. In the end, you're the only one who loses.
  11. My New Year's resolution is to make every game to be released from now on to be first-person view only, or go on a murderous rampage. By murderous rampage, I don't mean jorian's friend list.
  12. What? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't you get it by now, alanschu? Don't you get it?
  13. Oh, real mature, Morgoth. YOU're the real cat here. :angry:
  14. I fail to see why it should be classified. I mean, it's not like I have *any* intention of brutally murdering anyone and everyone who engages you in friendly conversation. It is, as they say, simple curiosity, as well as a well-intentioned plan to get to know you better. For non-violent reasons.
  15. I would be interested in obtaining a list of people who interact with jorian privately, for harmless reasons.
  16. Final Fantasy 7 was fairly well balanced. Each map was a puzzle in and of itself, there was a sense of exploration and adventure, there was just enough playing the game and just the right amount of watching an "Interactive story book" and man, what a story to interact with. The Combat was somewhat repetitive, but while 90% of the fights could be won by having the "X" button on autofire, there were still a good number of fights that required heavy tactics and strategy, attacking at the right time, with the right spell or weapon etc. While the Plot line is completely Linear you feel as if your involved with it, that your moving events along, that your interacting with the game and actually playing, not simply triggering one cut scene after the other. Besides, "Linear" does not automatically equal bad. There is simply a way to do it so that the player feels like a participant, and not like they are simply being led by the nose through the game. And may I say it looks really good on the PSP, something about the textures and lighting on the PSP Screen just makes it pop, and like I said, the characters now look stylized like Death Jr, Size of the Fight or something like that, and while it may not be "Tekken Dark Resurrection" in terms of graphics, its also not horribly out of date after 10 years to the point that the graphics stick out like a sore thumb which was my entire point. You also picked one of the worst looking maps as your "Demonstration", compare that to Mid gar and it is quite a different visceral experience. I also really want to know where and when people decided Linear was bad, some of the best RPG's have been completely Linear, but it was because they told such a wonderful story and it was a fun, engaging and enjoyable experience playing through that story that they hold a place in the trophy cabinet. Balance needs to be restored to games in general I think, people are attempting to do so much with them that other aspects are being sorely neglected and it is because of that, that the RPG genera as a whole is somewhat suffering. Now, on to the Note of JRPG's and Indigo Prophecy. Indigo Prophecy is one of my wife's most favorite games.... because she watched me play it, she didn't play it herself, she just watched the story unfold and its a pretty cool and interesting story. As for me as the player, while it was fun while it lasted, it reminded me of the first games on the Sega CD that would play through a story and have you press up, down, left, right, A, B, or C at the right time to advance, not really a unique concept and certainly it lost some sense of interaction but it was still a fun story to play through. And JRPG's are somewhat hit or miss for me. I like the Interactive Novels, there somewhat fun if they have a really good story to tell but that is kinda rare these days. The Final fantasy Series long ago became more watching cut scenes than actual playing which truly turns me off. I had to wait almost two hours in FFX at one point before I could save... and it was at a point where I had to get ready to go out, but didn't want to loose all the progress I had made... but when you don't want to be playing a game, and you cant turn it off and have to sit through cut scenes after cut scenes, dialogue after dialogue when all you want to do is save and turn the damn thing off... it becomes a really painful and excruciating exercise of patience and grating nerves. And finding a JRPG without the cutesy, fluffy, fuzzy Bunny crap is somewhat of a Challenge, but when they get it right, boy do they get it right. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This dude speaks truth. FF7 is the very definition of RPG. FF7 is true RPG. Who cares about voice-acting that all RPGs nowadays are plagued with (and is their only redeeming point, as all the rest if crap, I mean, WHO THE CRAP WANTS THAT FREAKING TWITCH BS IN ALL THOSE BLOODY RPGS THIS ISN'T WHAT RPGS ARE ABOUT I WANT AN INTERACTIVE STORYBOOK BECAUSE THATS A REAL RPG), when you can have 10% of your repetitive combat require HEAVY TACTICS *AND* STRATEGY? I loved dating Barret. That defined roleplaying for me. It was interactive. Which is more than what I can say about all other RPGs nowadays. UNLESS YOU THINK CLICKING QUICKLY ON YOUR MOUSE IS INTERACTIVE BECAUSE THAT'S BS. Keep that crap away from my true RPGs. And screw you, alanschu. RPGs aren't about graphics, they're about deep meaningful plots where you roleplay someone whom you have control over. I wasn't just PLAYING Cloud, man. I *WAS* Cloud. I didn't cry when Aeris died. *CLOUD* cried when Aeris died. That represents the deepest meaning that RPG can have for me. You're shallow, alanschu, so very shallow. You can shove that 'lol Cloud looks like a Playmobil' and shove it up your nose. And most importantly, FF7 was fairly well-balanced. That, my friends, was the great RPG that ever lived. All you ADHD Doom players can go play Doom, while me and my elitist brethen can swoon over the awesomeness of FF7. We are awesome. You are not. Get over yourself.
  17. Stop making thoughtful posts. People are saying turn-based gaming is dead! Soon we'll get WW2 grand strategy naval action games. Gaming is dead!
  18. How the bloody freaking crap does this even have any sort of remote relevance to Paradox?
  19. I keep up on my zombie training with the Dead Rising demo.
  20. MOO2 > all
  21. Hehehe, keep it coming.
  22. Guys, don't derail. We should talk about possible PS3 titles.
  23. You're wrong. Oblivion caters to grown adults. You're an elitist jerk!
  24. Yeah, I'm loving the supply/logistics vibes here. This is the most attractive feature, especially in contrast with HoI2. In any case, looks like you're getting your money's worth.
  25. Keep up the AAR, chief. This is awesome.
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