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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. My gosh, you got ripped off. I got it on PS3 launch day. Premium + Gears of War + Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter + Ridge Racer 6 + Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged for 450CDN. The only games I'm really playing are Gears of War, Rainbow 6: Vegas and NHL 2007. NHL 2007 on the 360 is pretty cool. Apparently, it's a little lacking content-wise in terms of sheer options, but the new stick controls using the second analog stick is pretty cool. Makes it quite a different experience than the other versions. Gears + Vegas are shooters, but coop makes them awesome. As long as devs keep churning out solid coop titles, the 360 justifies itself easily for me. It already has. Not really planning to pick up Mass Effect until it hits the bargain bin, but my brother is looking forward to it, so maybe we'll play it before then.
  2. Hmm, can't say it looks that different from the Xbox version, despite the higher resolution. Though, I have no idea if playing it on the 360 and on a HDTV did anything to bump up the quality in the first place.
  3. The thing is that everything is text-based. I'm not going to bother scripting some sort of real-time system to accommodate this. And again, the point is that everything is unique and individually-crafted, since there is no 'system', only the designer writing stuff for every situation that comes up. The narrative drives everything. I also like how adventure games' gameplay are suddenly not completely linear and not based on awkward puzzle-solving or button-pressing minigames. But yes, that's exactly what I'm doing.
  4. Stupid jerks sending in an artillery barrage before doing a full assault.
  5. JE works perfectly fine on my 360.
  6. Design food for thought. Relatively long read ahead. Bear in mind that my primary drive for modding is that I really enjoy writing, particularly in the context of interactive storytelling (eg. I don
  7. Well, I'm nearing the very end of Jade Empire (which I picked up for 5 bucks for Xbox a week ago). It's... ok. I guess.
  8. I'm sure most people find stalkers attractive. This is why MCA won't marry me, or answer my calls.
  9. I used to have an avatar, but then it got removed!
  10. This was a massacre.
  11. It's true. We could always use more next-gen console h&s RPGs.
  12. The amount of work required for porting a substantial project onto NWN2 would be quite a lot. You'd be better off making a new original project.
  13. memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori memento mori
  14. I'm surprisingly looking forward to FFXII: Revenant Wings now. The RTS-RPG (with stylus controls) gameplay sounds pretty cool, and the sprites are spot-on. Character design could use some work, but bah. And I haven't even played FFXII.
  15. Let's all just speak like this to Hades all the time from now on. But that, I mean not speak. Shut up.
  16. Well, of people that need to be killed, I'd put alanschu and Deekin higher up on the list.
  17. The only thing you missed was killing Drizzt.
  18. Wait. That doesn't sound so good. Er, coop will rectify that!
  19. What role-playing?
  20. Well, can't say the story is really wowing me at this point, but it's definitely lightyears beyond NWN1's, which was completely lackluster as far as Bioware delivery. The real draw of the game is mainly beating the crap out of people with a Chinese longsword.
  21. You mean, beat the bloody pulp out of alanschu.
  22. I found JE new for 5 bucks (Xbox version) just this week. The gameplay's actually not that bad and actually kind of fun (on GrandMaster difficulty). The story is pretty standard Bioware fare so far. Music is nice. As for DM, the demo featured some pretty nice melee fighting. I might pick it up sometime when it's cheap. The MP didn't really impress, so I'm in no rush to play it.
  23. Looks like Armed Assault. Which is awesome. I'm just waiting for the digital version to come out.
  24. I really should get myself to try the demo at some point.
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