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Everything posted by Manveru123

  1. And then there's "duel wield" and "wizzard". This used to annoy me but at this point I just think that people will never learn.
  2. That's because you went there with brute strength, when this game offers so much more.. Let's use Stag Lord as an example. If your Alingment is Good, you can convince a bandit chick and her goons to help you in the fight. You can convince Stag Lord's right hand to betray him and help you out (Diplomacy, or one of the Knowledge checks, possibly something else too?). You can use Nature Lore to calm down the Owlbear and have it fight with you too. I mean come on I'm sure you can do at least one of these right? 2 and 3 are easy to do on any plathrough, and if you do all 3, it results in a very epic boss fight! One other thing. I saw some guy on Reddit attempting to re-create Core rules with difficulty sliders, and it turns out that even if you play with "normal" enemies, you're actually playing hard mode!
  3. You don't really need a pure caster, as tempting as it sounds. Out of classes not covered by the NPCs, it's better to roll a Druid than a Sorc tbh. Linzi multiclasses into Eldritch Knight very nicely. Prestige classes are fine, but you need to treat them like normal classes with additional unlock requirements and nothing more. Sneak Attack Scorching Rays, boom boom!
  4. >add new classes >there is no respec I think I've restarted enough times already Then again I come up with a new build daily so I pretty much do Act 1 from memory at this point.
  5. They fix one thing, another one appears. This is not uncommon in game development. IN BETA THAT IS
  6. One of the hotfixes added more dialogue so that you're warned about these spider spawns. And you get some Alchemist Fire for free. Enough to kill them. Honestly that part is just ezmode atm. Especially compared to stealthed Wererats :D
  7. The IP is taken by a german company, it's almost their local product. Unlikely to happen. But they did release Star Trail remake last year, check it out.
  8. That only works for PC though. Most of the time
  9. The rules are very similar to third edition D&D, which is often considered better than its more modern versions. I mean have you played Sword Coast Legends? It used a more recent ruleset and was, to put it lightly, not a very good game. You can like it or not I guess, but artificialy boosting enemy stats is exactly what Obsidian is doing with their difficulty levels too, so it's nothing uncommon. As for encounter design, I assume you have completed this game, or at least finished half of it, since you're confident that there are no well-made encounters later on? Or is that opinion based on Prologue kicking your ass?
  10. Any of them make the game less boring. I'm just not finding any fun at all, the story and writing is vanilla as ****; and the combat is dreadful. Are there any classes that are fun to play? This is 100% subjective, I have no idea what you consider fun. I like Magus (you add touch spells to your weapon attacks, effectively making double hits, combine with a sneak attack multiclass), Druid (great spells and can go melee beastmode after level 4) and Inquisitor (can have innate Summon Monster + Animal Companion with Animal domain God) the most but you need to gain some levels to unlock better skills. And really, I'll take the "vanilla writing" over Deadfire's main plot garbage anyday. yeah a bug free BM. A remake would only be an improvement. The game uses an estabilished system, all they can tweak is difficulty, and there's a bunch of sliders so you can do that yourself.
  11. They constantly release hotfixes. They're actually actively fixing bugs instead of trying to remake the whole game. Like some company I know
  12. I restarted a few times but I'm actually having fun with this game.
  13. The rations bit is whats killing the game for me. It's silly, but IIRC that's a feature of Pathfinder, not the developer's idea. I don't like it too, just like I didn't like Camping Supplies in first Pillars (although if I had to compare, this one is much better). EDIT: I've read somewhere that supplies in actual Pathfinder have 90% less weight!
  14. Lone Wolf was heavily overtuned in both DOS1 and DOS2 and you want to introduce it to all balunz purists around here? You'll get crucified Unless you mean the patched version, because this ability was nerfed into uselesness in both Definitive Editions. This is one of the better ideas I've seen around here, tho.
  15. It's not a lie, just poorly worded. Technically a swarm is not a single monster, but a group of small spiders. And Torches deal damage to them. So when you hit a swarm and deal damage to it, it's like you did AoE damage.
  16. There are mods that slow down level progression. Use them.
  17. BG wasn't focused on combat. IWD was. This game feels like a mix so far.
  18. That's related to a quest. If you can't move, you're probably encumbered. Not something I'd normally say to a guy, but.. strip. @Gfted1 No, only some abilities do that.
  19. Here's a perfect quote from Steam: "After PoE 1 & 2, people have been (rightfully) clammering for a more hardcore experience, with innovative features, a less traditional story, less forced progressive ideology, and less spoon feeding, but when they finally get it, they don't appreciate it because they mentally can't handle the fact that they're not familiar enough with the game yet to play it on hard/unfair mode. "
  20. That sort of indicates that the game isn't very well designed, though. There is difference between high skill sealing, or high difficulty, and game not explaining its mechanics or having balance issues. If it is a fairly faithful table-top adaptation than it is an uphill battle (don't know the system, and didn't try the game myself - just guessing). Just like with D&D those don't translate elegantly into a digital setting. From the comments it seems much more like a "game problem", rather than "player problem". I get what you're saying, but considering that all of the difficulty sliders can be changed at any time, I feel like everyone can find a difficulty level appropriate for them. Negative reviews are mostly the result of salt. That's how gamers react when they're getting trampled and lose bragging rights because suddenly they can't even handle the Prologue. I'm pretty sure when Dark Souls first came out, it was the same, but look at it now.
  21. The game is getting Mixed on Steam. Why? Because its higher difficulty levels are effing HARD AS HELL and most players aren't even familiar with the setting. So great news for all "potd is too easy" players! Go play this game instead, for a bit. You will crawl back crying.
  22. You don't need to give up, just open Options and adjust difficulty. The game is very hard.
  23. Your options are limited if you're not a programmer or artist. You have to start as QA tester and work your way up. You're unlikely to get a job with an actual game developer without any experience, but look around if there are any companies that offer outsorced QA services - those tend to recruit pretty much anyone.
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