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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. The thing is, if you step back and look at it, the operating systems that have survived, were better than the previous ones. There's a reason why no one was ever forced to buy Windows Me. It sucked the big one, and never got the installed base. If Vista is as crappy as many make it out to be, people will stick with XP. The primary reason behind us eventually having to use XP is because eventually, XP became more widespread than 9x. When I finally switched to XP, I found it superior to my 98 SE in almost every way (what's that, I don't need to restart for changing my IP? What a novel concept!!!). And I don't find myself feeling I need to reformat every year. If Vista sucks, people won't buy it. MS wasn't successful in trying to get the OEM manufacturers to make Windows Me the home user operating system (I found it quite funny that you could buy Win 98 SE long after wholesale distributors quit selling Me). Microsoft is a big company, but I don't think even they have the capability to force a crappy Vista down our throats while XP is around. If Vista doesn't have good sales, software companies will not make software for it, as it wouldn't be economically viable to do so. Heck, you can't even get people to adopt a superior operating system if it doesn't have the software support. Microsoft needs to get the software support for Vista for Vista to be successful. Otherwise, Vista will tank. If no one buys it (because it's too restrictive or whatever), then no one is going to bother developing for it.
  2. Which is kind of ironic, because the place I go to find videos that have been pulled off of YouTube, is Google video (to much success as well).
  3. alanschu


    Pool wise, I'm happy they scored. Oilers fan wise, I'm disappointed, and doubly so that it was on the PP. Oh well.
  4. Fire dance of Fallout pales in comparison to Deus Ex.
  5. The deflecting itself was fine, but I just got shot up to easily. I didn't know how to properly attempt to deflect. I just held down the attack button and Obi-Wan would kind of wave his lightsaber back and forth, but it seemed random. I much preferred Jedi Power Battles.
  6. The Lend-Lease allowed the Soviet Union to take men that would otherwise be used for logistics, and allow them to take part in actual combat. Same goes for the UK. The US also provided destroyer escorts for convoys crossing the Atlantic, and as Skynet commented, provided mountains of aid for Nationalist China against Japanese aggressors.
  7. alanschu


    The first goal was sweet! Good patience by jumbo joe.
  8. Because we were talking about Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. It's immediately preceding Bokishi's post.
  9. Given that they, even in short notice, referred to the big daddy's as Mr. Bubbles, I doubt the intention is to make the Little Sisters as anything creepy. Otherwise they'd be misinforming the people with this information video, given that the Little Sisters are not creepy, and don't appear to have any intention of being creepy.
  10. I didn't mind it, up until how useless the Jedi were at deflecting blaster shots.
  11. At the same time, this thread is overflowing with references to the hacking skill in the game.
  12. That's too bad. It's easily the best game of the series IMO. I played it on a Radeon 9800 Pro though.
  13. Actually now that I think about it, so was I. Because I moved into my apartment in September 2003, and was using it for most of my first year living there.
  14. WHen talking about System Shock 2, defining the term hacking is not required.
  15. That's not true. I am a gamer and I have always been slow on my transitions to new operating systems. I was still using Windows 98 SE going into 2003, and I had no problems about OS support for games.
  16. May just be cheaper to fire 'em of, then, aye? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only if you ignore the opportunity costs.
  17. Deus Ex had every line spoken in full voice over, and it didn't have any sort of emote dialogue system.
  18. Heh, how often are UML diagrams actually used in industry?
  19. And what basis do you make this assumption? It seemed perfectly plausible to me. To b e quite honest I thought it was a nice touch.
  20. They got rid of the mission failure in Chaos Theory.
  21. Did I get a happy birthday thread? EDIT: A quick look makes it seem as though I didn't.... .... ... .. . .. Jerks...I blame Llyranor!
  22. I honestly don't think the stock cooler is disurbingly loud. I usually mistake it for the DVD drive spinning when I do notice it.
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