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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. alanschu


    I think you need to face them 3 more times during the month as well. I honestly don't really mind the NHL schedule, even if it means my Oilers get to go up against Luongo, Kiprusoff, Fernandez, and (hehe) Theodore 8 times each.
  2. I find making Dead is Dead NPCs will more often than not just result in people loading their game more frequently. What would be super awesome r0x0r fun, would be if the story in some way acknowledged the death of a party NPC character later down the road, giving a slightly unique experience.
  3. alanschu


    Dallas decides to play in the 3rd period, fights back for the big win. Which ultimately leaves me with squat! My roommate however, gets 1 goal from Modano, 2 assists and 2 powerplay points from Liles, and an excellent performance from Marty Turco!
  4. alanschu


    The season is off to a great start as Toronto loses to Ottawa Daniel Briere also nets a GWG for my pool (funny, because he has 0 goals as it was a SO GWG ), as well as 4 PIM. Other active players are Zubov and Theodore.
  5. You'll probably find yourself going through the anticlimax of realizing it's not any faster than had it been run on a single core CPU of the same speed.
  6. alanschu


    I found that NHL/Oilers preview at the bus station, and am reading it right now
  7. Hahaha, I really enjoyed that movie. Satire at its finest!
  8. It probably wouldn't be the smartest idea for NK to nuke China.
  9. Well, based on what I just said....yeah. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't follow the mod too closely, and I didn't know you were on the team. I thought you were just making an assumption. My choice of words could have been better, as it was more of a "They are actually supporting translations?"
  10. alanschu


    Regular season starts....tomorrow! Oilers vs Flames Thursday! Oh, here's some less doom and gloom previews from TSN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qeZf6P01Kw I like Bob McKenzie. Pretty down to Earth and objective.
  11. The impression I get with the Punisher is he is all about justice. I guess he's a bit different than Vhailor as there are laws that the Punisher breaks, but Vhailor seems like the best comparable to him...someone who's actions are dictated by laws, and judgment in particular.
  12. Ah yes, I always forget about him. Why did he need to die again? Wasn't it because you couldn't get close to him, and he was going to launch a missile or something? IIRC he starts tossing LAMs at you.
  13. He believes he is enforcing a Law that is way to lax. It's like Vhailor, the Lawful Neutral Mercykiller of Torment!
  14. I know I avoided Gunther one time. I have always fought Simons, because by then....it was personal! I have heard you can run from him. I don't believe he drops anything like a key. Navarre for instance is blocking an infinite strength door/lock, so she has to go. Hers is the most obvious.
  15. I don't know if you need to kill Simons, and I'm pretty sure Gunther can be avoided...it's just much, much easier to use the computer if he is dead.
  16. Nobody knows. A lot of people hope it is, but that doesn't mean anything.
  17. The DirectX 10 stuff is pretty intense. Check out screenshots of a game called Crysis.
  18. alanschu


    No idea. EDIT: Ooo, you were fast with that one.
  19. That doesn't even really make any sense.
  20. alanschu


    Hahaha, yeah, that Sportsnet preview was god awful. EDIT: Link didn't work. ANd I agree, the Score is awesome. They're playoff postgame shows were far and away the best I had ever seen.
  21. I agree with Pop, that the slippery slope can work both ways. I'm curious what the associated costs are between executing someone and having them serve a life sentence. I have heard that executions are not as cheap as people would like to believe, but I haven't found anything to substantiate that claim. The thing is though, are we okay with killing people just to save on some tax dollars? It's easy to throw out hypothetical examples too. Say someone comes home, and finds a guy has broken into his house and his sexually assaulting his 7 year old daughter. In a rage, the guy goes beserk, attacks the man. Gets the child rapist in a situation where he's helpless. In the emotional state that the father is in, he kills the rapist...perhaps even in a rather painful, suffering way. So we have torture, and we have murder. In the eyes of the law, I'd be surprised if he's not being executed. See, wasn't that fun? Or! We get the guy that was framed for someone's murder. And because we have people that want to speed up the appeal progress, and make executions more efficient (hey, we can save some $$$ here too!), the innocent man is executed, and he has less time to try to prove it as a result!!! (and no, DNA evidence is not infalliable. Even then, a creative person looking to frame someone could still plant DNA evidence). Too bad he was a single father looking after 3 kids, and was well liked in his community! (hint, hypothetical anecdotal examples are worthless. Unfortunately, they appeal to emotion and people are very easily swayed by them. It's why parents are now deathly afraid of letting their kids out alone, as the overrepresentation in the media gives the images that sexual predators are everywhere. I mean, he could get YOUR child. Do you want to take that chance!??!?!)
  22. Is there really a larger variety? I've only really played through SS2 as a Hacking Navy as well as Psi. I guess the thing that sort of irked me with SS2 was how exceptionally, insanely useful hacking was.
  23. So you'd have little problems if the government in power, which you have been exceptionally critical of, started determining what "heinous" crimes are? An interesting thing I found while looking around is that the studies have a disproprotionate amount of murder convicts that get executed tend to be both poor and from minorities. People without high quality legal counsel (i.e. public defenders) tend to have juries and judges consider their crimes more worthy of execution moreso than those that can afford higher quality attorneys. There's also the idea that the government serves as an example of the correct way of how things should be done. In other words, an eye for an eye is perfectly acceptable.
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