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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. The last level IMO is pretty obviously the last level. So if you're not sure, you probably aren't there yet.
  2. It's what I do. Thank the hammer!
  3. Why can't I see my shoes? It's a common effect from older games, and still exists today. Typically the person isn't bothered to be rendered, since they don't need to be. Feet is purely aesthetic. Who am I? You're a member of Navy/Army/Psi Corps that was stationed on the Rickenbaker. When you woke up, you found that your body had been augmented cybernetically. What's my motivation? To stay alive? You woke up for your 4th tour of duty, in a situation where you were about to be in an area that was depressurized. As far as you can tell, there is only one other person alive, and she's trying to help you get to her. Things have gone horribly wrong, and the best way to survive is to work together.
  4. alanschu


    Yup. Pool wise I did okay. I didn't gain a ton of points because I was already high in the offensive ones, but I was able to create some distance. Still a long season though. Bouwmeester got some as well.
  5. alanschu


    Go D. Sedin!!! GWG!
  6. Lawful seems related to consistency.
  7. Agreed about the dead horse Kor. And for the record Hades, I'm not a Christian. So take your stupid, self-righteous, bigotted attitude and shove it up your ass. As for my apparent callousness (I smell a rant coming on), I take pride in the international aid and peacekeeping missions that my country does. Because I strongly believe that it has the capability to help ease the suffering of many people. I feel so strongly about it that when someone such as you makes suggestions such as nuking the middle east as a viable solution to the problems there, as well as the staunch isolationist ideals you have, it really pisses me off. The United States is probably the most capable country of helping people, and you'd rather tuck into your turtle shell and do NOTHING. When people point out your callousness at times, you talk about how the only person you are worried about is yourself. Nothing like looking out for number one. And you get to make sweeping generalizations about a sect of society you don't like. Nothing like categorizing all Christians to being monsters for finding something funny. You're a bigot, and a hypocrite. If you truly gave a crap about the suffering of other people, you'd stop posting stupid nonsense so that no one would have to suffer through your inane rambling. A few of your posts seemed decent enough not too long ago, so I took you off of ignore. Seems as though that was a mistake. Have a nice life Hades.
  8. If Iowans are stubborn asses with no sense of humour, then I guess you can categorize yourself as that. I was referring to specifically the Lowtax fight. You know, the one where Lowtax runs around, celebrates like a madman when he scores a hit, acts like he's down for the count and then springs back up like it's nothing at the 9 count. So given that Lowtax's fight involved neither bleeding, nor puking, nor needing medical attention, and included an entertaining post-fight interview, I'll stand by my words that Lowtax's fight was hilarious.
  9. alanschu


    Yeah, that's what I think. I have high expectations for MAF, but not yet.
  10. alanschu


    Oilers sign Ethan Moreau to a 4 year contract extension! He'll be with us until 2010-11
  11. I'm thinking of picking up Condemned.
  12. As far as I know, the standard for games development is still C++ I have heard nothing but fantastic things about a textbook called "Effective C++" and "More Effective C++" but I don't know how introductory they are (I've been meaning to pick them up, but haven't had a chance). The one we used was Big C++, and it definitely gets things started nice and slowly.
  13. He'd certainly still have his memories, and with his memories would be the interpretation of feeling that various events had for him.
  14. As I read up on it a bit more, it sounds like the critics had more of an impression that it was purely for PR. I don't know what was or was not said prior, nor what was disclosed on the waivers they'd probably have to sign, but if everyone else was thinking it was purely for PR and not going to involve any competitive boxing, then I'd agree it was a low thing to do. The thing is, people hate Uwe Boll, so I'm not so sure criticisms towards the event are objective. Having said that, the Lowtax fight was still hilarious.
  15. It's not that you forget you once had a reason to be angry/hate. It's that you don't care anymore. I guess it depends on what you think a 'soul' does for humans in the first place...not that I actually believe in a soul...but if I did, my vision is apathy, not action. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't think he'd be devoid of feeling. It just wouldn't be the same. The "feeling" he felt would pale in comparison to what once was, and as a result, he knew what he was missing.
  16. I'm failing to find the point here. He opened an invitation and if someone feels like it, they could have accepted it. No one's forcing you to see Uwe Boll movies, so who give a crap if he wants to make them. You said he should be charged for assaulting a minor for pete's sake. So you don't like the guy....big whoop. The "No one forced Uwe to make movies" is a **** argument, plain and simple. You could just as easily say what's a stupid 17 year old doing getting into a ring with a guy that was an amateur boxer? It just seems like publicity for his new movie personally. And here we are talking about Uwe Boll, so it must have caught some attention. Not only that, but Uwe will put his challengers in Postal as extras and stand ins in the movie, as well as include clips of the boxing fights in the movie. But hey, no one forced Uwe Boll to make movies! EDIT: Uwe Boll is a crappy director and probably took the event way too seriously.
  17. Errr, I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to here, as heuristics in computing science are used as part of algorithms. A* is a pathfinding algorithm that incorporates a heuristic. Without the heuristic, it ceases to be A* and becomes Djikstra's Algorithm.
  18. No one was forced into boxing with him. The Lowtax one was awesome.
  19. alanschu


    I did okay in my pool. Oilers win trumps all, so no matter what it's a good day. But I also got 3 goals, 6 assists, 6 PIM, +6, and 5 PP points. I also played Fernandez, who had a solid game. I'm thinking on dropping Niittymaki, as I don't think he'll play much with his injury. Not sure who I should pick up. I think MAF in Pittsburgh will be an excellent goalie, and he certainly played well tonight, but he could be a gamble still, as he's not really on a strong team. Not many goalies available though. The only bad things are that Toronto and Vancouver won. Though I have Daniel Sedin and Sami Salo in my pool, so at least they contributed.
  20. I think he should definitely use the top one!
  21. The Hammernator is powerful. But it's almost a gimmick weapon. No one has lost wielding the Hammernator.
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