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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I don't know. I played Deus Ex while sitting on the floor, with my monitor up on a coffee table (though I played all my games in that position as well, since that's where my computer was down in the basement.
  2. I wonder if they allow it more now, because it's more well known that it's not as difficult to do that with consoles anymore (not sure about the 360 though).
  3. You become a vampire if you get infected with Phyrric Hemophelia. Which you have a chance of getting every time you get hit by a vampire.
  4. EB Games was, in fact, one of the places where I was able to do an exchange.
  5. Pegasus Bridge was a good one too, but I just didn't find it anywhere near as intense. I agree that watching the Soviets run up, as the orchestra starts and you see a guy running with you with a flag was pretty cool too. All the T-34s in the courtyard of the government buildings and just realizing "hey, the war is over." The epilogue of the Soviet guy meeting with the Western Allies talking about how, even though he couldn't understand what the man talking to him was saying, he felt like they were brothers, was pretty cool too.
  6. And probably my favourite, from start to finish.
  7. alanschu


    What was that? The only time Smyth was really ever in to play center was on the powerplay. For the most part, the Ryan Smyth center experiment happened on 2003-2004.
  8. Play a Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy game... all the way to the end... with the music on... your ears will bleed, trust me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I had no problems with the Final Fantasy music. I loved the boss fight music in FF7 (which is similar to that of most FF games I have played), as well as the Jenova (or whatever her name was) fight music as well. The music of the FF7 fights actually pumped me up.
  9. Well, turning off the music would have eliminated the music from the various nightclubs you visit in Deus Ex. I prefer music for the most part. Just like I don't find music takes away from movies, I don't find music (that's good and appropriate anyways) takes away from games.
  10. You have been fearing since the beginning anyways. God help us if you haven't even begun to fear yet.
  11. that mission is NUTS on hard difficulty. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's no Pavlov's house. I literally hid in a corner and let the tanks shoot holes in the building while people ran up the stairs. Given I had the body count on the highest setting, it was ridiculous how many dead bodies there were the floor I was on. It was intense!
  12. Fortunately they'll be squealing away as you run by, so you'll at least know it's nearby. Even if you can't see it (which does make it spookier).
  13. Given that they eventually decided to release Jade Empire for PC, I'd be surprised if Mass Effect wasn't eventually coming over as well. Unless you just have to play the game once it comes it, it hopefully won't be a problem.
  14. They shoot a projectile. The only way to be hit from 3 rooms away is to not move after it shoots.
  15. I don't care much for the music from a personal preference either, but I thought it fit the setting perfectly
  16. Like the car though, obsolesence != useless.
  17. The high texture pack that I used before seemed to work okay. Though for some reason the guy that made it opted for making the midwives topless.
  18. Okay, you know I have to ask you for some sort of evidence to substantiate a claim like this. I'm not sure where anti-death-penalty people have no problems with murderers getting released and killing people. In fact, this is just a bull**** strawman argument, and borderline inflammatory statement, while at the same time just being just downright insulting. I highly doubt that the people against the death penalty are A-OK with just letting people out simply because they can, or because they need to "make room." The thing is, I'm not sure there's much merit to your claims about them all getting released "to make room" (or otherwise) anyways. I'm sorry if your country's penal system doesn't have a life sentence or anything similar, but that's your own country's fault. Yes you'll always be able to find an example to support a claim that "Oh look, this murder got out and killed again." On the other hand, I'll bet you'll never find a news story about a murderer that got released on parole and never killed another person (this is part of the main criticism of the media, in that it's sensationalist nature leads people to believe that the events being described are more common than they actually are). Or about a guy that molested a child and never did it again after prison. As for prisons just up and letting serial killers out after serving only part of their prison sentence, tell that to someone like Charles Manson. Still in prison and still no sign of parole (mostly because he cannot be granted parole). But hey, if the media comments on something, it's probably a fairly accurate representation of what reality is like. EDIT: @Krookie Couldn't you apply this same logic to the executor as well? Why should the executor be able to take life from someone, and still keep his? Is it just because of a(n arbitrary) Law?
  19. The nitpicker in me feels that I should point out that it was the Unreal Engine, hence the Glide support. As for the game, Deus Ex is probably the best game experience I have ever had. There are many games that I have loved, from the BG games, to the Half-Life games, to the Fallouts, Civs, etc. If I was allowed to somehow delete my memories of a game so that I could play through it "for the first time" again, I would pick Deus Ex. And I disagree that the music sucked as well. I thought the music was very well done.
  20. Print magazines have a "natural" delay to them. Attributing it to the time of burning a CD for them is not the reason.
  21. Actually it is still piracy. In developed countries, the term of a software license is 75 years. Despite the fact that a software product may no longer be purchased, it is still technically illegal to acquire it without paying for it. The thing is, because there's little financial stake to worry about it, no one really cares. A place like Underdogs rationalizes it this way, in effect coming to the conclusion that it truly is a victimless crime, as the game is no longer for sale. As for the games list, I love Deus Ex. I prefer it over both System Shock 2 and definitely over Bloodlines. The game was of excellent quality, and was also a substantial length. There were many times I figured I was coming up to the end of the game (and I wouldn't have been disappointed), but then the story would continue and I'd get more JD awesomeness. I felt it was more refined than System Shock 2 as well, and just enjoyed the story and setting much more than System Shock 2's. Being part of a more living and breathing world, with more than just hostiles running around made things more interesting. The setting of System Shock 2 is pretty cool, but the fact that you're essentially all alone is a bit of a turnoff for me. It's also a knock against Bioshock, though I still think it'll be an excellent game. For a long time Deus Ex and Half-Life were essentially a tie for #1 on my favourite game list. Looking back now, Half-Life inclusion seems to be a bit more nostalgia based when I last played through it, so I ended up officially considering Deus Ex my favourite game, as even today I can still get engaged in the game almost unlike no other.
  22. What, no Roli? Where's Jussi? And did you rally to beat the dreaded Flames, Alan? Or ia that like a post game summary? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's the full play-by-play of the entire game. It was a preseason game, which is why both Jussi and Roli weren't in net, as well as why Stortini was actually playing. That actually wasn't the best one. There was one where it essentially said "Stortini told the ref that that call sucked" or something to that effect. I laughed.
  23. I'm not so sure. I imagine your mileage may vary, but I don't find it very hard to get a refund, or at the very least store credit (which might as well be a refund, because I'm just going to use it to get another game), even for computer games. I have actually been able to successfully return a computer game a few hours later simply because I told them I thought the game was crap (the store was Future Shop).
  24. and the killers of the elderly? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same thing. If you brutally murder an old woman, say hello to the horses who like running in opposite ways with parts of you attached. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And what about the killers of 20 year old males? Sucks to be one of the people that don't qualify under "almost."
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