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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I have the ollllllllllllllllllld version of Jagged Alliance 2. I think my install version is literaly 1.00 or maybe 1.01 A common patch I think was to 1.06! Been a while since I played though, so I'm not too sure.
  2. Why would a Hard Drive be necessarily faster if they had more open space? Is the moving of the head onto different tracks really that much of a time waster?
  3. I thought there was a key for change ammo type in SS2 as well.
  4. What version of the game do I need to patch it to (if any)? I suppose I could just check out the link.
  5. I remember playing SS2 with my friend, and I forgot I had tons of AP rounds when we were fighting all the turrets and robots. So he was using anti-personnel rounds (which sucked). Then when we got into fighting tThe Many, I found the AP rounds, and laughed as I gave it to him. At least he could use the AP rounds against The Many now :D Calax, I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised if the combat mode was Deus Ex in style. Where a headshot would still do headshot damage. It's just you might not be entirely accurate. I wouldn't worry about shots to the knees equally headshot and whatnot.
  6. The only JA game I have played is the 2nd one! I get the internet tomorrow so I should be able to try that neat fan patch, sans the air strikes again.
  7. The hollow points became goofy though, as there was a magical critical failure hit that allowed you to bypass armor entirely. So my full burst of JHP rounds into the dude wearing Enclave Armor would rip him to shreds. There was almost no need to use AP rounds, as I found it more effective to just hope for the critical. Of course if it was the Gauss cannon than all bets were off. It just shot through whatever it wanted anyways.
  8. I put things like hands and feet on the low end of the totem pole.
  9. But, do I play a CRPG for its combat? I love Fallout for its setting, and atmosphere. It has great wit and great humour. I think my statement is still fair...if I'm looking for a Fallout combat experience, I'll play Silent Storm (or probably Jagged Alliance, as I have found that game again!!!) I play Fallout for many reasons, but (particularly now) combat isn't really one of them. The things I love about Fallout are also easily transferable things, which is why I'm optimistic about Fallout 3.
  10. I still have to play Far Cry. Never did play Prey, nor Invisible War. The thing is, if IW had it, then you'd have to criticize pretty much every FPS style game in years.
  11. When I first played Fallout, I loved the combat for the over the top death scenes. I also remember being down to one health, fighting a death claw, and figuring I needed a critical hit. So I aimed for the head, and boom! At the time it was probably one of the best combat crpgs. But what did it have to go up against? It certainly hasn't stood the test of time (combat wise) IMO. If I'm looking for a Fallout like combat experience, I'll play Silent Storm.
  12. Which would be similar to System Shock. They are still trying to tell a story. Besides, even in a "free roamer," if the key to Door A is in section B, which is behind locked Door B, you're still going to need to get the key to Door B before you can get the key to Door A. As for the hands on the consoles...which game did have that?
  13. If thinks are as bad as these articles make them out to be, then I wouldn't be surprised if people stick with XP, and don't use WMP 11.
  14. THat's probably the point I remember reading about it in a PC Gamer, but I don't remember the details.
  15. I never played it. I did play Super Star Wars though.
  16. The suspense of waiting in Fallout was, quite literally, killing me. It looks like the poll question, and the thread title, conflict.
  17. They did have interesting ideas. But the thing is, I agree with Volourn that often times the bugs weren't "minor." Having said that, I loved Bloodlines and it sounds like I got lucky. I did hit one gamestopping bug at the end, but fortunately I enjoyed the game enough I actually didn't mind restarting the game.
  18. There's something phisiologically different about them, that lets them process something (Adam I think it is called) that the others need to survive. Unfortunately for them, only the little sisters are able to process it. Biological experiments gone wrong!
  19. Kinky. If only those new emoticons were available!
  20. alanschu


    Eric Lindros and Owen Nolan better be able to score against junior and minor league hockey players.
  21. You seem surprised by this. I've seen screenshots and concept art for quite a while that depicted the "Big Daddys" as people inside the old deep sea diving suit. As an aside, the fact that they can walk around out of water in them is actually a remarkable feat of strength.
  22. Meh, I continue with my ninja abilities. Though I have hit level 25 in restoration. I am about 20 in Illusion I think too.
  23. Certainly all combat systems are different. I thought Dungeon Siege was pretty boring myself. To eahc their own, I suppose. I don't understand this concept of "waiting as a flaw" or whatever some of you seem to be saying. In a game of turns, you wait your turn. Its not a flaw; its the rule. Or a rule anyway. If you don't like the rules of the game, it doesn't mean the game is flawed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The wait when fighting the regulators was nearly unbearable. What should have been an exciting part of the game had me not playing the game for 3-4 minute intervals at a time.
  24. Looking forward to this one. I can't watch the video at work though, and I don't have internet at home until tomorrow.
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