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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. After playing games today, I could definitely see the joinable NPCs of Fallout 1 and even 2 really turning some people off.
  2. What do you expect? A moment ago you were upset because you thought that the actual game was playable on a Cell Phone, yet needs high end graphics cards for the PC.
  3. That's impossible, because Madden 94 is the greatest sports game.... no greatest game ever!!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who was talking about the greatest sports game?
  4. Well, I think Civ 2 is the best Civilization game ever made ... my friend just downloaded it (it uses 4MB of RAM!) and hasn't been able to stop playing it since ... and he just bought a new Core 2 Duo XPS system (and just finished Quake IV). Some games defy their age. For example, there isn't a lot you can do to Tetris ... or Deus Ex! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fair enough. Given that the sequels differ enough from Civ2, it's easy to say that. And there's always exceptions. I wouldn't be surprised if many still played Civ 2 just because it was first. The real test of time is (and I assume this is the case with your friend) whether or not someone that didn't play it when it first came out (and preferrably has played similar games since), picks it up and immediately prefers it to all others.
  5. Not only that, but depending on an expansion, the costs are significantly lower than a full fledged game.
  6. Man, if that was the case, I'd make sure my pawns and knights had plenty of kids, because Gothic Knights rock!
  7. Volourn said that WW was available for download too. It's on the 1st page.
  8. If the people of Sweden love their health care that much, and the right-wingers actually want to stay in power, I doubt they'll make too many drastic changes to it. However, it is possible that another party looking over it could help weed out some systemic inefficiencies.
  9. Ah yes, I like open standards too. Stuff like OpenGL. I don't know if DirectX is technically an open standard (I have no idea), but at least they dropped the licensing fee for it so it is free to use. The thing I hated most about 3dfx was there insistence on trying to get support for Glide. As nVidia and ATI became more common though, it was less utilized because developers weren't going to cut out huge parts of the installed base. The fact that many of them (at least up to Voodoo3) never natively supported OpenGL and it had to use the classic MiniGL wrapper was also mind boggling.
  10. I'd vote for change just because it's change. I'm curious how "right wing" the right-wing conservatives really would be. I mean, the Democrats in the USA are considered left-wing, but plant them in Sweden and they'd probably be hardcore conservative fundamentalists. The more left-wing party (excluding the marginal, actual left-wing party the NDP) of Canada is the Liberal Party, but they're still more on the right of the spectrum. I'm betting that the Right-Wing party of Sweden would be seen as almost Communist over in the USA. Maybe not. The problem I find with governments that stay in power too long is that they start to get the feeling that they can do whatever they want and people will still vote for them. Albertans vote rightwing all the time, probably more as a response to the fact that they didn't like the more left-wing federal government. As a result, our provincial government is less accountable IMO, because people are so anti-Liberal that they'll vote conservative regardless. There's little reason (outside of some responsibility that I hope they all have) to listen to the electorate. If a government has been in power for 70 years (or at least a good chunk of it, without a break in recent years), it might be good to vote them out just to let them know that they still need to make sure they hold the country's best interests at heart. I think it's also bad because people seem to have no idea what the other government party will be like. So then they continue to vote the incumbent because it's the enemy they know. The same thing happens here in Canada. There were people that figured things would go to absolute **** if the Conservatives were voted into power. Despite the fact that investigations by the auditor general showed serious misdealings and mismanagement with money in recent years with the previous government (that had been in power from 1993 to 2004), people still thought that things would be so bad with the Conservatives that they'd rather put up with the misuse of public funds. In fact, I think Oerwinde (a guy that was against the Conservatives getting into power) actually made a post on these forums commenting his surprise that things didn't go immediately down the drain when Stephen Harper became Prime Minister. Unfortunately, I think the silly smear campaigns of the Liberals really did an excellent job of painting the Conservatives in a horrible light.
  11. How long as the current government been in power in Sweden?
  12. hahaha, I totally read that as "Unger-Manic" and it made absolutely no sense
  13. Stupid governments not actually using standardized terms. I've actually had someone claim that China was a republic, because it was the People's Republic of China.
  14. Hahaha, yeah, that part in Transporter 2 was awful. I really enjoyed the first Transporter, but Transporter 2 sucked IMO. I image Crank is over the top, but hopefully it's in more of a Transporter style than Transporter 2.
  15. I think that that one was already vetoed. Which is good because I think it's crap.
  16. Well, I was under the impression that the term spawned from Germany's use for it, so I've always likened it to Fascism when the title fascism just wasn't extreme enough. More like fascism++ The description you said makes sense if you analyze both the words. It's just the only context I have ever seen National Socialist used was with the National Socialist party in 1930s Germany.
  17. I'm not sure what the heck EA was thinking with their default control scheme. They ended up putting the default shoot buttons on the right shoulder, and while they have pass on the right analog stick which can be nice, the pass button is on the left shoulder. But the switch player while on defense is still button 2 ('X' on a PS2 controller), which while on offense is spin-o-rama. And the old school mainstays for slapshot and wrist shot have been replaced by dive and block pass/shot. I should be able to fix the controls to put shoot back, but the defensive switch player is permanently bound to spin-o-rama. Boo-urns.
  18. See, I would hardly call the Nazi Party as being anything similar to a social democrat. But wasn't the term essentially invented because they referred to themselves as National Socialist?
  19. I'm not against "non-commercial" interests. I don't consider the funding that my own country and province (which is Alberta, king of the right wing in all of Canada) in terms of cultural heritage and whatnot as being mere "make work" jobs either (the previous federal governments creation of 50,000 overpasses in the Atlantic to create work for seasonal workers is the boondoggle). Especially when investment into cultural heritage can also have positive effects for things such as Nationalism (if on the national scale, like you are talking about), and can be used for educational purposes. They also can potentially provide tourist revenue. How old are you talking about for these old employees that still have their jobs, despite no longer really being able to function in them? Why do they still have those jobs? Essentially, the "make work" isn't so much your job, but rather the job of the person that you have to show how to use their email. I can understand that there could be positive side effects to keeping someone employed rather than letting them go. Even if welfare is good enough for them to live on, there's feelings of pride in maintaining a job, and shame in losing it, regardless of whether you are still taken care of. However, is it in the best interests of the country to be doing so? It sounds like they are paying someone to have you show them how to do their job. Perhaps incentives should be provided for those that are able to accomplish competency in the tasks they need to require. I guess this would suck for you as you'd be out of a job since these people would be competent. But then the government could use the money that would have been invested into a job where you (or them, if they couldn't develop competency) aren't overlapping with someone else's job. I guess your job could be the one that develops competency in the older people, in which case that wouldn't be so bad. By the sounds of things though, I wouldn't worry about you losing your job, but rather the person that no longer has the competency to do their job correctly that you are training. Also, I'm a big fan of making sure governments rotate occassionally. I'm pretty right-wing (though I don't feel left-wing is bad, just not a perspective that I feel is best), but I'm still going to vote for the more left-wing Liberal party in our next Provincial Election. The right-wing conservative party has been in power for like 3 decades or something stupid, and change is as good as the rest. And despite my preference in right-wing fiscal policies, I'm a huge supporter of full universal education and health care. Just thought I'd toss that in
  20. Is your "spin-o-rama" button shared with the "switch player" when on defense?
  21. I suspect you were doing something wrong, because I was able to beat them without having Atton level up in the game at all (I was saving them for Jedi Levels, and he wasn't a jedi yet).
  22. The maker is Rob Bartel and he didn't cancel the sequels, unfortunately Bioware pulled him off of it to work on SoU and HotU.
  23. Nope, I'm one of those paranoid about my house burning down people. I'll wait for the new cooling tech, or whatever the heck it is. :ph34r: But I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally want that game <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aren't the heat issues a bit overstated (and rather old news)?
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