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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. It's seriously the only reason why people can claim that NHL '94 is the bestest NHL game ever.
  2. It's easy to say that because Anakin is actually able to be in all of them. I heard the same thing too, and I don't entirely disagree. But it's clear that the original trilogy revolves around Luke. During breaks in the action we don't see to much of Vader chilling on the Executor, but Luke training in Degobah, or Luke rescuing his friend Han on Tatooine. Luke destroys the Death Star, and defeats the badass Vader.
  3. Were you not around when Valve first announced Team Fortress 2? I think if anything they just learned their lesson. The thing is, Lucasarts already had a KOTOR 3 in development without us knowing about it. Unless I'm mistaken, the first news we heard about KOTOR 3 was that the team was laid off when Lucasarts went through its restructuring.
  4. I preferred the original Mechwarrior over Mechwarrior 2. It's kind of ironic, because the original has wholly inferior graphics, a non-existent sound track, and PC speaker sound. The game mechanics aren't even really all that correct, as the AC-5 was represented as a floating 3-D diamond, and the SRM and LRM packs only displayed a single missile. But the setting and novelty totally took me by storm. I loved the fact that you were essentially a mercenary, and could build standings with the various Houses. I didn't even recognize that the game did have a story, and I essentially played until I was 87 years old. The news ticker quit reporting news a LOOOOOOONG time ago. But I still loved doing missions. Even if I was decked out entirely with a squad of Battlemasters that would absolutely rip you to shreds once it got you into medium range.
  5. I'd actually say the movies are about the Skywalkers, as Luke is definitely the focus of the original trilogy.
  6. If you are to pick someone that the 6 movies revolve around, Anakin/Vader is an infinitely better choice. How can you say the whole conflict revolves around him in the movies, when he doesn't even appear in one of them, and in another one of them he only shows up for a brief moment to listen to Vader's report on the Executor. The movies were not made around Palpatine, no matter how much you may think Palpatine is the best. Palpatine's roles were ancillary to a great number of characters in the Star Wars movies. And there's no way a video game character is going to come close to the most popular Star Wars character of all time. I guarantee that the vast majority of people that have seen the Star Wars movies, have no idea what the heck Knights of the Old Republic even is. Given the nostaligic factor of the original movies, and how they set the standard by which all others would be judged, I'd have to pick someone from the original Trilogy. I'd probably go with one of Luke (he is pretty much the hero of the OT), Vader (the antagonist, and an all round badass), or Han (scores huge points because he's played by Harrison Ford, hence turns in a decent performance. He's also a scoundrel who, while isn't a bad person, plays by his own rules. He oozes charisma and has a definite swagger about him). Honorable mention could go to Obi-Wan, because IMO his stock skyrocketted after the new trilogy. Which isn't too surprising, given that he, along with Natalie Portman, were far and away the best actors in the original Trilogy. Unfortunately for Portman, her character wasn't written all that well.
  7. Sorry, but logic isn't on his side. It's all guessing. Half-Life 2 was an infinitely bigger game than any of the KOTORs ever will be, and it was able to stay under wraps for years. 4 of them to be precise. So claiming that because KOTOR 3 "is a big project" means nothing. The fact that you make all encompassing statements (use of the word always is typically a big no-no, and it definitely applies in your case) is also laughable. Depending on what stage of development the game could be in, it's entirely possible that they are still deep in preproduction. I don't recall there ever being any news that a KOTOR 3 was in development, but there clearly was one, because Lucasarts commented during their restructuring that they let the in house team working on it go. For the record, I don't think KOTOR 3 is in development. But it is all just guesses. Don't presume to know anything. And certainly don't make bogus claims that use absolute words like "always."
  8. What's your disappointment with Requiem have to do with Obsidian making a Vampire RPG?
  9. alanschu


    Belfour is not unemployed, he is signed in Florida.
  10. When you say "Battletech," are you referring to the giant mech universe, which games such as BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge and Mechwarrior take place in?
  11. It could be the excessive anti-social, introverted nature of the Swedes', which is only cured by excessive drinking, and Kaftan's parents dipped a bit too much into the sauce while he was still incubating as a fetus.
  12. I'm pretty sure a good chunk of "the reason" was a bit more than merely "they had the right to," as there were definitely people saying "what were the images being shown?" among the public. The thing is, once they are getting published in other countries, is there anything that Denmark could have really done about it?
  13. How good is your created defensemen? I usually create a centerman, and even though I don't have an arbitrary cap, he usually peaks out at an overall of around 80.
  14. At the same time, the region wasn't really known for being lovey dovey prior to the US involvement in Iran/Iraq. If you wanted to pick something, it probably would have been better to pick the formation of Israel (though from what I gather, the area was still rather hostile before that).
  15. I'm assuming it is ranked (1st place votes are worth more, and so on). If that is the case, then yes. If all votes are equal, then you can attach it to the end.
  16. Throw the dead horse into my #3 position.
  17. Well, in the initial article they commented why they invited the artists to draw Muhammed. EDIT: And I never said anything of the sort. YOu asked: And I answered it.
  18. Oh, how I wish we had the new smileys. In any case, preparing for the future: :naughty:
  19. Because if you disagree with something (say, religion in general), people like to talk about the negative things about it as it will reaffirm why they don't like it.
  20. Yes, I am sure that that is exactly what the artists were thinking.
  21. It'd be cool if Chris Avellone wasn't such a tightass all the time, and would lighten up a bit! :sarcasm: (preparing for the new smiley!)
  22. My original was able to work....I don't know if I needed to do any tweaking though. I remember having to turn down sound acceleration to get the Ron Perlman narratives to work properly.
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