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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. He was also talking as if he knew the rules of WoD when it came to the werewolf (which I took at face value, assume he did have experience with werewolves in the WoD), only to have Spider come in and enlighten us to the actual characteristics of the werewolf in WoD, which did not coincide with Hades' expectations. I'd suggest taking his claims with a grain of salt.
  2. I just ordered a brand new copy for 50 cents. I'll blame you if I don't get my money's worth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pffft, the second you get to the main menu of the game you'll have gotten your money's worth. Yes, the main menu is THAT good. I should reinstall this game again.
  3. I don't mind psychological horror. The horror that is really all in your head is kind of cool. Suspense = fun. Blood and gore = meh.
  4. Why not? Should people be able to circumvent anything simply by finding a way to incorporate religion into it? Does the woman really need to have her cross hanging out for all to see (since from what I understand, the company has little problems with it being tucked in her shirt). If it's somehow protected simply because it's a religious symbol, can we take the slippery slope to the extreme, and allow myself to tattoo a cross on each buttock and then be allowed to walk around in public with no pants on? And is a veil really so cherished, when the person that "requires" it had no problems taking it off for job interviews?
  5. I hope you brought enough for me! EDIT: How did that emoticon miss the nominations?!?!
  6. Were the aliens ever really explained? I was never really a big fan.
  7. I'm sure the middle eastern media are the beacons of truth however.
  8. alanschu


    Maybe the Oil can snag Forsberg for a bag of pucks!
  9. Yes. Open and shut case for 7 figures I imagine. The emotional trauma!
  10. alanschu


    I have Briere and forgot to play him "Fortunately," he only had two points.
  11. I have absolutely no idea how on Earth you came to that conclusion. Besides, if I didn't know any better, I could probably make a case about you making a quibble about someone's religious beleifs, and how they perceive God. Or it's just some more confirmation bias. I found it hilarious that it wasn't an issue when she was applying for the job.
  12. "Why don't you just put her in charge!?!" (I am having images of what was said just prior to Lady Crimson and Darque becoming moderators).
  13. No it's not, it's just you finding support for your position that JE is better than other games that people have argued with you about on this forum. It's funny that you have opinions on the list, yet only talk about how 1 game did relative to two games you have argued with people on this forum about. And it's not that people don't like it when a different opinion is shared (you could certainly toss yourself into that category, given your previous fanatical defenses of Jade Empire), it's that people don't like it when someone continuously restates that same opinion multiple times. Which you have done in your repeated discussions of Jade Empire. We get it, you like the game.
  14. The hammer knows all. And the hammer is also anxiously awaiting NWN2. Though I am thinking I'll probably hold the course and go with the noble Paladin my first playthrough (which is usually what I do for most D&D games it seems), I may consider something different. Not sure what though.
  15. Little known fact: In Canada, Canadian Bacon is known as... Ham. It was funny, I was in the US a while back and we went for Pizza, and the place we were at had the "Canadian" which was pineapple, and canadian bacon. Here, we call that a Hawaiian. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Canadian Bacon is not ham. Canadian Bacon is back bacon, which comes from the loins in the back of the pig. Ham is from the thigh.
  16. It's like the common house rule in blackjack that lets you win if you can successfully "hit" for 5 cards.
  17. Talk with your school counselors and discuss financial assistance and trying to find a place close to your school. Also, explore avenues for public transportation. Where do you live?
  18. Well, without Bioware we wouldn't currently be celebrating this game. Sure they'd be making another, but if NWN was really that horrible, I doubt any of us would be excited for NWN2.
  19. Nah, they'd probably have a ton of AP or something and he'd accidentally click on the wrong spot to move to.
  20. I don't remember an "aim for the head" quote. I suppose I'll have to watch again. I remember it being Hicks looking over to Ripley saying "Remember: short controlled bursts"
  21. Aliens showed me the awesomeness that is Michael Biehn and Bill Paxton. Game over man!
  22. It's a thread made about completely arbitrary value judgements (an IGN list) Argument comes naturally to it. You might as well start a "vanilla is better than chocolate" thread. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was more referring to Volo's rather tenacious reiterations of how much better JE is than the games he has listed. He's gone on about it numerous times before, and it seemed like this thread was just an excuse to start it up again, while falling back on the veil that it's a discussion about IGN's list.
  23. This just seems like a thread created to start arguments.
  24. Well, I made it to the Superbowl, where my QB faced off against fellow Pro Bowler Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Unfortunately for the Patriots, they were riddled with injuries. They were down to their third string HB, and most of the offensive line was also out for the game. Given I have one of the best defensive lines in the game, I almost felt bad for New England. To add insult to injury, good chunks of their secondary was hurt, which made dissecting their defense even easier. By the end of the 1st Quarter it was 21-0, and by the end of the half it was 35-0. Their first point came early in the third quarter, when Santana Moss fumbled a punt in our redzone. The score ended up 63-14, and Clinton Portis rushed for 260 yards, and 5 TDs, including a 74 yard TD. My QB was solid as well, throwing for 305 yards, going 17-20 on the night, with 3 TD passes. On the plus side, it seems like we were able to keep most of our core together. I told my agent I was interested in staying in Washington, and they rewarded me with a 3 year, 42 million contract, with an $11 million signing bonus. Brandon Lloyd also signed a 5 year deal, and most of the key players are here for 3-4 years. I smell potential dynasty here.
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