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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. At least he's not out running around and potentially hurting himself!
  2. Oh believe me, I know To be honest I noticed negligible difference in my power bill when I did turn off my computer.
  3. Well, let's look at it this way. Moments after this thread was started, there's some chap named Sand that is suddenly posting in the threads that Hades was in. Oddly enough, despite the fact that your account was created on the 6th, it's only just after Hades posts this thread that you suddenly become a very active participant in the forum, and the threads that he was actively posting in just today. Furthermore, you're active in a thread about a forum member that, for all intents and purposes, you wouldn't even know.
  4. My first instincts also have Sand being Hades.
  5. And here I was thinking his name was actually Harvey.
  6. If it's as restrictive as some are hyping it up to be, I bet many people don't stay on board, and will probably end up using a Unix system in Mac OS X.
  7. Well, I imagine that some will argue that the insurgents are killing innocents because of the US forces presence. Though I don't know if I agree with that. If news came out that the insurgents were doing some hardcore slaughter of the innocents, and committing mass genocide in response to the presence of the US troops, I doubt I'd attribute those deaths to the US forces.
  8. I was under the impression that he was returning under a new moniker.
  9. Sorry, I was referring to the reports from the Iraqi government directly. If not the reports themselves, then some sort of commentary on them. EDIT: I just went to www.iraqbodycount.com for the first time, and it doesn't even seem like it's a poor choice of word to use maximum. There's a box with "Civilians reported killed by military intervention in Iraq" with the min/max. I suppose someone could read that wrong, but I don't know if that's the fault of IBC. And any ambiguity goes away when you view the database. The word you should be mad over is the term "reported." Because by reported he is meaning reported in the news.
  10. I'm not sure where you got the idea with Iraq Body Count being deceitful with their use of the word "maximum," as they're quoted in this article: EDIT: Do you know where I can find these reports?
  11. I was under the impression that the numbers the Iraqi government came up with were referring to civilian deaths directly attributed to live combat, not some of the "if the war blows up a hospital, and a guy hurt doing something completely uninvolved in the war ends up dying because the hospital is destroyed, so add one two the war casualty" numbers, nor deaths that are completely unrelated to the conflict. Unless you're referring to something else when you talk about their "results for normal deaths."
  12. Well, they put KB (which is kilobyte, not kilobit) in parenthesis right beside it. How slow is 128kbps now-a-days? I was able to survive on old phone lines that didn't get me more than 26.4 kbps, until the bulk of the internet decided to use images more frequently.
  13. The thing is, it seems as though the "solution" is to prevent the odd severe accident from happening, which likely only happens to a small (I'd wager significantly small, as no one was ever permanently hurt in any of my schools during recess) minority of people. Yes, it does suck if you are that one person, or if you're that child's parents, but this "solution" places restrictions on the activities of all children, and they will all be subjected to a childhood that is less active. Furthermore, this will probably also set an example for the children as well. A large part of school is the socialization effect it has on the children. But restricting physical activity because of the possibility of injury sends the message that not being physically active is preferred. It will reinforce them to not be as active, as the active behaviours became looked down upon, restricted, and most likely punished. Or alternatively, kids will see the restraints as being artificial, and begin to resist and reject societies rules. Kind of like the social contract not holding up, so the kids don't buy into it. Quite frankly, I blame the media and society in general. We're being morphed into a culture of fear, where teachers require a third party observer if they need to talk to a child one-to-one during recess or after school. Where a few shootings at a school spawn debate as to whether or not teachers should carry concealed firearms. Where you don't want to leave your child unattended for a second, because pedophiles and kidnappers lurk around every corner. Where parents are not content in letting kids do what they themselves did while growing up. It's sickening.
  14. As long as it's not in the hands of a n00b. EDIT: I agree, the lack of mana burn sucks.
  15. For the longest time, I never even tried to kill her there, and always got her at UNATCO.
  16. Wow, I had quite the run-on sentence to start things off with that post.
  17. Would exposure to someone wearing a veil offer any significant form of acclimatization to other religions?
  18. I have never seen the term "bad actor" used in this context before. Just, well, bad actors. Learn something new everyday. In any case, what "tragedy" are they preventing. I suppose someone could suffer serious, permanent injury when playing tag. But how does restricting physical activity help with say, the epidemic of obesity? Is it better to prevent the tragedy of a single individual possibly getting seriously hurt, or the tragedy of a lifetime of health problems because kids aren't allowed to be active any more. Seriously, what set this precedent? A relatively short 15 years ago, if I got hurt playing some touch football at recess, I'd spend some time in the nurse's room, and maybe get some bandages. I doubt that my parents at any time considered the prospect of suing my school.
  19. I disagree, you can still comfortably watch YouTube at that speed. My peak bandwidth was 2.5 Mbit at my old place, and while that is twice as fast, that's only assuming I was able to actually get that bandwidth from YouTube. In any case, they were plenty fast with that connection, and I doubt it's a world of inconvenience at half the speed.
  20. I don't remember the last time I turned off my computer.
  21. For the record, I am not a casual gamer, and am a roleplayer, and I find myself enjoying the Paladin, and don't feel stifled at all. Especially seeing that, as a roleplayer, what class I start off with is irrelevant because I'm going to play the role of my character, whatever class I may be. If "we" don't want to be forced into playing a hero all the time, there's nothing stopping you from that...even if you start the game off as a Paladin. I have played through games as a Paladin that falls before, and I enjoyed them. If on my first playthrough of NWN2 I feel like that is the situation, I'll do it. It only becomes restrained if you're specifically trying to keep the Paladin class and progress fully, which isn't really roleplaying as far as I'm concerned. And the expansions had the Blackguard PrC, which pretty much seemed like an evil Paladin IIRC.
  22. Though 128 KBps is hardly restrictive. Until I moved I was going at 250 KBps, and that's hella fast.
  23. 1.2 GB of RAM? Did someone put in a single stick of 1 GB and a single 256 MB??
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