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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Just a heads up, but weren't a lot of RPGs promised to be as good as BG2? I was hoping for something a bit more specific.
  2. You don't already have a pair?!??!
  3. What is it about Jefferson that makes you want it so badly?
  4. To slightly add to that spoiler, that fixed NPC eventually becomes a free NPC slot (upping it to 4).
  5. Unless you're an idealogue that totally buys into their platform, I'm guessing that taks' idea of splitting the power is not a bad idea at all.
  6. I have a feeling that unless you actively try to sabotage your character, you should have no problems with the game with most character builds. I went through as just a plain ol' Rogue/Assassin, and until I got hide in plain site I wasn't particularly uber-strong. Qara melts faces though.
  7. I have no problems if a modmaker decides to sell their mod. It's essentially no different than if the mod had been discountinued, if you aren't interested in paying for it. As for people concerned about the slippery slope of all mods being for sale, I wouldn't worry too much about it. The big mods like Counterstrike, Red Orchestra, and Day of Defeat all became markettable because they had huge fanbases from their free days. I've yet to see a piss poor PC game mod be for sale. And even if I did, I wouldn't get it, since it'd be piss poor. As metadigital pointed out, it's following the shareware mechanic that used to be so common in the 90s. I'm all for it and if people can take a high quality mod and sell it, all the power to them. It's no skin off of any of our backs (including BG2 modders) if you want to sell your mod. Depending on the scale, it can become quite an expensive hobby.
  8. To clarify things, Khelgar does not multiclass into a monk. If you choose to go the Monk route with Khelgar, it resets his level back to level 1, with Monk as his class. He still keeps his experience, so you can quickly level him back up to where he was, but he's not a Fighter/Monk. I'm not sure why they did it this way, but that's the way it was done. As far as other NPCs, I'm unaware of any of them having the option to have their class changed after my first playthrough with the game.
  9. As far as I know not to cycle. But the function keys are what I use for selecting characters quickly.
  10. I knew he reminded me of someone. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> EDIT: (it was kind of spoilerish) Bevil's not so bad.
  11. You obviously hadn't done anything in the game after learning of the charges laid upon you when you wrote this. They tell you explicitly to talk to someone at Port Llast regarding the details of your trial. The first thing you do when talking to him is learn about a witness. As for the trial being a sham, well no duh. It's a contraption designed by the people who's plans you are interfering with. As for Lord Nasher's willingness to go along with it, first he his a law abiding citizen. The town of Ember has been annihilated, and you're being cited as the cause. Second, Neverwinter is still recovering from the plague and the war. Greycloaks are all green, and he's concerned about the population at all. Not only that, but it's a major atrocity where the masses are going to want SOMEONE to pay for those crimes. Anyone will do. Just so happens that someone has conveniently pointed the finger to you, the dirty Harborman. I mean, stuff like this isn't even uncommon in actual reality! I could spoil the whole outcome of the trial if you really want.
  12. Well, in the context of this game, Chaotic Evil certainly doesn't mean psychotic. I was Neutral Evil to start the game, and ended up Chaotic Evil, because of my disregard for law. I also lied a lot. All those contributed to Chaotic points.
  13. THat's not true. THere's witnesses fingering you at the scene, executing innocents.
  14. The only real issue I have with the game are some interface issues, as well as AI (but you'll hear me criticize virtually every game for its AI, so meh). I don't even care that the attack animation for Cleave doesn't show up (making Great Cleave with a powerful character a particularly humourous site).
  15. If you'd prefer, they could have Khelgar or Bishop as the romance option.
  16. I love the fact that spells are no longer annoying to cast. There are interface quirks (inventory, left-clicking to target teammates), but I don't mind the interface. The radial menu was a neat idea, but I felt it was layered too deep that it made some things difficult to find and use quickly (like spells).
  17. Yeah, I got the mage just fine too. AFAIK, the only one I missed was Guyven.
  18. I'll admit that I did shift to the Normal difficulty after a bit, but it wasn't because I was finding Hardcore too difficult, but rather because I didn't feel like micromanaging my spell casters with puppet mode, and the fact that I actually wanted to see what these cool spell effects looked like.
  19. Assuming there is anyone next. I know she suggests different people later in the game though. She probably would suggest Deekin (since I never had Deekin for a suggestion). Furthermore, she doesn't need to suggest anyone for you to actually acquire them, so if you're that willing to fill up your keep, just go around to the different areas.
  20. I doubt you're coming anywhere close to unlocking most of the dialogue options in a single playthrough. I was getting dialogue options with the Tumble skill. I bet there's also dialogue options with the Perform skill, which your fighter won't have. It seems almost every skill at one point had a dialogue option attached to it. Not to mention the attribute related dialogue options, which likely need a value of around 14 to get (this is the Intelligence/Wisdom stuff). The theives skills such as spot are also used.
  21. I remember getting to a point where he says something along the lines of "No more adventuring for me" before Crossroad Keep, so that's probably what happened, and why I couldn't find him either.
  22. Errr, if you're not using puppet mode, wouldn't that mean you ARE using the AI?
  23. Not above maximum though. Just keep it in mind. I find the difficulty decreases exponentially with each additional character to boot, but meh. Though you would probably get more party interactions. If you want to try it though, give it a whirl yourself.
  24. does this mean that you can get 5 NPCs in your team? And does that happen late in the game? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't know if there's a part where you get 5, but I know there's parts where you get 4. And while I don't know if there's a part where you get specifically FIVE, there are parts where you get everyone. Taking into effect some other areas, I have had up to 8 other people in my party, not including summoned creatures, in my party (9 if you count the PC). Keep in mind that raising it earlier will make the game even easier.
  25. Not true! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Odd. Then why couldn't I select Shadow Thief of Amn (nor any other prestige class) after I became an assassin? I'll have to double check this...I remember wanting to be a Shadow Thief of Amn, but not being able to choose it (and yes, I did have the feat). EDIT: Aha, it seems as though I did not have the required bluff skills. As for every other prestige class, it turns out I just didn't have the prerequisites for them, except for Shadow Dancer, which is right below the base classes so I didn't notice it. Me = dumb. And IMO, while Bishop may be an arrogant sexist pig, he's probably one of the more interesting NPCs I have seen. I agree with Volo that he is well written. Just because someone is arrogant and sexist doesn't mean that they are poorly written. I rather like the fact that there is an arrogant jerk in the game because, not too surprisingly, they DO exist in actual reality. I'm not sure what the Forgotten Realms should be a happy happy place where things like that don't exist.
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