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Everything posted by MaxQuest

  1. Most likely most of team were moved to the new project. Some designer plus few juniors might be left working on the minor, asset-related issues. But without programmers, they might not be able to tune the values, or fix the code which goes into Assembly-CSharp.dll. There goes stuff like: Riposte, def+reflex stacking on quick save/load, double proccing of spell-holding effects. Although that's just speculation and rationalization.
  2. Well he's a fox So it kind of fits him. But, iirc, he has a lower Con. I was thinking to aggregate all the findings in a separate thread. But few more testings have to be done first. Also, I still don't know where does the inter-action delay come from. ---- update ---- Posted it here.
  3. You are welcome Huh, interesting... Have checked and can confirm that:
  4. Have tried a few. It seems that it was said wrong) - Pet attacks are considered single-weapon - Pet attacks suffer from a 40% armor penalty - They do benefit from Dex - Different companions have different Dex. Exact stats here. Indeed they are considered DW and cat/stelgaer forms attack the fastest. Although boar form potentially might be also worthy of class builders' attention, due to it's damage over time. P.S. More registered weapon data:
  5. Who cares. I would consider even a wand barbarian aka ferocious fairy, if it would proc carnage
  6. Well, statistically he might get interrupted once on a slow attack, or thrice on fast attacks that are three times faster. Another thing to consider: plate doesn't hinder dps of reloading weapons that much. And you could up DEX to 14 at the expense of Resolve. Btw, anyone knows how does interruption work exactly? I was under impression that when you get interrupted, a quick interruption animation is played. If you was going through attack phase you will have to start over again. If you was mid-recovery, you continue further. In any case the recovery duration is getting increased as interruption duration (those 0.5, 0.75 numbers from weapons) are appended to it's end. Or it's not so? Btw, I do like Boeror's suggestion for going DW in order to capitalize on FoD attacks. Two average melee weapons will provide dmg close to that of an arquebuss (depending on target DRs), on the full attacks. Double Whispers, double Resolutions, double Bittercuts or Shatterstar + Strikehard/Godansthunyr (for dwarf thematics) could work really well for that.
  7. Viable? Yes. Optimal? Not sure... There are only two FoD attacks per encounter. This makes you want to use the slowest and the hardest-hitting weapons. Specifically arquebuses or at least pistols/arbalests. Actually you could use these weapons while standing in the frontline too and target the far standing ranged enemies, who tend to have lower deflection and lower fortitude (which is handy in case you will choose arbalests) So a variant could be: a frontline paladin with hard-hitting reloading weapons, who has high Con to compensate for the lack of shield (in easy-medium) encounters, who makes great use of FoD alpha-striking. And who is switching to 1h+shield tanking during boss encounters. High fort and reflex (i.e. high Con, Might and Dex) do greatly help at that. Although you'll have to monitor how does AI behave in the absence of disengagement penalty. Btw, you have mentioned several times that you like resolve for the provided concentration. But could you elaborate on why does the weapon speed matter?
  8. So far, only two ways do come in mind: - either you get high Con to make him a main tank. A study fellow who will tank the dragons for you. With high fortitude and reflex. Resolve can be lowered to 10. And tbh you won't be missing those 5 deflection that much. - or you try to workaround some low defenses and capitalize on pain link and retaliation items.
  9. Yeap. It's easier to note it that way. Or x5/3 for single weapon. x5/6 for dw. To be more exact: 20/33 for fast melee weapons 30/50 for average melee, slow melee and fast ranged weapons 45/75 for average, slow, very slow and extremely slow ranged weapons Yeah. To stay in touch with empirical tests, it should be 6 frames for daggers and 7-8 for sabres/ranged weapons... Found these values in the weapon asset files: Arquebus: float ReloadTime = 6.800000 (or 204 frames) Arbalest: float ReloadTime = 6.000000 (or 180 frames) Blunderbuss: float ReloadTime = 5.000000 (or 150 frames) Crossbow: todo For reference, frapsing has yielded: Arquebus: 189 frames Arbalest: 167 frames Blunderbuss: 150 frames And 0-15 frames error stays in limit of the aforementioned 0.5s threshold.
  10. Good news guys, I've managed to patch the assembly dll and log the exact values for attack and recovery durations. Here they are (for some weapons, I had time to check so far): Few interesting things: - the game doesn't seem to use "frames" anywhere in the code. All durations are in seconds. - there is a consistent relation between attack and recovery duration, namely recovery factor. RecoveryFactor = 1.2 Single1HWeapRecovFactor = 0.5 - When you dual-wield, the default factor is used, and attack duration is divided by it in order to get the recovery duration (e.g. dw sabres: 1/1.2 = 0.833; dw daggers: 0.666/1.2 = 0.555). - When you have only one weapon equipped, an additional division by 0.5 is performed (e.g. War Bow: 1.5/1.2/0.5 = 2.5) And to answer one of my previous questions ("why does DEX doesn't affect reload duration uniformly, and why I was often getting results 0-12 frames off"): Because reloading animation is a looped one. The game periodically calls an Update() method and checks how much animation is there left to play. If it is less than hardcoded 0.5s than it sets the loop to false and plays one fragment more. Thus was emerging a possible 0-15 frames error in reloading duration. ToDo: - lookup for the inter-action delay. - check if attack phase has "animation-rounding" mechanism somewhere, like reloading phase does.
  11. The tests do show that speed enchantment on a weapon, does affect only that hand/weapon. Also durgan-refined shield does provide extra 15% to the main hand. The main benefit of DW is that you already start with a 50% bonus, and have access to Two-Handed Style talent. Which might be important in the early-mid game, before you could durganize the equipment.
  12. I am probably blind... I have inspected every single asset from the /assetbundles/prefabs/objectbundle/global.unity3d bundle. Have found weapon clips/audiobanks, textures, world time, etc; but couldn't find any AttackData like base attack time, base recovery time, the overridden values for Single1HWeapNoShieldAccuracyBonus and alike...
  13. Just checked it ingame. If you'll mouseover the damage value from the tooltip, it will display: 30 base +5 every 3 levels after 1. That's not quite true. I've checked the values on each level (at 10 MIG / 10 INT): lvl 1: 30 lvl 2: 30 lvl 3: 30 lvl 4: 40 lvl 7: 50 lvl 10: 60 lvl 13: 70 lvl 16: 80 It's actually +10 --------- And here are some enemies hp (on potd) taken from bestiary, for reference: - Unstable Construct: 165 - Rotting Flesh Construct: 627 - Fampyr: 480 - Battery Shieldwall/Defender: 142 - Animated Weapon: 206 - Adra Animat: 220 It is still so. The Dazed effect from Interdiction gets +25 acc bonus. The Weakened effect from Painfull Interdiction gets only +15 acc bonus. Without Empowered Interdiction both have +15.
  14. Na, I didn't confuse it. I've checked both spell tooltip and Suen's explanation before posting ^^ The original spell has an AoE radius, and is capable of hitting multiple targets (even through not simultaneously). That's why I do refer to it as AoE spell. I do totally understand that it should not hit 4 targets in the same instance of time. And indeed that x2 effect does not account for it. But to check a wild guess: did you see in slow-mo, all 4 being hit right at the same moment, or first two targets are hit and 1s later the other two? If so, it could be related to intellect. And it would be interesting to test this at 9, 11, 21 and 31 INT. I understand your argument. But, uhm, don't find it completely fire-proof. Because original Soul Shock spell damages those around the target. While original Returning Storm damages those around the caster. So RS proc may or may not be centered around the target.
  15. Nice catch Instead of (12*1.5)-3, it seems to be (12-3)*1.5, fenwalkers reduction scaling together with the hit quality.
  16. How does Triggered Immunity work in practice? I've read somewhere in the Tech Forums, that you can't have two immunity procs at the same time. For instance you get hit with high burning damage, and get immunity to it. Than an enemy hits you with crush damage over the threshold, and you lose your burning immunity, but get the crush one. Kind of: if the damage types do alternate triggered immunity might do close to nothing. Is that so?
  17. Weapon focus is completely optional As are the majority of those talents, except for Interdiction and Painful Interdiction themselves. The bonus provided by focus might be useful through, if you are going to let your priest hit paralyzed Eyeless with the hammer. (For example in my current party I have no one else to give that weapon). But you can indeed take Empowered Interdiction instead of it. Although it was many times reported that it provides the acc bonus only to the first, dazing effect. That's a matter of your party composition. Playing with moon godlike priest and 2 other squishies, I am actually happy when enemies do go for her. And I let them hit her just so much as needed, with cc effects ready. Also worth noting that the Gyrd scepter spellholding effect provides 20 def and 20 reflex. Enough to compensate for the shield + W&S talent. Or once the priest gets the hammer, he could just stun everyone. And than there is Defensive Mindweb if you have at least one cipher. Last two options kind of solving the defenses problem That's also an option. Although I have a feeling that rod's full potential won't be achieved like it would on a wizard. On gamepedia it's written to scale with character level. When I was checking the numbers, I had a lvl 12 party and a companion priest leveled via console to lvl 16. Reverse engineering the final damage back: 217/1.78/2.05 ~= 60 base damage. This corresponds to lvl 12 from that table. Interesting.. will it change if I'll lvlup the MC too? Haven't checked this since 2.03. Will be able to test it in the evening.
  18. Checking the aggregated list of character builds, I've noticed there are unexpectedly no ranged priests. So, I've made one. [Difficulty: PotD; Solo: Untested] This build is focused on buffs, healing and is also capable of some serious damage when necessity comes. It also comes in 3 flavours; bound by the same idea, but using different races, deity and equipment: The Godhammer- Boreal Dwarf - sturdy fellow which prefers arquebuses and Abydon's Hammer. Follower of Magran. Mecwyn, the Slave Queen - Wood Elf. Makes great use of Ine Gyrd sceptre. An evasive follower of Scaen. The Falling Moon (aka Moonfire) - Moon Godlike. An altruistic priestess of Eothas. STATS: - Godhammer: 20/7/17/12/19/3 - Mecwyn: 18/6/19/13/19/3 - Moonfire: 18/7/17/13/20/3 or 18/7/19/11/20/3 STATS REASONING: - The idea is to buff for as long duration as possible. To heal for as high amount as possible. To deal high damage with spells over time. And to do all this stuff as fast as possible. ROLE IN THE GROUP: - This pretty much derives from the previous paragraph. But while it is obvious how well a priest can buff and debuff, I will briefly elaborate on his potential to deal damage. Thus: DPS: Priest has quite a few damaging fire spells. The first one to attract attention probably is his Shinning Beacon: 80 base damage over 9s, in a 2.5m AoE. Factor in 36 Might, 31 Int, and it becomes 254 damage over 18.5s, in a 5.6m AoE. And yeap, it also stacks with itself. The following spell is Cleansing Flame. It has 80 base damage as well, which ends up in 236 over 10.3s. But the cool thing about it is that it speeds up the tick rate of all other dots, basically doubling their damage in that 10s interval. Four beacons have potential to deal 1000 FoE burning damage, and that amount being doubled if not tripled on three cleansed targets. All in less than a minute. And than there are symbols, storm of holy fire, envenomed strike, scrolls and spell-binded items, to keep your priest's steady dps output. Of course if it's the only priest in the party he will probably have to contribute with the buffs first (and high DEX/INT really help at that), but once the buffing phase is over, it's FIRE time! Cose really.. why not? TALENTS AND ABILITIES: - Interdiction (!) - Painful Interdiction (!) - Inspiring Radiance ® - Inspired Flame (Godhammer) / Prey on the Weak (Mecwyn) / Aggrandizing Radiance (Moonfire/Anyone) - Scion of Flame ® - Envenomed Strike - Weapon Focus Soldier (Godhammer) / Noble (Mecwyn) / Adventurer (Moonfire) | or Bonus 4th Level Spell ® - Deep Pockets or Galant's Focus or Would Binding or Field Triage or Interrupting Blows or Beast Slayer or whatever SKILLS: - athletics: 4-5 - survival: 4 or 10 - lore: 8 or 10 | Recommended scrolls: Wall of Flame, Moonwell, Fireball, Valor, Boiling Water. If solo: Mass Confusion. MASTERY: 1. Barbs of Condemnation or Blessing 2. Divine Mark or Suppress Affliction 3. Pillar of Faith or Dire Blessing 4. Shinning Beacon or Devotions for the Faithful EQUIPMENT (COMMON): Rings: Gwyn's Band of Union; Ring of Thorns; Ring of Changing Heart; Pensiavi mes Rèi Head: Maegfolc Skull or Garodh's Chorus (3mig, preserve) or nothing in case of Moonfire (but will need to get that 3 might via other items) Gloves: Celebrant's Gloves/Gloves of Quickness Cape: Swaddling Sheet; Cape of the Master Mystic (invis); Shimmering Cloak; Shroud of Mourning Amulet: Necklace of Fireballs; Nîdhen's Finger(+3con); Marked Amulet(+3con); St. Borragia's Tears(+15% healing); Engwithan Adra Ban Amulet(+3 mig); Belt: Belt of Chimes; Sentinel's Girdle (+3 mig); Girdle of Maegfolc Might (+3 mig); Belt of the Stelgaer (+3 con); Girdle of Mortal Protection (-27% from crit) Boots: Patchwork Boots; Shod in Faith EQUIPMENT (GODHAMMER): Weapons: Pliambo per Casitàs, Abydon's Hammer (when in 'caster' mode) Armor: Wayfarer's Hide Reasoning: Extra defenses against status effects are always nice. Especially +15 against paralyzed. And ofc Nature's Vigor spellbind. Also it has sort of synergy with arquebus, which being a reloading weapon won't suffer from a bit of extra recovery. EQUIPMENT (MECWYN): Weapons: Gyrd Háewanes Sténes, Abydon's Hammer (when in 'caster' mode) Armor: Raiment of Wael's Eyes Reasoning: this robe, coupled with Gyrd sceptre, will give a nice +40 def / + 20 ref bonus on being crit. EQUIPMENT (MOONFIRE): Weapons: Curoc's Brand or Cgadob's Hazel, Abydon's Hammer (when in 'caster' mode) Armor: Starlit Garb or Angio's Gambeson Reasoning: extra athletics will increase the base value of Second Wind heal. And either +10 to defences against spells or DAoM will also prove useful. EQUIPMENT (ALTERNATIVE): Weapons: Persistance Reasoning: this build was thought for an NPC companion; but if you are going to solo with it, and stumble upon an fire-immune enemy, wounding will help to get past this limitation. Especially with such high Might as this build has. (because wounding dot benefits from this stat twice; first on main hit damage calculation and then on dot appliance) Some numbers from a priest with 36 Mig and 31 Int (just gear + Minor Avatar) Ring of Ancient Forge: 20.5s stun in 9m AoE Abydon's Labor: 80-107 crush dmg Nature's Vigor (Wayfare's Hide): 131 endurance over 24.6s; + 15% max endurance Exalted Hands (Patchwork Boots): 432 endurance over 10s; or 10s stun against enemy Fireball (Necklace): 45-62 Divine Mark: 71-89 Shining Beacon: 254 over 18.5s | 5.65m AoE radius Cleansing Flames: 236 over 10.3s Storm of Holy Fire: 43-53 every 3s for 18.5s | 11.3m AoE radius Symbol of Magran: 27-45 every 3s for 41.5s | 5.65m AoE radius Hand of Weal and Woe: 44.5 dmg/endurance per second Holy Radiance: 217 dmg over 6.2s | +71 endurance | 11.3m AoE radius Envenomed Strike: 150.2 raw damage over 18.5s Pillar of Faith: 53-70 crush dmg; prone for 20.5s | 2.83 AoE radius But that's ^ theory. And here is a dps test vs Alpine Dragon in practice: link to video In-combat time: 95s (including pauses and buffing) And one more test: solo naked vs Alpine Dragon: link to video In-combat time: 3m 30s (including pauses and buffing)
  19. I don't follow. How did you arrive to that conclusion? You made a hit, and so it happened that Stormcaller effect has proc'ed. It's effect is an AoE spell. Kaylon has mentioned that above. Returning Storm hits the main target (in your case it's Roedwith), and the enemies which are in 5 AoE around your character. So it also hit that soldier. Because of x2 effect on proc bug, it hit both Roedwith and the soldier twice. The main unclear thing is: if that AoE is centered around you (as in druid's spell) or it was modified to use the area around your target.
  20. You are not wrong ) In a prolonged fight even a priest has potential to out-double their total damage (if damaging scrolls are put aside). The good thing about FoD paladins is their alpha-strike. In short skirmishes it's like you have an extra dedicated dps. While in boss fights he transitions into a tanky supporter.
  21. Last time I got Swaddling Sheet, it was on lvl 14. You've got to comfortably get there, unless you have a priest of Random in your party
  22. The main trick probably is to not run into another pack of enemies )) That's an interesting style. But I came to really love the 'stun-them-and-decimate-em' approach. Something with a stunning barbarian, interdiction/proning priest, borresaine cipher, pale-shades blasting wizard, and extra cipher for even more paralyzes/prones/saving charms. Disabled enemies just can't say no My interest in this topic, was partially related to trying to see if a chanter could take the place of main tank in such a group, the spot where I currently have an orlan pala in a variation of pillardin build. But I will probably leave it as is, as I will need the paladin for dragon tanking. We need a new order! Something something with Aefyllath-like effect on Flames of Devotions ))
  23. From one point of view, comparing to dedicated dps'ers his melee dmg output can be neglected, so there is not that much incentive to go for Vulnerable Attack. From another, giving him extra deflection, while increasing his tankiness also gives more incentive for enemies to go after other team members. How about Critical Focus?
  24. That's close to how I used him in my previous run Having two ranged ciphers, stormcaller ranger and ranged Pallegina. With Kana on offtanking and buffing duty, via Aefyllath, Sure-Handed and lots of scrolls. I need to say, ciphers were especially happy, due to extra focus and more damage on all the detonates and waves they were chaining. Basically it was a great, high alpha-strike, low-maintenance party. But there were few rough moments: - chanter being melee, required all backline coming closer - when he was engaged in the front; and some of the enemies were teleporting to squishies, there were moments when chosing to come closer would result in disengagement hits. - plate armor and below average dex, were resulting in slow scroll buffing I had an idea of making him ranged then and change places with Pallegina (once she alpha-strikes). But didn't think of Quick Switch. That's indeed close to an optimal build Just.. gonna think if I'm ok with extra supervision it requires.
  25. It depends on the kind of target you are attacking Against Alpine Dragon, for example, the hammer will be useless. Against Llengrath pets, the hammer would be better; because they are immune to corrode and have higher DR against slash than crush. The beauty of Bittercut lies not only in Spirit of Decay, but the fact of dual damage type itself. Think blights. The beauty of Hammer comes from the free stun per-encounter. And 4 bonus might (although this is more important to other classes than rogue) No, annihilation adds 0.5 to the damage coefficient. For example: you have 15 might, superb weapon and crit with an annihilation weapon on a sneak attack. The damage coefficient is going to be: 0.15+0.45+1.5+0.5+0.5 = 3.1 This coefficient is multiplied by your weapon damage roll. In case of sabre, it is a random number from 13 to 19. That's your damage. And that's why rogue can deal solid damage with average might, and doesn't need annihilation that much in the late game when he has a weapon of high quality, but is heavy dependent on sneak attacks and deathblows. We'll need to test this. I was surprised to see that Divine Mark from Silver Flash didn't benefit from deathblows.
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