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Everything posted by MaxQuest

  1. Yeah. It's quite fascinating how Kana dealt only 5.5% of party's total damage, with his auto-attacking and invocations. But when I have factored Aefyllath and Sure-Handed into the damage bonus the party has received,.. he suddenly has jumped to the second place in terms of damage dealt. Party stats. P.S. Still being torn between max-might and dump-might chanter for the next run...
  2. Btw what chant order do you use? In my last playthrough I have struggled with squeezing Dragon-thrashed in... I had: - Aefyllath (+25% damage to attacks and spells, which also generates focus; and that was huge; as I also had 2 ciphers to benefit from it) - followed by Sure-Handed (due to 4 ranged characters; zero-recovery with Penetrating Shot is good) - and finnaly Dragon-Thrashed The thing is... I rarely if ever, saw Dragon-Thrashed being applied. Everyone was either already dead, or it was a dragon and chant probably missed him. Tbh I have a feeling, that I have wasted some of chanter's potential here.
  3. Tested it. [Durgan-refined shield with bash], reduces recovery_duration of the main hand, just like the [durgan-refined shield without bash]. For example: 30-31 frames of recovery for the main hand in [Dagger+Shield] setup, is reduced to 26-27 frames, when you durganize the shield. Also confirming the following: - [Durgan-refined shield enchant] will reduce recovery duration, even if you don't have recovery penalties. It acts like a 15% bonus to your main hand. - [Durgan-refined shield enchant] applied on shield with bash, does not speed-up the offhand recovery. (as mentioned in the beginning it reduces recovery duration only of the main hand) - [Durgan-refined armor enchant] unlike the shield enchant, will not reduce recovery duration, if you don't have recovery penalties. Recovery malus is capped at zero. E.g. durganizing a -10% robe, will not give you a +5% bonus. Tests can be found here. ---------------------------------------------------- Possible consequences from the above tests are: At zero recovery: 1H: will provide highest dps on auto and primary attacks (due to +12 bonus acc)DWhighest damage on full attacks are easier to reach zero-recovery (because of the initial -50% recovery duration). 1H+Shield (w/o bash)will provide the same dps on auto and primary attacks as DW will provide the least damage on full attacks are easier to speedup than just 1H, due to durgan-refined shield enchant applying to main hand provide extra deflection, and bonus reflex 1H+Shield (with bash)provide higher damage on full attacks than [1H] or [1H + regular Shield]. But if they have a decent on-proc effect, they do have the potential to exceed even some of DW setups provide the same dps on primary attacks as DW provide the least dps on auto attacks (due to Bash itself dealing low damage) (but than again, some of the shields do have on-proc effects to compensate) are easier to speedup than just 1H, due to durgan-refined shield enchant applying to main hand provide extra deflection, and bonus reflex ---------------------------------------------------- Amen. Somebody tried really hard out there. But hey the mysteries are being unfolded The last one probably being "what the heck is happening with dexterity bonus". For example it reduces the recovery duration perfectly, with the precision of up to 1 frame. But on some weapons, there are strange results for other phases. Arquebus reload duration of 189 frames is not reduced to 150 frames (at 19 dex) but to 153; and neither it is reduced to 100 frames (at 40 dex) but to 104... A wild guess would be: there are ~10 frames of some "core" animation that are not getting speed-up ((189-10 / 1.9) + 10 ~= 104).
  4. Wait a second. I missread "and then a shield with weapon speed penalty -15%" as "and then a shield with a durgan-refined weapon". I will test the scenario with durgan-refined shield later, when I'll come home.
  5. It should. Your recovery duration will be: base_recovery_duration * [1 - (1.15) + (1 + 0.2 - 0.15)] = base * 0.9
  6. It's interesting to see how Riposte got 10 votes out of 10 atm. Also the discrepancy between Barbaric Yell (8/10) and Barbaric Shout (5/10).
  7. There is someone who tested it (on reddit) and claims that it doesn't destroy loot. Can't confirm or deny that through. I had used double disintegration on majority of dragons, but the DoT was 'never lucky' to deal the killing blow. (and I always had the loot)
  8. On a mildly related note: are dragons intended to ignore the effects of Stasis Shell? E.g. Adra Dragon gets the debuff, absorbs all incoming damage, but can still act freely, hit, breath, etc. (Although in my case she at least could be property paralyzed)
  9. People of Eora are very pedantic about it. How else would we know that a found Scroll of Fan Flames deals 30-42 damage Well, I know that that trap will fry my character. But if he takes and moves it 1 foot to the right, or even puts back into the same place it suddenly loses in damage. My suggestion was to mark the trap as scrapped, indicating that it wasn't that perfectly assembled back again, and thus the loss in efficiency. Maybe
  10. Yeap. Have arrived to similar conclusion. If instead of [swaping base_recovery with dw_base_recovery] they have just made that [there is an inherent (and additive) 50% bonus when dw], majority of tests start to fall into place, without introducing the "double effect". There are few small things, re-testing which wouldn't hurt through. For example: - 1h recovery of 32, should be reduced to 16 frames, and not 15. - dw + gloves (15%) + swiftaim (20%) + 2wpntln (20%), should result in 1.5 + 1.15*1.2*1.2 = 3.156. I.e. it should achieve no recovery with 15% malus armor; but there is actually 1-2 frames of recovery left. But it's quite likely to be just rounding errors.
  11. I have experienced only 5 of them so far: 1. Eder (compassionable; It got me interested in getting the answer just like the Eder himself) 2. Sagani (I must confess that I didn't believe in the worthiness of her journey from the start; but it had my curiosity for full duration) 3. GM (nicely interwines with the main quest; also liked her chimes) 4. Pallegina (her quest had potential to actually affect the world) 5. Kana (basically his quest got just auto-resolved as I was exploring Od Nua levels, without paying any attention to the quest per-se)
  12. Tbh I am ok with traps dealing such big damage. What I find strange is that when you disarm it and put it into inventory, it is suddenly made to deal less damage. Isn't it the same trap after all? I understand that this is made for balance, as explained in another thread by Sking. But I find it would make more sense to have "Trap of X" that lays on the floor getting transformed into "Scrapped Trap of X" once picked up. One extra word, one less immersion breaker.
  13. Do you have TwoWeaponStyle talent? And what kind of armor do you wear?
  14. Voted all options, except "rogue immolation" (i would also prefer a different approach) and "shadow step" (since it is unclear to me how needed/balanced it is). Other suggestions look nice and welcome, especially riposte, barbarian shouts and one stands alone, pushing them to viable status.
  15. You get that morningstar (Acuan Giamas) from a dead body, laying in a pool by the Crag in Mowrghek Ien. So kinda late-gamish.. Deathblows definitely do work with scrolls. So they must work with regular (stolen) spells too. As they just add +1.0 damage coefficient to the damage you do (without checking if it should be melee or ranged only).
  16. Hmm, iirc the crit itself didn't guarantee that the target will be stunned, because an additional check vs fortitude was rolled. Btw, I remember that the proc from 'stunning' property was affecting enemies who had Immunity: Stunning. Is that still the case? P.S. There is one more interesting thing related to that property. It was noticed to apply to spells. (link to reddit)
  17. Heh, and I was thinking that it is about Aefyllath, since that 'lash' was also being applied to spells...
  18. Hmm, I am not sure if that (double bonus from "attack speed") is a bug or is related to recent changes. Because: - it seems that it was the same in 2.0. (I have an un-updated 2.0 on an old laptop which I haven't touched for quite awhile; I have staged and frapsed a similar situation, with only Gloves, 2WpnTln and SwiftAim, and got zero-recovery as well) (added as test v11 to the spreadsheet) - it could be intended. Do you remember the old diagrams, were it was told that fast weapons do have 20 frames attacking phase and 20 for recovery? In order to decrease the action time (att+rec) by 20%, devs could apply 20% to recovery twice as a workaround, while leaving attack_duration untouched. And as we know atm, attack_duration is indeed not being affected by all those attack_speed bonuses. Why could they have done it this way? I don't know, although I could assume that it is related to animations. Standing in place (recovery) is easier to shorten or extend than the animation of swinging weapon without producing any tearing or abrupt transitions. Maybe actually the bug is that 1H gets the bonus only once. We'll never know, unless Obsidian actually reveals base attack/recovery/reload frame durations and the formulas as well. I bet there is something really messed/unconsistent there. P.S. Interesting, what was the reason for going from 20/20 to 4+(3+20)/15...
  19. Uhm guys... did you know that you can attack without recovery when DW, with just [Two-Weapon Style talent], [Gloves of Quickness] and [swift Aim]? And even wear 10% recovery armor. Their bonuses seem to be applied twice. Have checked, and re-checked, and re-checked it again. Tests sheet (test v7)
  20. Iirc in Durgan Battery zone: http://guides.gamepressure.com/pillarsofeternity/guide.asp?ID=31462 Lower-left corner.
  21. Uhh. Both options are welcome if done good. Thus abstaining from voting. Just gief us PoE2
  22. I remember, it was mentioned twice in some old threads on reddit, that if you sell a weapon it will lose your manual enchants. One of them claimed that you have to re-zone before buying it back. Maybe that old 'bug' is still around.
  23. Damn. Stacking is so... inconsistent. Was expecting dragon-thrashed like behavior. Btw, what about the dot from wounding? Yeap. I was testing this specifically. It wasn't generating focus in 2.0, 2.03 and 3.0 for sure.
  24. That raw dot from Envenomed Strike started to generate focus? P.S. Strange that no one have mentioned here about blunderbuss on a rogue. It benefits tremendously from Deathblows. Also each pellet seems to proc Deep Wounds.
  25. Hmm, probably something like 15/10/15/15/15/8, sabre+shield and switching to dual-wielding when Psychovampiric Shield is up. Later (when pala would get Reinforcing Exhortation), could ditch the shield altogether, and start with a blunderbuss/pistol opening, buff deflection and switch to dw.
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