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Everything posted by MaxQuest

  1. I suppose gods wanted to scare and confuse the Watcher. It's this post. Unfortunately Josh only writes that they cut the dialogues where Eothas describes how the stuff worked before. But doesn't write how... in the post itself.
  2. Both Iovara and Thaos do mention that there was a Wheel before Engwithans.
  3. In v1.0.2 charge was amaaazing. Especially for mc ascendants who could get max focus in 1 charge. In v1.1.0 charge is no longer an ability a tank or dps fighter will use. It looks to me that it's more suiting a cc-inclined multi-class build. Think of 3-MIG illusionist-unbroken, who charges around and inflicts stun (from charge) and terrified+sickened (via repulsive vissage). It was doing quite decent damage in v1.0.2. Imagine charging with Scordeo Trophy + Thundercrack. And let's say you charge 4 times through 4 enemies. That's 32 pistol shots for around 30-60 damage each. Or ~1440 damage. Plus 16 Opening Barrage stacks (16 x -15% recovery time), so you'll have ~20s acting like on steroids with recovery reduced by x3.72. Plus most of the enemies will be paralyzed due to Thundercrack. And all it takes is around 10s. And could be repeated per-encounter.
  4. Hi I would generally feel guilt sacrifing a non-hostile intelligent being) But would probably sacrifice Harmke, Lord Harod, Thaos and Scaenites if it was possible.
  5. I was expecting that importing a save, will have the advantage of: 1. reward talents from non-critical path (Mental Prowess, Flick of the Wrist, Blooded Hunter and Song of the Heaven are the ones I was the most interested in) (and tbh that's the main point I am interested in) 2. tempered Eyeless/Abydon 3. fragments of unique weapons from PoE1. Presumably BoteP/WoY/Abydon Hammer/Bittercut/Rain/Sabra/maybe_something_else, depending on what you had equiped in the imported save. 4. maybe start with fine equipment, or more money. With those funds I had at the end of PoE1 I would surely deposit something at Defiance Bay. But it seems that those talents aren't granted either way. #2 has no reactivity / importance in Deadfire. And #3 you can get the fragments of WoY/BotEP even without importing (which is not bad per-se, but indeed what's the advantage of importing then?).
  6. Unfortunately it's no longer that good since the nerf: Rebuttal in Blood: - 100% Chance to Recover Instantly when Crit in melee -> 20%. Pernicious Retribution: +3% Melee Damage / Stack (max 5) -> 2%. Pernicious Retribution: +3% Action Speed / Stack (max 5) -> 2%.
  7. Do have mixed feelings. > I do find scrolls/arcana a sleeper OP. Being able to cast Shining Beacons or Cleansing Flames at effectively power level 22... is really strong. At the same time, using it would be usually an overkill since boss fights are not hard enough, so why invest the points, crafting materials, money and time? Not to mention that there are quite many enemies immune to fire. It looks to me that the main use of scrolls/arcana is if you want to get some specific unique item through combat as early as possible. Tbh I'd prefer it PL for scrolls was halved, i.e. equal to arcana/2. But when crafting you would get twice the scrolls. > Do have a mixed feeling about alchemy. The main appeal was the speed bonuses. But with the heavy nerf of Potion of Deftness and Potion of Relentless Striking, alchemy has transformed from must-have on all dps characters to "well, I can live without it". The potions that provide +stats are still great though, if you have a dotter that is not a Helwalker. Also poisons. Some of them look weak, others tick like a truck. So it feels either meh, or cheesy. > Food. Food that gives immunity to afflictions makes taking all those counter-affliction chants and invocations kinda questionable. Not to mention priest inspirations; which are still to slow to cast for their effect. > Traps. It takes time to put a trap and lure the enemies into it. But at the moment it's faster just to plainly jump and kill them.
  8. ^ Is she... less tied to VTC if she starts as Kind Wayfarer? In my playthrough she was pardoned. And there was quite a lot of zealot-like loyalty to Vailian Republics on her part.
  9. 1H provides a [+12 accuracy] bonus. DW provides a [-30% recovery time] bonus. (or that's the same as +42.8% recovery speed; but it doesn't affect attack phase) 2H provides a [+31% on average higher base damage]. Just wanted to point that all styles get something free. Yeah, those were for a character at 10MIG/10DEX, unenchanted mundane weapons. And the same character but under the effect of streetfighters "-50% recovery time" buff. The point was to show that there are situations when DW is not exceeding other styles from auto-attack dps perspective. It depends if you crit due to high hit-to-crit conversion or due to high acc-def difference. (because in the first case +12 acc from 1H when shifting your attack resolution will be trading misses for crits, while in the second case grazes for crits) Plus depending on how many speed increasing effects you already have, dual-wielding might provide far less than +50% attack rate. You can post your: mig, dex, all damage modifiers, all speed modifiers, accuracy, hit-to-x-quality-conversions and enemy deflection, and I'll be able to compute the dps for that exact scenario, DW vs 1H. I do keep that in mind. And in case of dual-wielding two weapons with let's say +x MIG, or some other effect that applies to characterStats and thus essentially to both of weapons, it's a valid remark. Monk fists are not really a good example in this context though. For the following reasons: - it's not like each fist gets 40% damage bonus, and when you "equip" both, you get 80% damage bonus to each of them. - also, since we compare DW vs 1H vs 2H style dps, we would have to compare [DW Fists] vs [1H Fist] vs [2H GreatFist].
  10. Attacking 47% faster does not necessary mean dealing 47% more damage. And I can expand the previous table to include auto-attack dps to show it: As you can see, the dps of different styles at very basic scenario is within 10%. Ofc the scenario varies with equipment, stats and effects. And it is quite hard to take into account all possible variants. But the general rule is: - the more damage bonuses you have, the less relative gain you get from Two-Handed Style talent. - the more speed bonuses you have, the less relative gain you get from Two-Weapon Fighting Style talent. Also it's hard to estimate the dps increase from One-Handed Style (talent 20% hit-to-crit). Skalds, overpenetration, weapons and abilities with on crit effects will benefit more from it. But for the table I've considered it a just 5% auto-dps gain as the worst case scenario. P.S. I still think that the main offender that skews dpsers in favor of dual-wielding is the interaction between DW and Full Attacks. Not DW speed per-se. But yes, would welcome the buff of intrinsic +12 acc of attacking with one-handed weapon to +15 acc.
  11. Hmm, if we put Full Attacks aside, how do you get DW setup attacking almost twice faster than a single weapon? My math shows lower values. Also because speed modifiers are handled in additive manner, you see how it goes when you stack them... I think that "Harpooning" effect from Mohora Tanga affecting both weapons is a bug. The general rule so far was: if a weapon effect buffs damage/speed/pen or any other property related to weapons - then it affects attacks made with that weapon only. And if it buffs a stat that doesn't make sense if applied to weapon itself (like mig/dex/con/.../skill_bonus/etc) it gets attached to character instead.
  12. Imho the problem is not dual-wielding per-se but it's interaction with Full Attacks that allows to skip mainhand recovery/reload completely. Before running any numbers, I think that it would be enough to make Full Attacks with a single weapon always roll max damage. That will likely be enough to balance it out; and if not, they (FAs with single weapons) could also get a minor accuracy boost.
  13. No idea, but that imp looks the same as those on Empower button:
  14. ^ Yeap, seen that mentioned on PoE twitter. 26 minutes That's probably less than all loading screens in my playthrough combined)
  15. I have recently finished my first Deadfire playthrough (on v1.0.2), and decided to provide some feedback. Posting it here, since it can contain a few spoilers. First of all: I liked the game and yeap would bake a sequel. Second: sure the game came out a bit raw, but definitely less raw than I expected after trying the betas. So here we go: Things I liked: the atmosphere and exploration. I really enjoyed the grim nature of PoE1, but the bright and shiny Deadfire was also great to explore. the visuals. You guys made noticeable improvements to the game world, character models, lightning, shading and textures. the hook. It is always interesting to play your games from the very first minute. You find a way to get the player invested. the story idea. And having to play a decent role in the gods conflict. subclasses and multi-classing. When balanced well this really adds to the pool of possible builds and improves replay-ability tremendously. sailing and shanties. voice acting. Both characters VO and narrator. (* narrator has pleasant voice but could be a lil bit faster) ingame music. While PoE1 exploration soundtracks were ok, I started to hate PoE1 combat music. In Deadfire through I liked both. neketaka the idea of relationship/camaderie system humour. Both written and emerging. Things I'm neutral about: factions. They are great in the first 3/4 of the game. Flavorful, colorful. Their imperfections make them more realistic. But... at the end of the game their faction leaders look retarded. The future of Eora is at stake and they quarrel about unrelated things. Or let's take their "ambush" at Ukaizo. In my case it was Furrante. I haven't really understood why he decided to suicide by attacking the Watcher. ship combat. I was pretty excited about it when heared it first. Didn't expect it to be textual though. But.. can live with that. The thing is that something feels missing. Having all those trophies and no reactivity about it is kinda lacking Also capturing a ship and not being able to take it or it's cannons was really strange. Also maybe add some unlockable (on higher captain ranks) maneuver perks? And make some enemy ships travel in groups of two? romances. Romances with both Maia and Xoti felt strange, with weird pace (i.e. they started immediately and after that 30h of radio-silence with no new dialogues) and not really satisfying ending. Things I didn't like: Main story was too short. The whole run took ~50h, but I have a feeling that critical path could be done under 3 hours. Faster with an SSD. The sense of false urgency. It feels a bit strange when you need to follow Eothas, but... he can wait while you go for a trip to Splintered Reef, explore the map or do some faction stuff. Had to tell to myself that Eothas is moving very slowly. But if so, couldn't Magran blow that volcano earlier? I.e. when Eothas has arrived to Ashen Maw, but before he absorbed the essence from the pillar? Without it and souls nearby to consume he could potentially halt there. Also.. not really the problem of the game, but with all that built-up, was waiting for some big intense fight in the end (depending on the dialogue option / what to do with The Wheel). Because of this false expectation was sitting during the end dialogs and thinking oh well.. did I really expect to fight a god? And also: how could I convince him to delay breaking the wheel, while there won't be enough animancy advances in order to be sure that we can fix it once broken. Some quest givers turning hostile if you don't want to kill for them. Pallegina didn't feel like good ol Pal. It looks like time spent away from the Watcher affected her hard. Expected more light-heartedness from a pardoned Pallegina. Also where is Vielo Vidorio? Her only unique ability is quite lacking; and a wayfarer would be more useful in party. tooltips that don't give you complete information. "Has a small chance", "inflicts a small DoT"? Rot Skulls and Nannasin's Cobra Strike tooltip not mentioning the DoT data. bugs. Usually not a big deal. But that reload time bug was annoying. weak bounties. In PoE1 many of them were quite memorable. And I can remember none by name in Deadfire. weak bosses. balance. So many OP abilities, especially in proper combination. Also so many trash options that are not worth the time spent to cast them (i.e. 3s cast time + 4s recovery and get 5 resolve? or deal 80 damage to 5 enemies?) crowd control not being reliable and useful enough. Why try to charm the enemy when it's faster to kill him? In PoE1 it was great that you could make parties with completely different playstyles and they both will be optimal. encounters are not diverse enough. I didn't feel the need to adapt, or change my combat routine. In PoE1 we would fight differently when facing: shades | ogre druids | kith druids / pwgras | kith | monks | dragons. generally in v1.0.2 it wasn't even worth to watch the inspirations/afflictions and try to counter them. inbalance between AR versus Defenses for damage mitigation. the seeming imbalance between damage types. There seem to be quite more enemies with low crush AR and high fire AR, compared to other armor types. confusion with speed/time and damage calculation. Specifically malus steps. Also it seems that confusion was not only in how the game processes this stuff, but also at the dev level; looking at how might became multiplicative then additive; or reloading becoming affected by recovery modifiers only in beta4. some items had really OP properties. I was like "it's obvious that there is a broken use for it even before you finish reading description". Using it won't give enough satisfaction because it will feel cheap. And imminent nerfing will cause the dissatisfaction of players who use it. So why make those properties this way? at the same time many of those items were overnerfed in v1.1.0. I mean it's definitely bad when an item increases your dps by 50% compared to alternative; and even worse it it doubles total damage just by itself. But if it does so only by 3-5% it's also not satisfying enough. 7-10% is a nice threshold to look at. double-nerfing. Just an example: the problem with Swift Flurry was it's recursive implementation. Instead of taking recursion away, you dramatically reduce it's proc chance. After that make it only work with melee attacks. And in v1.1.0 giveup and make it impossible to proc recursively. Good but why not revert the melee-only change? Also since all hit-to-crit conversions were severely nerfed it's proc chance could be reviewed as well? Overall: it's a great game, a solid 8/10 with potential to get up to 9/10 with extra polishing and fine-tuning, and even more with expansions. In any case am already planing a new run on v1.1.0) P.S. Some party stats for the curious:
  16. Shining Beacon, Cleansing Flames are good. Symbol of X [rank 8] although not a dot, deals respectable periodic damage. Disintegration is nice. And would be superb if it wasn't targeting fortitude. Rot Skulls is unfortunately much weaker than in PoE1. The DoT was ticking for 6 dmg and had a duration of ~43s at 29 MIG/33INT. Although it could also have really low penetration, which is shown nowhere. Also there is a poison, Stone Joint iirc. Tooltip shows something like 10 damage / per 3s, no matter how high is your alchemy. But actually ticks for ~90 at 21 alch.
  17. Guys, I'd like to make a minor recap in order to check that I understood the whole stuff about "The Wheel" right. (!) So please correct me if something's wrong: 1. [The Wheel] - at the most basic level is the process of reincarnation. 2. [The Wheel] - existed before Engwithans. Sources are: - Iovara who told about their animancers discovering no gods only the wheel in perpetual motion - Thaos: "a world where there was only the Wheel, grinding without end and without mercy, slowly turning souls to dust" - Common sense? Engwithans were not immortal but raised as a civilization, so perhaps healthy people were actually being born. 3. Engwithans created gods. 4. Engwithans altered [The Wheel]. I.e. they added a few [modifications] over the base functionality. We can refer to this modified version as [Engwithan Wheel] 5. [The Wheel] can be [destroyed]. This *ucks-up the process of reincarnation completely. And it cannot be rebuilt. The *uck-up can manifest in two ways: a). according to Berath: souls can no longer go from [iN BETWEEN] to [THE BEYOND]. This means that after awhile, once there are no souls left in [THE BEYOND] all newborns will be hollowborns. Insects, birds, animals, kith, everyone will eventually die, without new blood coming to the world of Eora. b). alongside with previous point, the process of soul going from [THE BEYOND] to a newborn in Eora, could be defective as well, because [The Wheel] - the reincarnation is destroyed. In this case hollowborn effect would become apparent immediately. 6. [The Wheel] can be [broken]. This removes all [modifications]. It also makes [The Wheel] inoperative. - inoperative, because otherwise it would be referred in ingame dialogues as "to fix / to restore the wheel" but not "to break the wheel". - while [The Wheel] is [broken], souls do not move from [iN BETWEEN] to [THE BEYOND]. But hollowborn effect won't be immediate, at least not until there are no souls left in [THE BEYOND] The good news are: it can be fixed/rebuilt to the original pre-engwithan state. 7. Having [The Wheel] restored to it's initial state, and with enough knowledge [kith+gods] technically can modify it again, be it in the same way as engwithans did, or some other, new way. [Engwithan Wheel] (aka [The Wheel] plus engwithan modifications) works as follows: - mortal X dies - his soul gets to [iN BETWEEN] and (usually) passes the judgment of the gods - soul loses (usually) a small part of it, for the gods to feast - the remaining part is passing to [THE BEYOND] - soul gets into a newborn being Y. - unless awaken, Y doesn't have the memories of X, but it's almost the same soul Important notes: - souls can get weaker or fracture. Be it from soul-twin phenomena; or if gods have taken too much 'tribute'; or if their soul essence was drawn by shadows, pwgras and alike. - when beings with heavily fractured souls die and their remaining soul cannot re-enter the circle of rebirth: their souls are left in this world and are manifested as shadows. They crave for more essence and try to draw it from the people when they are asleep, or try to get it from souls that are no longer tied to a physical body but haven't yet left for [iN BETWEEN]. That's why there is the need for shepherds/reapers like Xoti. - beings can consume other souls, adding their essence to their own. Judging by Maerwald and Gift from the Machine it looks like efficiency of such consumption is pretty low though; unless it is your soul-twin. - not confirmed by lore but souls seem to be able to grow stronger during their mortal lives. They are defined as "essence of individual's consciousness, memory, and personality". And memories, challenges and hardships it had to endure seem to add to it's essence. This also seems to be in line with Zahua and Galawain view. Character level is also tied to the gain of [experience], although it's a game mechanic not lore thing. - because gods chip a bit of the soul on every reincarnation, the whole process is subject to entropy. And unless souls grow stronger, the collective soul essence is going to diminish over time. Eothas dislikes that: - gods chip from souls of the mortals - gods keep their true nature in secret - gods don't do anything really worthy for kith and Eora Eothas by default wants: - to break [The Wheel]. I.e. strip it from modifications made by engwithans; or in other words change it from [Engwithan Wheel] to [Default Wheel]. But unfortunately it will get broken in the process. - broken [The Wheel] will require an effort to fix. And he was hoping that gods will reveal their true nature to the kith, and they will all cooperate. Because the alternative is death to all living, gods included. - ideally kith should decide by themselves if they want to worship the gods, and if they want (while waiting for rebirth) to give a part of their soul essence to their patron deity. And deities would have to behave worthy of such sacrifices. [Default Wheel] (aka [The Wheel] before engwithan modifications): - we know little about how reincarnation worked before. - what we know is that gods didn't chip/fed on souls in the [iN BETWEEN]. And lastly there is a hypothesis about adra pillars: - after engwithan modifications: when mortals die their souls go into the closest adra pillar which is connected to the machine at Ukaizo which serves as a single entry point to [iN BETWEEN]. Having all souls to pass through this "gate" make it easier for gods to inspect/judge/chip on them. - before engwithan modifications: without the Ukaizo Machine, every adra pillar is the entry into [iN BETWEEN].
  18. Iirc there was a dialog where Eothas referred to himself as Engwithan. Thus I was under impression that he was once mortal. That engwithans have chosen 11 between them. And these chosen ones have ascended when the rest has given their soul essense.
  19. I've been thinking does Soul Blade bring enough to the table from dps perspective? There is: - Soul Annihilation which deals 10 + focus/4 afaik in v1.1.0 - Bitting Whip (+30% additive damage bonus) or Draining Whip (+20% additive damage bonus, +100% focus gain) - Hammering Thoughts (+1 penetration with weapons) So bassically SB gives you +1 pen and: - +30% additive damage bonus plus ~total_damage/8 if taken Bitting Whip, or - +20% additive damage bonus plus ~total_damage/4 if taken Draining Whip I have a feeling that Streetfighter/Shattered Pillar will outdps a Soulblade/Shattered Pillar due to: - streetfighter bonus - sneak attack + backstab + deathblows - deep wounds - full attack abilities; and many of them have bonus penetration or accuracy And Berserker/Shattered Pillar will likely out-dps SB/SP too, so long as there are at least 2 close enemies in the encounter. As for stats, is there any reason not to drop RES to 3? And invest the spare points in CON and PER instead?
  20. Good to know) I was in those underwater caverns. Deactivated 3 machines, flooded the caverns and the quest has "succesfully" resolved as "couldn't stop the coral growth". Was curious how it gonna play out and decided to live out the consequences) I'll do an "optimal" playthrough later anyway) I decided to make my first run without Tekehu. I never entered Watershaper's Guild. Also I haven't entered Arkemyrs Manor. Left them for the second run. My MC happened to be under effects of Captain's Banquet. Pretty much all fampyr fights were: MC+Eder+Pallegina+Xoti vs ragging fampyrs + Maia
  21. PoE1: I am sending only the tank in melee range of the dragon. Other melees are sent to block or kill his minions. Although if the dragon is the last enemy standing and is hard-disabled, will command everyone to attack him. Deadfire v1.0.2: Didn't bother with tactics. Deadfire v1.1.0: Just thinking of starting a run.
  22. I have briefly tested it, and it looks to be partially fixed. For example tooltip was showing 1.4s reload time, while checking the frapsed video was giving me 46 frames, which corresponds to 1.533s. And for reference: in v1.0.2 I couldn't get below 2.766s (even if tooltip was showing 1.0s)
  23. There was a similar thing in WoW Yeap. Like in PoE1: Adra Dragon is harder to fight with a level 11 party than Llengrath at level 16. Although if both encounters done at max level, Adra Dragon is definitely easier. If I had to fight all encounters at max level on PotD/upscaled, here's how I would rate their difficulty: - 8/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Brynlod Bounty - 7/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Llengrath - 6.5/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Magran's Faithful - 6.5/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Alpine Dragon - 6/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Radiant Spore - 5/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Concelhaut - 5/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Adra Dragon - 3/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Concelhaut - 2.5/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Nemnok - 2/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Lava Dragon - 2/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Menzzago - 2/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Ukaizo Guardian - 1/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Giant Cave Grub - 1/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Engwithan Titan And if I had to order them by the perceived difficulty when I actually stumbled upon them: - 8.5/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Alpine Dragon @ lvl 13 - 8/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Brynlod Bounty @ lvl 16 - 8/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Magran's Faithful @ lvl 13 - 8/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Adra Dragon @ lvl 11 - 7/10 [PoE2.beta4] Engwithan Titan @ lvl 9 - 7/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Radiant Spore @ lvl 14 - 7/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Llengrath @ lvl 16 - 7/10 [PoE1.v3.0+] Concelhaut @ lvl 14 - 7/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Giant Cave Grub @ lvl 8 - 6/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Concelhaut @ lvl 12 - 4/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Nemnok @ lvl 14 - 3/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Lava Dragon @ lvl 18 - 3/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Menzzago @ lvl 15 - 2/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Engwithan Titan @ lvl 9 - 2/10 [PoE2.v1.0.2] Ukaizo Guardian @ lvl 20 P.S. I haven't encountered Kraken nor Sea Dragon in my first playthrough.
  24. Well... even through Nemnok was easy... Guardian and Lava Dragon were even easier than that ^^ I think Giant Cave Grub was the longest fight for me. I've stumbled upon her on level 8, and it took almost 2 minutes.
  25. Do agree with you. If anything I have a feeling that their racial would be balanced around +1.5 - 1.6 power level. So +2 was a bit over it. While +1 is not enough to justify the loss of head_slot and other_racial. But since it has to be an integer number, I'd prefer Wellspring of Life to provide when triggered: +1 PL with all spells and effects; plus +1 PL with restoration and rejuvenation spells and effects.
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