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Dr <3

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Everything posted by Dr <3

  1. Let's say that you can unlock up to 3 "special ability" that works ONLY IN THE EYLESS CANYON ( so the utility is more for fun that actually needed) - Ogre matron horn : solve Ogre cave " peacefully",( don't kill Ogre matron) accept Ogre help after forging hammer; you can summon 2 or 3 Ogre that fights for you - trabuquet shot : solve iron flail fort " peacefully " ( don't kill other wacher); you get another ability that do aoe dmg + burn dot - cannon shot: if you repair the cannone of the tower; you get an ability that do good aoe dmg
  2. To obtain the Ogre horn,: -resolve peacefully the Ogre cave ( don't slay the matron and other ogres) - after forging abby hammer mathron will come at forge with other 2 ogres offering you the horn for help ( Note that you can solve the whole Ogre cave without killing a single Ogre ((just some languefath and Ice elemetals)) , in that case you will be "rewarded" with the presente of an Ogre merchant) More or less you can do the same with redceres troops, the chief will give you a "trabuquet shot" or something if you solve things peacefully Note2: did you know that if you are a human berath Priest you can actually talk to the vampire gang outside the Ogre cave and persuade them to help you? They will slain all the ogres at the entrance for you and offerta to sell some goods...
  3. My route is rest in valewood, slay asap xaurips, bandits and if my char is powerful enough the wolfes. Then reach gilded vale, take the rymgrand mantle, speed for the second time.
  4. For example it prolonged the dtun time of stunning shots. That alone is a good reason. Apart from that is handy if you use scrolls for eample
  5. Yo sking, thks a lot for the updates. I really like the way you nerfed the sabres, finally the dmg will not get multiplied anymore like a 2 hander. If you still bother to do some balance: - could you please enanche a bit the "normal" fist dmg ( non monk fists) ? At the moment if you took novice suffering there is this awkard thing that doesn't matter anymore if you graze, hit or crit: all dmg moltiplicator applied only to the base fist dmg (5- 8 ), while all the bonus from novice suffering remains the same. So you will more or less do the same dmg every shot, you get no incentives for pump your accuracy. - i will still try to go forward with my personal crusade about solo chiper: could you make soul shock, amplified wave and pain block castable on self? Thks anyway for the time dedicated, this 3.04 is going to be a great add to the game
  6. Look, if you think that the reasault is comparable to a warrior with charge or sacred immolation you have done something really wrong... The difference is that with charge you do a little dmg to everyone, instead after a proper hof there is no more "everyone"
  7. Just Jump with dragon Jump in the middle of them as starting move. You will find surrounded. If you survive just scrivere hof and wach the gibs flying around... Or go solo and solve all your party management problem
  8. With Chanter is better go full def mode and let chant and evocation take care of monsters. Abbydon hammer is not so useful vs eyless imho, since you have to CRIT them, in upscaled potd is not so easy to land paralyze AND the crit hit. At least this is my solo experience
  9. Yeah, after all barbarian have tons of weapons choice that all works Pretty well... Dual wielding, sword&shield, 2h swords... Now i'm doing 3 solo run in parallel: a monksterlash monk, a boar shapeshift druid and a barbarian maxed out for tidefall. The last also without dual wielding wreack everything with hof in potd.
  10. Helwax mold: yes you can double concelhaut skyll, but plase just note that the wacher is the only one with pet slot, so is a waste. You can find another dragon eye in the concelhaut tower, so nothing is too much "irreparable".llengrath Stick is a great weapon anyway, but tallgrass remains better, so i would not durganized it. Barbarian with tidefall and heart of fury do wonders, is very good also hours of st rumbald. Or you can go dual wield and permastun everyone with Godansthunyr...
  11. Yes i was very surprised, i could have easily bet all my money on cat, boar was a pleasant surprised. So basically just the bear is behind other forms
  12. Ok i did a bit of tavern fights between 2 druids max lvl ( cat vs boar ). Substantially they are on par, the cat is just slighty better. They were both Moon godlike, max might, max int, High dex, normal const. Talents: wildstrike, greater wildstrike, gallant focus, two weapon fighting, paesants weapon, hearth of the storm, veterano recovery, Venom stryke. In 1 vs 1 usually the cat wins ( but by 1 or 2 hits), and mostly because of the slow to the boar caused by interrupts. Vs punchbags with heavy armor they are very on par, vs punchbags with low armor cat again is the winner but very slighly. Edit: if instead you build them with low dex, max const and add savage attack, boar became a clear winner
  13. No i just did that with a 19 const barbarian with helmet, he was saved by the dwarven spirits. Edit: you was able to convince Durance to do the job? I thought that was impossibile...
  14. I like cat form more because normal attack speed is much faster than other forms, and can go even faster 1/day. I Remember I tryed a boar druid once but at times I thought that the wounding dmg was too wimpy, maybe that was changed or i tested bad. I don't understand your point pro burning lash, i knowed that wildstrike belt gives you a 10% bonus to every kind of lash, not only burn also if the name is "burn only". My tips for shapeshift druids: after lot of runs now i prefer Moon godlike as a race since he can autoheal ( prevent your deathwhile shifted). I Go for max int ( longer shift duration, longer storm disable), max might, High dex. Alternative you can go for High per instead of dex, is matter of choice, i like faster spell casting and attacks, but with higher per you will hit more, so they are on par. The main thing is: First disable enemies ( storms, wave) ONLY AFTER think about shapeshift, or you will die in seconds. Like boeroer said sanguine plate + shoodof faith are a good combo. If you like you can take both sword&shield and 2 weapon style, the last for shapeshift dmg, the First to survive while casting. Edit: i dislike soulbound shepter, if shapeshift expires just go for spells, the shapter have a 25% restore shapeshift on hit, is too un reliable imho.
  15. I just want to signal that the healing bonus granted from camping and items ( fulvano amulet, mahea armor) does not work for the healing received from draining items ( es oidarecht, tidefall).
  16. Tryed it yesterday night and i can confirm is indeed very strong! ( Too bad Spirit of decay doesn't work for skill dot corrode dmg...). Actually i will just use them as alternative strategy with a shapeshift druid, in the end the only one talent that you truly need is envenomed stryke, others are useful but not necessary). Thks as usual! PS: Side note 1) the tempered helm gives you +3 str on kill that stack with everything. With a tidefall barb in fight i reached 33 str in solo, not bad... Side note 2) apparently healing bonus does not apply on draining weapons. Tidefall heals you the same without buffs or with mahea armor + 40% healing testing bonus...
  17. I just want to signal that the healing bonus granted from camping and items ( fulvano amulet, mahea armor) does not work for the healing received from draining items ( es oidarecht, tidefall)
  18. Yes, wael takes jokes on everything and everyone, also his/hers former follower, but is defenetly not evil or armful
  19. Are you sure that avenging storm still works with all retaliation? Maybe that was *pached*, I tryed a druid on my own a couple of weeks ago and got only normal retaliation dmg, nothing added by returning storm. I was so sad. Edit: what you mean by "retraining for implements" ? Rot Skulls are universal type so every weapon focus is good... What talents you need apart "Dangerous implements", "envenomed stryke" and a random weapon focus? Are rot Skulls really that good? Surely the aoe dmg is tempting but the raw power of the shapeshift is hard to mach...
  20. From last to First: - chiper is a class i desperately tryied to enjoy in solo but was always deluding. About chiper solo gameplay i hate the following things: 1) you can't target self with lot of spell ( pain attunement power, amplified wave power, shock power) so they are all useless; charming spells ( that are the best thing of the class) at the moment works Pretty bad: if you charm too many people ( like half of a group) they start fighting each other ( as intended) , stop targets you, Battle resets; you have to rely to pump yourself, do some dmg, renew the buffs all the Battle, wich is borin; He is not able to do good aoe dmg ( casters, Chanter, barbarian do lot better). - yes, beign interrupted can be irritating since low dex slows casting. But the good news is: most of your spells are fast or average casting speed, so slow speed is less maiming than how much you suppose. You can also use the Spirit shield for more concentration. On the other side you are very sturdy, so also if slowed, you will survive and cast what you need in the end. After daom ecc is not a problem anymore. - druid while shapeshifted is the better damege dealer of the game. if you play right ( and your druod have 16+ int, wich is warmingly suggested) the duration is enough to tear apart up to 3-4 mobs. Wolf, cat and stag all works very good. Remember the order: cc, buff, more cc, attack. A druid have plenty of awesome cc spells (storms, the wave, world maw), start the fight with one of them, if needed buff yourself, if needed renew the cc, shapeshift and kill. This is the solution to most battles, unless you are fighting very large Groups of sturdy mobs ( craghold buffs, megran bounty) in wich is better rely on spells instead then shapeshift. About druid spells: there is the lvl 1 sunray spell wich deal good dmg and blind, i call that a good "melee buff" for example, since is like a straight +20 accuracy for you. Form of dangleman is also very strong, and can combo very well with web scrolls. Moonwell keeps you alive and boost defences. Obviously a "melee" druid is meant to go for shapeshift route and/or Grab a shield and survive in melee while the spells do theyr job.
  21. I think the game is soloable ( all fights) with every char, if proper build. In the worst case you just need enough lore to spam scroll and win by that ( all the dragon are vulnerable to some affliction after all). You can play solo with lot of different styles: 1)you can sneack around and avoid most fights, and optimize yourself only for boss ( pacifist runs) 2) you can kill everything from distance with kiting or spamming tons of spells / evocation ( ranger, non tanking Priest/wiz/druid) 3) you can take every fight, tank everything by yourself and emerge victorious doing more dmg of the opponent ( barbarian/melee wiz/ melee druid/ Chanter) or simply survive longer than them ( Chanter, paladin, warrior). My "style" is usually n°3, is also the style i suggest when play with trial of iron, since your char will not die for a single mistake ( hopefully) Given that, In my solo experience i tend to prefer chars that are both beefy ( High Life total) and able to do good aoe dmg, because i hate to lose 10 min to every fight. For that reason i dislike fighters and pala ( at least until lvl 13), they need too much time for kill everything, but they are anyway solid picks for solo. Druid, Priest and wiz are very strong casters, but you have to know how to use them and the game very good, since they are by themself quite fragile, unless you don't play something like boeroer "bilestomper" or my "coldhearth" (see builds section). Chanter and monks ( but Chanter way more) are my favorite: they are tanky, do good dmg in an aoe. Expecially Chanter is very easy to use: just spam defensive scrolls and drink potions until everyone is roasted. I'm soloing a barb right now i want to test how good it is vs bosses.
  22. Driving flight works for melee weapon to???? Wow never even tryed, since i was so sure was useless
  23. Dear devs, Since apparently "request time" is not up, do you mind to add a +1 shapeshift use per encounter for High lvl druids ( let's say >10 )? That will be much appreciated. I think this will make the shapeshift druid build a bit more reliable and less a "glass cannon" ( if you get proned/stunned ecc after the shapeshift you have basically wasted it, and you have only 1). Other things about shapeshift are pretty balanced, i like the big empowerment in dps at the expenses of the defences.
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