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Lamppost in Winter

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Everything posted by Lamppost in Winter

  1. Thanks, I'll give this a shot.
  2. No? The controls and input are pretty much exactly the same as Pillars. I don't like the streamlining of Talents but that's hardly a PC/console thing.
  3. As much as I think the new icon-based layout for spells/talents is better looking, the list-based approach was easier to navigate; you could see the spell/talent names, and descriptions appeared to the side rather than popping up. That being said, it's nice to be able to preview the whole ability tree. If there was a way to marry these, that would be swell. The new appearance customisation menus are much better. I especially like the icons for the hair choices. I'll concur with the gripes about the "Next" button highlighting, and the lack of clarity when you can purchase abilities from just one or from both multiclass classes.
  4. Some more impressions (perhaps I should finish the beta first, but I don't want to wait and possibly forget) -Weapon hits feel really nice. My Wizard smashing a skeleton to bits with her staff was extremely satisfying. -Is it just me, or are Rods more powerful than in PoE? -Using Loud spells to distract patrolling enemies from stealth is Pretty Cool (namely, Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights, which actually seems to be more useful now that Dazed appears to be a stronger effect, and no Arcane Assault) -I will say that some things that were formerly Priest/Wizard etc. Talents being Spells now isn't too bad, as I feel like those per-encounter Talents were to have something for the Vancian casters to do outside of their per-rest spells. That being said, the lack of upgrades (from what I've heard; I've personally not investigated too deeply) is missed. -Adding onto that previous one, Grimoire Slam as a spell makes no sense. -The named Engwithan Saint fight felt a bit cheesy with the mobs spawning in phases. I could swear on a few other encounters some dudes just showed up out of nowhere (I dunno if they were patrolling or just spawned in).
  5. The larger variety of role-playing skills to build into is very welcome. As Boeroer mentioned, the narrower range of talents to purchase less so. Haven't tried a multiclass character yet. The new stealth systems seem fine, however, I don't like that you're immediately fully spotted if you begin stealth within hearing radius, even if you're not in a vision cone. It's quite tedious having to find a spot where there aren't any hearing radii, wait until you're not visible, then sneak back in.
  6. I was thinking it might be useful to have a merchant that just sells a bunch of Fine quality weapons and armour. I wanted to make a party of hirelings, but not all the weapons and armour I wanted to use were available to purchase (at least, not that I've seen - feel free to correct me).
  7. Agreed. I especially miss more niche stuff like Spirit Slayer or Field Triage that added flavour to specific characters.
  8. I turned on Auto Slow Combat and it seemed fine, but I'm also getting a weird pause every second effect? Not sure if it's lag or a bug. edit: it's probably this thing https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94361-party-member-about-to-finish-long-cast-autopause-triggers-on-normal-attacks/
  9. I'm fine with the new system, but I prefer the granularity of the old system. Every fight could chip away at you until you needed to rest, or one very tough fight could put much of your party near death. With the new system, you only really have to worry about falling unconscious. The old system also discouraged heal spamming as health wouldn't get healed, though this probably won't be a huge issue with the rebalanced casting.
  10. :salt emoji: Edit: Information about weapon modals: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/167314869926/hiya-josh-i-noticed-you-saying-on-twitter-that
  11. Spells are going to be more powerful, but have longer cast times, which can be interrupted, losing you that spell cast. Also from all the videos I've seen we seem to only have 2 casts per spell level, even at higher levels.
  12. Spitballing here, perhaps instead we could choose which school/s to lose access to? Or we could go really specialised and choose to sacrifice even more schools for larger bonuses.
  13. Yeah, I feel like since Paladin subclasses are not optional, either the drawbacks should be toned down, or, and this is my preference, the differences should be more dramatic (like the Priest subclasses).
  14. Honestly my main problem with the attribute system is still Accuracy being the deciding stat for every type of attack. At the risk of over-complicating things, I would prefer something like Might attacking Fortitude, Resolve/Intellect attacking Will, etc. Still wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for magic, but then making perfect sense has never really been the focus of this system.
  15. I didn't, since in Dragon age magic doesn't need any verbal or somatic components to be performed, those guys to me just looked silly. The codex for Spellbinders states they bind spirits into their books as a special form of spellcasting (which to me reads "we really wanted to do the spellbook animations and had to come up with something", but I digress). But more on topic I wouldn't mind a floating Grimoire animation, at least if you're a wizard not using magical implements, just so you could still see your grimoire.
  16. I had the opposite problem in that I was annoyed my grimoire wasn't visible when casting because my Wizard used a bow. I always liked the way Spellbinders in DAI floated their tomes in front of them:
  17. Does the Evoker and Transmuter subclass abilities seem strong compared to, say, the Enchanter ability? I guess it would depend on how debilitating Hobbled is in Deadfire, or what sort of passives the Conjurer familiars provide.
  18. Interview with Josh https://steemit.com/gaming/@badastroza/interesting-people-6-josh-sawyer-on-pillars-of-eternity-ii
  19. It's going to make your Holy Radiance spell less effective; everything else will be fine. You can take the talent Untroubled Faith to negate disposition effects on HR.
  20. I remember possibly from one of the other Q&As is that the Priest spells will be doled out in smaller packages, and that different deities will have access to different spell lists?
  21. Good idea. I'm pleased to hear that companions will react to one another's deaths depending on their relationship (and not just because it was my question ). I'm trying to really commit to rolling with the punches and leaving companions where they lie if I lose one this playthrough, but it's tempting to reload just because nobody even notices; I just lose some content.
  22. According to Fig Update 37 video, Maia has a unique subclass called "Gunhawk", that involves the bird companion "extending the range" of her attacks? Second part sounds a little odd to me.
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