I'm not going to send it to you but the bots who look for e-mail addresses on forums might. That's why you should post it as somethign like this: darthrevan909 [at] yahoo.com
Oh it's very possible. You just, as I said, need to play around a bit during the installation.
Backup data
Boot to Windows 7 installation disc
Select "Custom Installation" and re-create primary drive partition(s)
Patience (approximately 30 minutes)
Re-configure OS and restore backup
Lulz. This is not true - often Valve games are discounted in shops long before Steam lowers the prices.
Anecdotally, that's not true. Steam has always been cheaper for me, even before considering exchange rate issues.
Interesting. I'm in the U.S. so that might be why the prices are so different.
Yes, although that is mainly because of the fact that there is not a legal non-Steam copy... Ok, maybe I have a few more games from Steam due to sales -66, 68, something like that- but that doesn't mean I like it!
Anyways, I'll be playing Killing Floor tonight so if anyone wants to jump on later just send me a message*.
*I'll most likely be on a semi-private server that a friend runs and so you'll need the password and the IP.
Steam is a horrible system compared to having a retail copy - even a retail copy with DRM.
You have boxed copies of Left 4 Dead and Killing Floor though right?
Yes, actually I do have boxed copies of most of my Steam games - although, again, I think the boxed copy is better than a "pure" Steam copy as you can re-install faster with the disc than without one.