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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. And why is homosexual marriage so threatening?
  2. Why should that be the case?
  3. And that's debated by other people who were part of the campaign. Still, I'd agree that people should not bother shelling out money for the book - if they really want to read it wait for a copy at the library or read in-store.
  4. No, it really did. You're seemingly attributing the same level of importance to your one history class as the fictional person was to his right-wing radio. If you want to disprove this go ahead and do so, but it seems that you've got nothing else to add other than "it's a strawman oh noes." I pointed out why your history class might not be a good source, and I am not saying that your class was not good just that it could not have been that great, and you've sat there and done nothing. Also, didn't you notice that the fist and last parts were more tongue-and-cheek than anything else.
  5. It sure sounds like you're trying to justify your earlier positions by evoking the class... Especially as it was, quote, a "response to Enoch's link." People do not normally bring up things like that unless they're trying to prove their side is correct - and the context of your post makes it clear that this was your intent.
  6. Me? No. But in the case of marriage it would be asinine for each state to have their own laws - hell, if you want examples of this look at the race laws and how much trouble they were.
  7. It's not a Strawman argument if it's attacking what is being used to defend ones position (id est it's not a Strawman argument to attack a person who claims to be a PhD but got his Doctorate from an unaccredited diploma mill) and you seemed to argue that you're positions must be true because you had a history class. I'm not attacking you for being young or being conservative, I am attacking you for claiming that one history class gives you a perfect insight to the Constitution and all the nuances surrounding it.
  8. Sigh... I'll look at it but it's likely this one will also be a bad deal when it comes to price-per-content. Yet at $5 it's nearing the point where DLC becomes so cheap it's worth getting it just to support the game (id est Tripwires $1.99 skinpacks to support the free content provided for Killing Floor). I might get it, I might not - I'll have to think about this and see some more information...
  9. They sort of have to because of, well, the United bit of the United States of America. If these laws stand then we might as well call ourselves the "Little Giant Bickering Territories" - but then I'm sure you'd love that as you already think that the United bit should be gotten rid of.
  10. Well if that's the case I'm sure everything you say must be true, after all you had a history class! Nevermind the fact that history classes can be slanted, nevermind the fact that history classes can be full of bull**** if the teacher wants it to be (id est Holocaust Denial because the Teacher is a denier), never mind the fact that you might have misunderstood something or might be ignoring facts. Nevermind all of that, and more, your argument that you are qualified to re-write the Constitution because you took one history class is hilariously bad. Anyways, enough of that for now - please post some more humor as I could use with some of that at the moment.
  11. The government should not have stated anything about it. If they're going to let heterosexuals get married then they should let homosexuals get married. Remember, this is about legal marriages -and the benefits those bring- not religious ones.
  12. Sorry, but that's not true. I'm sure you'd love to keep saying that but it simply is not correct. The reason gay marriage is being "pushed" is the same reason opponents of "septate-but-equal" pushed to have that overthrown - it's not about an affirmation of homosexuality, it's about basic equality.
  13. It's an issue for some people who believe the state must somehow put a stamp of approval on homosexuality. It's not "a stamp of approval on homosexuality" any more than "regular marriage" is "a stamp of approval" on heterosexuality.
  14. Silly conservatives! Lulz!
  15. CCleaner might be a good bet.
  16. That's all I've been saying.
  17. I don't think so. I'm fairly positive there were Pentium 4 chips that were x86-64 (id est these).
  18. Modders give Modern Warfare 2 Dedicated PC Servers
  19. 1.1b is out and it made easy mode easier... So yes, so far they've taken an easy mode, made it easier in the first patch, and then made that easier mod even easier in the next one.
  20. Isn't the PC version delayed?
  21. Ok, no problem. I just thought I'd ask since it might save you some money - I do agree about Dell though, I've been Dell laptops for some time and have never had any major issues with any of them. The same goes for the numerous Dell desktops my parents have owned through the years. Still, I'd not buy the graphics-card from Dell as their prices for those are normally a bit high.
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