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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. I hope you're joking.
  2. Maybe this link will help you Dagon.
  3. Well, again, you wouldn't.
  4. You still don't get it do you?
  5. What sort of marriage? The legal definition, the religious definition, etc. There's so many.
  6. And so I guess you paint all members of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party with the same brush. Nope, I guess there could not be a person who was required to be a member but did not think much of it - and I guess there is no chance that there might have been official members who worked against Hitler. Oh wait... There were. Here's one such case. And, just for you, here's a Jewish site that supports that.
  7. Hell no. Why not?
  8. Yes.
  9. They are worse, much worse.
  10. A California Community College.
  11. I'll be saving my money until they make another single-player game.
  12. The Graphics Cards was made after the game and thus it's not recognizing it. You should be fine.
  13. It's the codes. Try using the KSE instead. What's your system specs?
  14. You and me both. Make that three of us.
  15. Why? I've been thinking of buying it... Save your cash, there's better games coming out.
  16. In America the Civil War is a "big deal," and rightly so, however I doubt that the rest of the world cares that much.
  17. I've done that part - I just trying to make it so I didn't have to use console commands to launch the game...
  18. I'm trying to make a source modification -or rather a tweak that would enable the Portal Gun in Half Life two in such a way that the original campaign is intact- and failing.
  19. Use this!
  20. I'm guessing that it starts with a "Re" and ends with a "ligion." Or it might start with a "Homo" and end with a "phobia." Or it might be something else.
  21. True. But I can guess that the only reason you're not sharing is because you know that your reason is full of holes.
  22. And I would agree!
  23. No, let's go there. If you're going to openly support discrimination you should at least try to say why you're doing so.
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