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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Hummm... I think you missed this part of the posting "I respond within 12 hours!You are not buying a xbox system, you cant buy any electronic for $2 but with a little work and my help you can get an xbox 360 free." He is not selling an X-Box 360 Elite at all.
  2. The BIOs battery or chip is my first guess as well.
  3. Yeah, you'd have to actually be able to use GfWL to get those. I guess I'll not be getting them either, even though I will have bought the collectors' edition that I have on pre-order now. Oh wait... I guess anyone who dislikes GFWL must be a pirate and thus I am one even though I will have bought the game - but that has to be true, we're using Mkreku Logicâ„¢ and it must be flawless and perfect!
  4. It's like Lost? So it's a bad show that will be strung on too long and be over hyped by fans?
  5. The level is the best - that's all I'll say as to not give anything away.
  6. Say it, don't spray it. My Internet glitched and reloaded the page - including the data that had just been sent. The same thing happens if you accidentally refresh a page while it still has the posting data on it. That is say, either of those will cause a double post.
  7. EDIT: double post.
  8. KOTOR 2 Is Finally Finished - Or at least that's what Kotaku says.
  9. I'll place my bet on Sega- just because I'm hoping it comes out then. EDIT: Gamestop has "Pre-order Ships 6/1/2010"
  10. I understand the first and last words but "can" is a bit confusing as I cannot recall what it means in Latin nor do any of my dictionaries have it listed. Are you sure it was not "an" - as that would make much more sense, or at least I think it would, and come out, roughly, to "None Preserver?" Although if it were "an" it would be a conjunctive and so the statement/question would expect a negative answer. I wish I had more context though, because, while nullus is quite easy to translate, insisto has some other meanings that might drastically alter the sentence. Now remember that I'm a bit rusty so this might not be correct - but that's what I'm getting at the moment. P.S. It could be that it was meant as "Can none persevere?" and the "can" was added - but that would be a bit odd.
  11. So I guess you got internets again?
  12. You're back!
  13. That wasn't him.
  14. I guess I'll join the list of forum-goers who are going to build a new system soon, and thanks for the Tech Report link - I think I'll tweak one of their builds rather than go from scratch (as far as part ideas go).
  15. And you say you "haven't seen anything that bad..." Examples? The entire game.
  16. Vampire LARP.
  17. Nope. Still not convincing. In fact it's not exactly helping your case... So am I...
  18. Some bad rock music proves that your game is good?
  19. And you say you "haven't seen anything that bad..."
  20. You know, I really wish that you would actually think before you posted.
  21. You've just got to love HK.
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