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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Steam going down? Yeah.
  2. oh dear i don't remember this then again looking at the now empty 1.125L bottle of whiskey here on my desk that makes sense i suppose
  3. And I think that it is, in many ways, worse than SecuROM. That's ok though, we can agree to disagree on this point.
  4. I normally do as well but when it comes to DRM I feel that the only good DRM is no DRM - and, yes, before you even ask, I dislike Steam.
  5. Here's some quotes, that's all I can give you for now as the forum does not like members posting certain information, such as the cracking groups' names, and thus linking directly might cause a problem. From a Mirror's Edge crackfix NFO: The initial releases of the first Mirror's Edge crack were plagued as was, as stated below, some non-pirating users. From a gaming blog that covers Mirror's Edge issues: From a Mass Effect crackfix NFO: Most, if not all, of the issues described above were SecuROM triggers and most have affected non-cracked games - although, seeing as the majority are easy to fix, many people just think that it's a "normal" bug. Now this has led to some issues, as described by another poster, when members of the BioWare forums think they have found a pirate in their midst but really, in fact, only have an innocent who was rather unlucky - with the ironic part being that the often were posting in a part of the board that only registered members could access, in other words they had already proved that they had a legal, legitimate copy. From another Mass Effect crackfix NFO: As above, this was a re-release due to triggers that were included. In fact, this is the very error that my Steam version had until I uninstalled it an reinstalled it (if you require confirmation that I do in fact own both a DVD and Steam version Gorth has seen evidence of this and can back this up).
  6. It's not been publicized much but Mass Effect had them - in fact most modern SecuROM games have something similar. For instance I know that Mirror's Edge and Dead Space had similar systems that both defeated round one cracks -for about a day or less- and those who were unlucky enough to have a game that decided to trigger the DRM.
  7. It had a number of changes to adapt it for the PC. EDIT: I removed the redundant information.
  8. Yes, the DRM would sometimes trigger the "tags" that caused the bugs even if you had a legal, un-cracked version (I can personally attest to this as I have encountered the error on the Steam version of Mass Effect PC). Now, there were some early "fixed" .exe files that were affected as well - but those were fixed within a day or so of the issue coming to light and, even then, not everyone had issues.
  9. Wasn't Aribeth quicker? No, there you had at least one-two acts where in KotOR you only had one planet.
  10. That has nothing to do with ME. Then tell me how do you gonna activate your ME when there is no authentification server? You don't - but that doesn't mean that you cannot play without activation. EDIT: Considering that the activation only takes place when you runt he game for the first time and not during the instillation I suspect they would just release an unprotected .exe and call it a "patch."
  11. How about "Cafe Awsomeness"?
  12. That's old news to most of us I think...
  13. And you can make customized DVD/CD versions that are just liek the ones you might buy in the store!
  14. That is far from clear at the moment.
  15. Nice. Honda makes some good bikes.
  16. I agree, it's not that bad of a game - not great but not horrible either.
  17. I've got a Honda Civic as my main car at the moment. As for motorcycles, what kind did you get Gorth? I've driven BMW bikes a little and that's about it so, yeah, not much help there...
  18. Yes, although it's rare and unusual.
  19. Actually, I read recently the the Royal Navy flies the skull and crossbones every time it returns from patrol with a 'win'. Only the submersible branch I believe.
  20. It's not that far from it in some parts of the south...
  21. Maybe to some... Personally I'd rather not see it except in a historical context -id est a museum or reenactment- as it's not something that people should be celebrating - it was a dark part of American history and should be treated as such.
  22. Hope that helps.
  23. Still lurking? If you have something else to say do it.

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