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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. No. *I left out the "for me" as it would have made my statement untrue.
  2. Oh, come on, we want to know what you think!
  3. No, you really do not want to know. Possibly, but most likely not.
  4. Meh, class is review so I thought I would pop back in here for a few seconds. Nope. Once a child has dissocial personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder they cannot be cured. You might be able to teach them how to interact with others -id est you throw a sink on someone you get put in jail- but you cannot ever make them normal. Ever. The couple I mentioned in my other posting, my distant relatives, adopted the child when he was two or three -if that- and even then it was too late - he was already a Psychopath (also known as a Sociopath). You just cannot fix this disorder at the present time. It's not genetic, it's not curable, but it is horrible.
  5. I'll write more later -I have about three-five minutes before class starts and I have to get to another building before that - but I can sum up my opinion in this simple sentence: As someone who has experience with individuals like these, two semi-distant relatives adopted a child who turned-out to be a sociopath and he was eventually, after a long series of incidents and attempts to help him, put to death for murdering a police officer in cold blood, I would say that the best thing for all parties would be a life sentence.
  6. The artwork looks awesome!
  7. Well then it's not very "fantasy" is it? That depends on what you consider "fantasy."
  8. Then do something like snailmail Lucas Arts, that's more likely to be effective. I didn't as it's not likely to do anything but register e-mail adresses for spammers. Not unless they hack me. I change my e-mail password every week. And how does that protect you against spam?
  9. Well, at the moment, they're adding several games a week but, yeah, I do wish they could get Baldur's Gate I/II, IceWind Dale, Torment, etc..
  10. Many, many classic games thanks to the sale at GoG - too many in fact.
  11. My, aren't you full of yourself?
  12. Or Rock Band - it added other insterments.
  13. Because it was much better than most of the shooters out there including and was underrated in my opinion.
  14. I didn't as it's not likely to do anything but register e-mail adresses for spammers.
  15. EDIT: And I found a 24/7 help line so that issue is now fixed and I've got the games.
  16. I now feel old...
  17. Most likely. I live in a "college town" so the stocked titles are different from other places I've been (id est the next closest one has far fewer PC games).
  18. The one near me has half the store devoted to PC games and PC gaming.
  19. Uhhh... Alpha Protocol is a roleplaying game "first and formost" not a "third-person shooter."
  20. Roleplaying Games: Mask of the Betrayer The Witcher Bloodlines Mass Effect Jade Empire Shooters: Portal Prey S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
  21. Damn, I feel for you.
  22. It seems a bit overpriced to me but I haven't crunched the numbers yet.
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