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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. How is this not spam? Anyways, Tie Fighter would be my choice as well.
  2. I suspect he'll say something like "mindless fun."
  3. No, it does not.
  4. Fallout 2 or Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
  5. Maybe, maybe not. You cannot say one way or the other. Yes. What does that have to do with graphics? Blame the art department.
  6. No. So? So? Again, so what is your point? This forum is Obsidian's, not KotOR's.
  7. No. It is not. If I were closer I would help Calax but I'm on the other side of the US from you.
  8. Uhhhh what? A PC could handle that level of graphics, so unless you were talking about the game itself I think you're mistaken.
  9. If it had included Bloodlines I would have jumped to pre-order via Steam. But as it does not I will choose a disc over no disc and keep my other order intact.
  10. I picked up a copy of Prey for cheap so I'll install that sometome soon. The games doesn't look that great but, meh, it was only a few bucks.
  11. And even some of those, if I am not mistaken, were 64-bit.
  12. I'm going back to the club sometime soon - it was great. Not exactly what I had expected but really great.
  13. Things you cannot talk about here.
  14. Well, if SecuROM will not send you an .exe then I would suggest asking for help on other forums as the one thing that might help in that case is not welcomed here.
  15. Sounds like a driver bug, have you tried another version?
  16. What is that? It says it's "not available in my country due to copyright reasons". R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
  17. Look for "Poll Options: Click here to manage this topic's poll."
  18. Nope - I've played multi-player on dail up back in the day and it -sort of- works.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmxyj6iInMc&feature=fvw
  20. Nice.
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