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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. 10th Man Down - Nightwish. Sorry about the video, it's not the best and I am actualy listening to the recorded version and not the live one.
  2. At least it had the right codes. Some NA versions of NWN I: Diamond shipped with no codes at all...
  3. Let's get some more in here...
  4. Yes! Kill it with fire!
  5. Not that any of them were funny to start with...
  6. I know. I meant Mass Effect 2. Well, Mass Effect 2 is clearly not Mass Effect and thus should not be labled as such in posts.
  7. But it does - and it's often related to DRM not getting along with another program you have on your PC (id est Nero or a DVD/CD Emulator). I would try another disc with the same version of SecuROM, if you have one, and see if the same trigger is activated. If so you know what the problem is and, if not, you've ruled that out one possible issue.
  8. I have just lost what little faith in humanity remained after that book and movie... Mainly because the game is being made by unpaid volunteers.
  9. Mass Effect is out already... That's been cancelled. So true and yet also so sad.
  10. Awsome, I play a bit of that myself every now and again.
  11. I doubt it will be theit biggest game ever...
  12. I guess I should have expected a squid to be spineless.
  13. So? But that does not change the fact that the orriginal meaning is still valid and can, and should, be used. Also, as I said, the popular meaning of a word should not dominate the entire word - if some people do not like that then they should take another look at the word. Only if you are using the popular deffinition for the time - if you're using any other people will not understand as many do not give a **** about word meanings. But Squidman there does not belive in the orrginal meaning of cult - that is how the entire topic was brought up again, he stated a false item and I called him out on it.
  14. Oh noes, the "smilie" - whatever shall I do? Come on, grow a backbone and actualy write something for once that's longer than a few words that ammount to "na-uh."
  15. That says the same thing I have been saying - cult can be used as a pejorative but does not have to be. However, since the pejorative meaning has taken over some people might not like the non-pejorative use. Thus does not, however, change the fact that it exists and is a true meaning.
  16. But it is a true definition. And it also means what I think it means. So? They could also say that Obama is not a citizen of the of the U.S, but it would not change the fact that he is one. The whim of the general public is, at best, fickle and, at worst, utterly incorrect.
  17. No it is not. People might be Christians but the faith is not followed in much of Europe and in many other places. Just because you say you are something does not mean that you actualy are. So now we have "cult" and "true cult"... What's next, "very, very true cult or cultness"? All religions are cults, but, as I have said, the negative connotations have been added and should not be there.
  18. Yeah... Some of us think that pushing false or harmful dogma is a bad thing (and I am not saying your church does, but fundies often do and I suspect yours does as well)... So? Again, so?
  19. Uhhh... Hulu is not a pirate website Wals... People get money from the site if their stuff is on it.
  20. So am I (for the most part, as much as I am anything).
  21. They do not belive in psychiatry and think that psychiatrists are trying to take over the world. Thus treating metal problems is aiding their foes.
  22. Opps... Double post.
  23. The problem is that some of Scientology's actions are, at best, only semi-legal and, at wrost, criminal. It is also true that it was founded to fleece people, the main mythos is, in fact, based on a regected screenplay that Hubbard could not sell that was writen while he was high on painkillers and achohol. “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous, if a man really wanted to make a million dollars, he would start a religion.” - L. Ron Hubbard
  24. Exactly the point I was trying to make in the other thread - glad to see we agree. Nor should you.
  25. Nope. I think the other thread had all that needs to be said -id est that Cult has several meanings, including one that would apply to any dogmatic religion- but if he wants to continue to talk about it I don't think that there's any harm in that. Although I do wish he would continue in the other topic and not spam this one.
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