No, he would be living according to a false reality, wasting, at a minimum, money, time, and thought on a worthless myth.
Ever heard of Pascal’s Wager? If not, look it up as you just presented it. It is a logical fallacy for too many reasons to mention here – look it up if you want more information.
Is the Bible not the holly book of Christianity?
So? He belives in Christianity - thus he is a "Christian."
I do not care if I am “cool,” nor do I care if atheism is “cool.” This is nothing more than an attack to make any non-theist seem if they are expressing their disbelief because it is the popular thing to do – id est, it is an ad hominem attack.
All religions with dogma are cults - nothing more and nothing less.
It is to me.
But you are a member of the Christain cult, be you a "fundie" or a sane member.
O RLY? I did not know I spewed dogma about them in threads. Also, that's another ad hominem attack.