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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Ahhh.... Well... I'll not speak too much until I hear more -if you feel like telling more- but if it was one action I will agree that castration might be warented (amoung other things).
  2. I found Internets! I checked Internets! I'm now getting off the Internets!
  3. Well, it looks like I've missed most of the fun this week -damn, I would have never guessed id would be bought by Bethesda- seeing as I am out of town and away from my internet connection (I should be on more next week and I will update my let's play as soon as I have a better wireless signal.), but I did think I would drop into this topic and make a quick post. The fines are outrageous and disproportional to the crime that was committed, true, but the fact that they were even accepted shows how out-of-touch the music industry is with its consumers. Do I want to legally get my music? Yes. Do I want to support a company that thinks that sharing 24 songs should be punishable by a two-million-dollar fine? No. Seeing as I already buy mainly from a local store (I happen to have a musical specialty shop in my area that imports most of its titles directly from the original publishers, thus cutting out the US record labels in some cases) this will not be that hard, but I do think that this is an extremely pad PR move on their part.
  4. If you can't shell out $15 a month, my advice would be to stop whining and get a job. Homeless folk aren't their intended target anyway. Lulz wot? An ad homonym attack instead of an argument?
  5. So NWN offered server maintenance, fulltime DM staff, constant development, testing and addition of new content, event organization etc "for free" before? Many major servers did.
  6. Yeah. It came that way and I'm not sure how I'll get them out of the way.
  7. Well, I've been working on it without luck (I couldn't flash and update the BIOs although I'm sure it was user error and not because they cannot be flashed or updated)- although I did pull the CPU and am going to try a Core 2 Duo when one gets here (my freind is a spare over to test). Here's some pics though:
  8. Ahhh... No. The "core crowd" might use MP more but they also, normaly, use a hell of a lots of mods as well. Modifications have saved that game for many gamers and so I doubt many of them will like an MMO version.
  9. My internet is acting up when I try to upload the pics so I doubt I will get the update in before I go to bed – I will, however, make sure I post something worthwhile later. Thanks for putting up with the delay, I’ll be quicker next time.
  10. Hellgate London - getting those last few pics for the Let's Play, sorry about how slow I'm being, and then writing up the text.
  11. Would you happen to have a guide on how to do that? I,ve done similar things before but would like to make sure I get it right seeing as this is not my PC. If you don't have one that is ok, just thought I would check before I attempted that.
  12. Ok, a friend bought the following PC off of Craigslist and now expects me, as I volunteered to help solve the issue, to figure out what is wrong. Unfortunately, he forget to give me the RAM and GPU so I cannot test those (yet) – although they might not be the issue. The symptoms are described below, as well as the entire ad –although it failed to mention the fact that the computer also came with three sound cards, two installed and one loose-, so any help would be wonderful. Oh yeah, I have a new drive ready and am planning to, until my friend gets a copy of Windows to put on, install Linux on the box – not sure if that would cause any issues, but if the problem is hardware related I doubt that would be the case. Thanks in advance! The ad:
  13. Do you have a legal copy? Because some Rips remove videos to make the files smaller - and if that is the case we cannot help you.
  14. Did you watch the in-game video links I posted? If not, that's a start.
  15. Really? Because at least half of the ones I have seen said almost exactly that - including some of the ones that I have posted in this thread... EDIT: L4D Sequel Met with Much More than Indifference E3 09: Hands-on with Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2: Voodoo Extreme Hands-On Preview
  16. Did you include gascans? They do when they add up the weapons.
  17. Of course, they are; but, in general, western peoples tend to get worked up about sex more then they do about violence.
  18. No, you can “take” every piece, sans the King, and take does not equal kill. In fact, if one looks at the culture, take would more likely equal capture in most of the cases as a captured unit can be ransomed for a profit. An adventure where killing is a necessity that cannot be avoided, much like the adventure in Grand Theft Auto or Doom. No, you can see the units you use it on. An extremely bloody, violent game where you could see mutilated corpses and fill units with arrows. Oh yes, Oblivion was nothing like all those “horrible violent games.” That’s your opinion. Sigh… That’s exactly what I said before – you do not care about violence but will get worked up if sex is involved. “Western values” are full of hypocrisy, and nothing you say can change that fact. You have to back up that statement or it’s nothing more than your opinion. Yes, but if you’re a good player that rarely happens as there is nearly always hope of a comeback. All of the things Purkake mentioned.
  19. No, as I might, as I have said, be fine with Left 4 Dead 2 as cheap DLC or as a low-priced game. However, I will not buy it for the full $50.
  20. Ok, so I guess checkers, by that standard, is also all about war. You seem to have ignored the fact that, as I pointed out, Chess is a game of strategy, one where, I might ad, you cannot kill the enemy king – only capture it. Noooo… Killing in KotOR is much, much more brutal than the “killing” in Chess. For example, can you pick up a person and crush them to death in Chess? No, I did not think so. There you go, you are a hypocrite – thank you for admitting it. Ok, so, now, as long as something is in a fantasy or science-fiction setting it is ok with you? I guess you wouldn’t mind “Rapelay: Space Wars” or “Grand Theft Spaceship.” Please stop trying to make excuses and just admit that your previous comment was asinine. Guess what, it’s hard to tell the two apart sometimes and this is the reason that games such as Rapelay should not be banned. Until it is proven otherwise the game should be treated as nothing more than a perverse, to quote you, “harmless fantasy fulfillment.” Yes, but the context still does not make a game right or wrong.
  21. And that was about The Witcher, not Left 4 Dead - in fact it could not have been about Left 4 Dead due to the use of Steam.
  22. Yes. As much as I think it will be full price, your proof is a listing on the Gamestop website? Really? you can find the same price here.
  23. Actually, no, I will not be buying a copy unless it looses “southern” feel – I really find that annoying and think that it only detracts from the game. Maybe if I found a copy for five dollars, but unless it drops down in that price range I am going to skip it.
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