Yes, you are wrong. My goal was to run a good game and my primary focus was on making sure the other, original players – id est those who I had actually played with before, started the game for, and knew would stick around for the duration– got a game that was on par with others I have run. We had already had half a dozen sessions or so before the other people joined so they were, frankly, the least likely to get the game catered to them. To put it another way, the Twilight fans were an afterthought, we simply overheard them talking about the series on the way to where we were meeting between classes, we had picked a time that would accommodate that, and decided as a group that we would invite them for a lark. Sure, I could have asked Laura not to act in-character during that encounter, she was playing the aforementioned Nosferatu –her favorite bloodline and one that she does rather well-, but seeing as the two newer players had willing chosen to venture into her lair I decided that I would let the scenario play out without interference as this was a fairly player-run game with the storyteller only interjecting if they, the players, consistently started to far from the central plot. Was it the nicest thing I could have done? No, of course not. Do I feel any regret about how it turned out? Nope. In fact, I feel things turned out quite well and would not change anything about what happened.