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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. You're saying that those are not soft-core porn? If so, what are they?
  2. I've played these games: 2000 * 2000-02-29 - Might & Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer * 2000-06-22 - Deus Ex * 2000-06-29 - Diablo 2 * 2000-06-30 - Icewind Dale * 2000-09-24 - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn * 2000-10-16 - Nethack: Falcon's Eye * 2000-10-26 - Summoner 2001 * 2001-03-15 - Gothic * 2001-03-23 - Avernum 2 * 2001-06-27 - Anachronox * 2001-08-21 - Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura * 2001-09-27 - Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor * 2001-11-05 - Wizardry 8 * 2001-11-12 - Geneforge * 2001-12-04 - Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon 2002 * 2002-04-05 - Dungeon Siege * 2002-05-01 - Morrowind * 2002-06-18 - Neverwinter Nights * 2002-08-02 - Divine Divinity * 2002-08-19 - Prince of Qin * 2002-08-26 - Icewind Dale 2 * 2002-09-19 - Avernum 3 * 2002-11-15 - Prelude to Darkness * 2002-12-22 - I of the Dragon 2003 * 2003-03-29 - Might & Magic IX * 2003-06-28 - Arx Fatalis * 2003-08-13 - Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader * 2003-09-16 - Temple of Elemental Evil * 2003-10-15 - Geneforge 2 * 2003-10-28 - Gothic 2 * 2003-11-07 - Silent Storm * 2003-11-19 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic * 2003-12-01 - Devil Whiskey * 2003-12-02 - Deus Ex: Invisible War 2004 * 2004-01-25 - Omega Syndrome * 2004-02-27 - Sacred * 2004-03-03 - Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade * 2004-04-28 - Beyond Divinity * 2004-11-16 - Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2005 * 2005-02-15 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords * 2005-12-05 - Mourning's Wrath * 2005-04-12 - Kult: Heretic Kingdoms * 2005-04-12 - Jade Empire * 2005-05-05 - Dungeon Lords * 2005-05-18 - Fate * 2005-05-30 - Geneforge 3 * 2005-08-16 - Dungeon Siege II 2006 * 2006-19-01 - Aveyond * 2006-03-02 - Avernum 4 * 2006-03-17 - Fable: The Lost Chapters * 2006-03-20 - Oblivion * 2006-06-26 - Titan Quest * 2006-09-26 - Mage Knight: Apocalypse * 2006-11-20 - Gothic 3 * 2006-12-08 - Neverwinter Nights 2 2007 * 2007-02-05 - Geneforge 4 * 2007-03-09 - Silverfall * 2007-04-06 - Loki: Heores of Mythology * 2007-05-09 - Two Worlds * 2007-09-28 - Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer * 2007-10-30 - The Witcher * 2007-11-19 - Eschalon: Book I * 2007-11-20 - Mass Effect * 2007-12-27 - Aveyond 2 2008 * 2008-02-17 - Avernum 5 * 2008-07-30 - The Spirit Engine 2 * 2008-10-02 - Sacred 2: Fallen Angel * 2008-10-28 - Fallout 3 * 2008-11-18 - Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir 2009 * 2009-02-20 - Geneforge 5 * 2009-07-24 - Divinity II: Ego Draconis * 2009-08-09 - Knights of the Chalice * 2009-10-02 - Risen * 2009-11-03 - Dragon Age * 2009-10-27 - Torchlight
  3. I have to agree with you, if you're going to be out at night in a city you should have some sort of weapon on you or an intimidating friend or three.
  4. There was a good This American Life about that and there's also a book about it as well.
  5. Meh, Apple allows the Sports Illustrated and PlayBoy applications so I guess what they really mean is "we're against porn unless you can pay us enough."
  6. After watching the video and reading the accounts of the shooting it seems that he could have been acting in self-defense - although, of course, the victim is telling a different story. If Ung is believed, and I will admit that the facts seem to support this account more than the other, he shot Ed DiDonato after he, DiDonato, started to attack him -something the footage seems to support- after one of DiDonato's group was "bumped" while doing a pull-up. After being menaced by the four others -in fact the woman with him was knocked down by Kelly, one of the people in DiDonato's party- Ung drew his gun and said "Back the f--- up." something that, according to witnesses, was greeted with "Who you gonna shoot?" and DiDonato charging at Ung. After he was knocked down Ung fired five times, although reports, and statements from both sides, seems to indicate that the attack continued after the shooting. Ung then called 9-1-1 and reported the shooting while DiDonato's friends, or at least the only one who testified, retreated from the area. So, yes, it seems to me that Ung is not guilty of the charges - at least based on the evidence I could find about the case. EDIT: Also, just in case anyone had heard the earlier, mistaken reports, Ung had a gun permit and so the illegal weapon charges were dropped.
  7. I'd rather have a knife or two, although I will admit that they are less useful in some situations. The function of a firearm is deterrence, a knife simply doesn't provide that. True, but I wouldn't expect them to be as I carry them concealed and would only draw one if I needed to.
  8. I'd rather have a knife or two, although I will admit that they are less useful in some situations.
  9. I'll have to try this.
  10. I would suspect that some members have played every title on that list, or at least most of them.
  11. Have you tried running your PC without the new RAM? If not you might want to see if that's the issue.
  12. The 5870 seems to fit fine in that case according to this review and this review says that you can just remove the upper harddrive cadge to fit the 5970. So this-generation cards might not be out of the picture.
  13. Depends on your system and what games you're running - also, you have to keep in mind that the 4XX series draws more power, makes more heat, and is loader than any of the other cards on the market. If you're buying a single card I would go with ATI because, frankly, unless you have a ALI set-up the new GeForce cards are too expensive when compared to, say, the Radeon HD 5870 or Radeon HD 5870 2GB (two cards that match, or beat, the GTX 480 in real-world gaming benchmarks). The fact that other, last-generation GeForce cards such as the GTX 295 beat the 4XX series on occasion, albeit only in DirectX 10 and 10.1 mode, is another strike against the cards - but if you're not upgrading from one of those it doesn't matter. But, yes, again, I would not recommend the 4XX series as they're, in my mind at least, not worth the premium when there are equally-good, cheaper alternatives available that preform just as well if not better than the new GeForce cards. I'd go with an Antec myself.
  14. Fail. Again, fail. But, really, it's no use discussing politics with you or Mr. Flies - you're two sides of the same coin.
  15. I like it. Sure, the art might be basic but there's nothing wrong with that and, frankly, it really doesn't bother me that much. Good job.
  16. Well Fallout 3 was at least attempting to stay true to the originals, we can disagree about the success of that but Bethesda at least tried to follow the first two games, and Far cry 2 was a FPS like Far Cry 1 so that's not a huge change either.
  17. Solder balls are balls of solder and you should be able to met them with a regular soldering iron. As for the other questions, I don't think you'd need to do any rewiring, although I might be wrong, and the thermal paste would go in-between components and their heatsinks. As far as why you need it, thermal paste acts as a conductor for the heat and helps vent it to your heatsink. Anyways, I just picked up Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 off of Steam -it's on sale for $1.99- and so I'm playing around with that.
  18. Bah. I'll have to see if the Steam version will have any extra DRM, if not then I'll likely cancel my pre-order for the physical copy and pick it up there (even though I dislike Steam it's still better than this).
  19. Well 3d Realms could have if they had stuck to an engine.
  20. Meh. I would have liked a turn-based game like the originals, and wasn't that impressed by BioShock 1 or 2, so I'll be passing on this.
  21. Now, and this might have been addressed and I just missed it, has anyone clarified if New Vegas is going to support the G.E.C.K. Toolset or not? It seems that it would, being a co-title with Bethesda and sharing the engine, but then the game might be less modification-freindly if it has a less free-roam world. But, yeah, I just thought of that was wondering if anything had been said.
  22. Shryke would likely know of some good places to visit, although I think he might be on the northern island.
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