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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. CryoStat - Chiasm
  2. I still think the original music fits the game better.
  3. Impressive, those are actually rather good when you take that into account.
  4. Personally, if you are going to be going for a masters or above, I would get a bachelors degree at a smaller institution and then move to your "name-brand" school for grad work.
  5. And you say that you're a Libertarian not an Anarchist? At this point I would say that you could use either label but that the latter would fit you better.
  6. Sorry, but what he described was as much Libertarianism as it was Anarchism seeing as Libertarianism advocates both the maximization of individual liberty and rights and the minimization, or in some cases abolition, of government. In the more extreme forms those titles are interchangeable.
  7. Could you mean Guard Dog? No, it's not.
  8. It's an interesting little game, not overly good but not that bad either. The biggest issues seem to be the camera and the controls but after you get used to those it's a nice distraction.
  9. I was supposed to meet someone, a friend of a friend, and fix their laptop but instead ended up hanging out with her for a couple of hours and making plans for a date next week. Hey, it didn't turn out as planned but this outcome was not the worst in the word either.
  10. We Are the Saints - Klik
  11. The cameras do build up speed and can hurt but then you can die by building up speed yourself and then accidentally clipping a wall.
  12. There's an ending where .
  13. Njord - Leaves' Eyes
  14. Portal 2... Humm... It might end up being good but I doubt it will be as good as Portal.
  15. Meh, I'd be more interested in a Linux version of Steam as I'm not a fan of Apple or OS X.
  16. Congrats!
  17. Yeah, it sounds like it's likely the GPU.
  18. A Steamtag option might be nice too, if a bit ironic since no Obsidian games are on Steam (yet).
  19. The patch came out five days ago. That's a copy of the patch for people with pirated copies of the game. Actually, no, it wasn't. The file I linked was an older, player-made patch/fix that only dealt with single-core issues.
  20. Yes, that is correct. GMT -5. I believe so, my current character is at 24 but I'm fairly sure that I've got a level 9 around here somewhere. Is siren ok or do you have enough of those? It's not exactly a curfew per say, I've just got to get up tomorrow and get some actual coursework done.
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