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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. there's a chokepoint below the barrel. did it with 3 party members. use whiteleaf, svef, cinder bombs. that chokepoint limit 2 mobs at a time which make the fights easier. at first i thought of exploding the barrels. this is surprising to me. using a pistol it cannot explode the barrels? also, be sure to use xoti empower sickle.
  2. yeah since im dishing xoti for this party i'm looking for monk/priest. if not mistaken pre 1.1 arcane veil, llengrath, mirror image they don't stack correct me if i'm wrong. also wael is better for a melee monk compared to eothas?
  3. yes that is only for your MC. i'm still thinking and kinda undecided. my favorite build was previously monk/ranger though but due to what obsidian has done, the build cannot proceed at all. kinda love monk alot.
  4. the biggest issue i have with the patch is that it breaks total builds. i was playing a monk/ranger and making swift flurry out of a sudden melee is only is really a big failed design decision by obsidian.
  5. Though if "melee only" is the fix, all I can do is facepalm. if it's already been fixed then it should not restrict to melee only. it has been allowed pre 1.1 for range and it encourages build diversity. limit it to melee is actually discourage build variety. i don't buy it at all. i find it even more silly where barbarian while fighting busily on 1 hand corpse eating perhaps a human drumstick? lol
  6. would it have been better that they fix frostseeker proc rate than outright removing swift flurry for range? frostseeker fire 3 arrows per attack. so why not make it that only 1 of the 3 arrows would have 33% chance to proc? if i understand why it infinitely proc probably because each arrow previously has 33% chance of proccing another attack. also they can go the route to reduce the damage for the procced 2nd attack or restrict 2-3 procs within 2-3secs? what i'm saying they can play around with the balancing of effectiveness of the proccing. what do you think it would have been a better solution for this? just interested to know what people think and how you see it should be balanced.
  7. This is getting on my nerves. As soon i damage enemy ship enough it try to run away. Is there a way for me to prevent it to escape? There's no option for me to reverse the direction so that enemy ship my face. I damage the sail enough but it still able to get away. This happen couple of times already. This ship combat is kinda stupid?
  8. i see it that as an alternative or option for you to win fights that are too tough for you. again you dont have to use it.. did anyone use a gun and point to your head "you must press this awesome button"? holy cow is it that the trend these day is something you didnt like you need to enforce everyone else to not allow to empower simply because it's too powerful for you? IMO empower should be powerful that is why it's called empower. the issue probably more to how easy you can rest than empowering. however, i do agree that empower should not 1 shot bosses.
  9. forget about romance.. if they make mirke a full companion in expansion that will be really nice. i kinda like the character and the voice acting. funny, cute and drunk
  10. after the mega nerf good luck in fun builds . if i discover an awesome build (which may not be broken) i probably be keeping for myself. obsidian is not taking criticism constructively but negatively. improve your game by improving battle encounters not unnecessary and uwarranted nerfs. but you know tweaking some numbers in some files are much easier and less effort than actually putting thoughts in "high level" and "epic" fights
  11. that is biggest issue i have. you have to assign 1 character and to max out the mechanics leaving him/her out gimped in other skills which are important and contribute to combat: athletics, alchemy, explosives. same goes with sleight of hand. whoever goes the roleplaying aspect for sleight of hand or mechanics they will see themselves gimped in combat. IMHO these skills are should not be optional for potd. also another drawback is scouting of traps are tied to PER which none of your party member has high enough to discover the traps themselves. this makes PER extremely important for any build which limits build diversity. obsidian is making an RPG and RPG is about giving options but obsidian likes to restrict you by giving you less options.
  12. it kind of suxs with this skill options. mechanics is a must else you wont able to disarm any traps in dungeon. for this you need to dedicate 1 character solely in taking that skill and nothing else. apart from that no other party members have high enough perception to detect traps which then further limit build options where is almost beneficial every character you build must have high PER.
  13. that's the basis of a problem. pause every second. that is why to refraid from doing so i have set auto pause every 6secs. i queue actions. i'm not sure if any newbie would know this. if the interface will be much more intuitive to allow you to see what you queued, add/remove it that will be freaking awesome. but again obsidian didn't take any player feedback on QoL features.
  14. the problem that i see it obsidian is taking the wrong approach. they think nerfing, removing abilties/features equals harder game. making swift flurry melee only limits build diversity. instead of making game epic like tuning encounters, they go the path where they make you handicap with unfair fights during EARLY of the game where you have no gear, no level and low accuracy they called it difficulty. i would like to see epic fights where even with a powerful party that you can fight very hard encounters. not this nerf flurry, nerf charge, nerf cleave, nerf frostseeker, nert all cool items/weapons, nerf the shiat out of the game. if they have reworked the encounters with enemies have higher hitpoints, damage resists, mixing elite units in the enemy composition, smarter AI i assure you that your powerful builds will see yourself palm sweating. but no... obsidian definition of difficulty is take away build options, flexibility, overnerf it and then maybe gradually adding back some "sweets" if folks complained too much.
  15. In my humble experience, I find that drunk girls are easier to romance than sober ones. ^_^ you mean laid...
  16. magic is life magic is awesome. the moment i saw frostseeker bow i immediately fell in love with it. melee and range has always been a boredom for me without fancy effects. i wished there can be more stuff like this in the game.
  17. Seriously i like Mirke very much. Here's hoping there be a romance option for Mirke in the expansion. But i think it's tremendously difficult to do a drunk and fun character like Mirke as romance option.. i mean impossible.
  18. this is how i play my game: pause every 6secs. with the AI behavior (which i have yet to play with it) you can set the pause longer. that way you dont really have to replay (which i find it really pointless but i understand it be neat).
  19. perfromance is very bad in certain places. queens berth and fort deadlight for me. and when raining or something.
  20. Yes i will not be using nature godlike since it isn't that appealing anymore. Not to mention they look ugly. It seems obisidian folks have some fetish for ugliness
  21. does anyone knows how to enable all party characters to be full naked when you take off their armor? is there a mod for it? now, now.. inb4 i'm pervert and i should go watch porn. and no i don't need to. i'm no pervert and dont need to because i have social RL and i have a partner. i've seen real skin and nips where you basement dwellers don't need to instruct me what i need to or not need to see in a fantasy game.
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