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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Or remove experience at all and let the player only advance with training (trainers/teachers/books or whatever). You can still gain benefits from fighting - like special talents which are only unlockable if you have experienced certain situations in fights (unlock Unbroken if you got knocked out more than X times or whatever) or when doing a lot of scouting or doing a lot of lockpicking and so on.
  2. I think it's because Darren likes Heavy Metal. Just a guess though...
  3. @Ganrich: cool, you updated the opening post. One thing though: Wizards have two known subclasses now - named "Evoker" and "Illusionist": https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/161286794616/hi-will-dual-class-names-in-deadfire-be-the-same Ciphers have a sublcass called "Ascendant" (same source). I don't think he just made those names up on the fly.
  4. Maybe it's more like an Ondra-Piglet. So, not really alien. The goddess who pulled a whole moon down to Eora can probably also create moon godlike runt. Too bad it never gets hit in combat. I bet it has Silver Tide, too.
  5. Wait... what? No, seriously: WHAT??? What's your Facebook name? I want to befriend and then unfriend you!
  6. No hirelings, no companions after Cilant Lis and therefore no stronghold quests and items.
  7. At some point (I believe) it was your mechanics skill that influenced not only traps (also hazards once triggered) but also seals and other hazards. But this got changed pretty early because it was cheesy and a bit weird that your priest should have 12 mechanics just to make his/her seals hit/crit more often. But they didn't establish any other tool to boost hazards then. So maybe this "on their own" behavior was intended at some point. With traps it makes total sense. The one who can lay traps really well should create a trap which is more dangerous.
  8. Driving Flight works with most ranged attacks - spells included - that are targeted (like Missiles, Necrotic Lance, Killing Bolt and stuff). It also works with Twin Stones for some hilarious effects. Funny thing is: Driving Flight also works in melee - but only in combination with Stunning Shots: if you hit an enemy in melee with Stunning Shots then the enemy behind the first one will also get stunned (but not damaged). Did anyone check if the Martyr spell on that Marked Amulet (ledendary Caed Nua adventure) stacks with "Behold the Martyr" from paladins or other speed buffs?
  9. How can it be with a paladin? You'd have to pick Zealous Focus and take all the damage-enhancing talents and abilites you can get, including Intense Flames, Scion of Flame and whatnot. But that will leave you with lower defenses. You will have to decide what suits you. It's a viable approach to boost your defenses to the max and only do whimpy damage. Fights will last forever, but you will not go down. Focusing more on offense will shorten the fights - but it will also be your K.O. which ends the fight prematurely from time to time . What can work is to get some retaliation items quickly (Supper Plate + Garodh's Chorus for example) and then use a Ring of Searing Flames. That way you can do with low DEX and still deal damage when you get hit or grazed - and the Combusting Wounds will speed up things. It doesn't work well against very high DR foes or burn immune enemies, but most fights it will speed up drastically. If you combine this later with Sacred Immolation it gets really interesting. Also, if you can get Aila Braccia you will see that it is one of the best shielkds in the game in certain situations (Lagufaeth - including Broodmothers, Thaos and everything that uses ranged weapons and targeted spells against you). In a solo game you can't stick to one weapon setup anyway. You have to adapt to the situation and the enemies. For example, using high DEX + Sanguine Plate + Executioner's Hood + Inspiring Triumph + St. Ydwen's Redeemer is quite nice against vessels while it's totally useless against Banshees.
  10. It doesn't look like a Polpovir at all if I look at the ingame description: It looks as if some blue-footed, soft-tissued something stepped on a marble. Ouch - we all know how much this hurts. Only thing worse is to kneel down right onto a lego brick.
  11. You can also use the Coil of Resourcefulness for more trap accuracy (+15 I think). Still not good enough.
  12. Yes, it's possible. As Jerek said, his command sets the XP for all current party members. So if you are lvl 10 and Pallegina is lvl 5, then typing AddExperienceToLevel 10 should do the job for Pallegina and everybody else who's not at lvl 10 yet.
  13. The wird thing about traps is this: if you trip a Sunlance trap it will deal like 300 to 400 damage to you. If you disarm it and place it yourself then it will deal about 30 to 40 damage to an enemy. Erm... Sadly, there's no talents or abilities around traps - so it's not worthwhile to use them with a party. Maybe if every character in the party had 10 mechanics and you would place 10 traps - but why the hassle?
  14. It would seem that "Going Between" could be a good example of the special powers an Ascendant might have. It's description and all sound so "ascendantish". But wait - I totally missed (or forgot) that there is a wizard's subclass named "Sorcerer". What was it all about again? Evoker also sounds more like a summoning specialist to me. That's cool with me because I really like the summoned weapons in PoE1.
  15. If you want to use summoned weapons you shouldn't spec for weapon & shield. Take Arcane Veil + Hardened Veil and use Wizard's Double. I would also recommend Veteran's Recovery as it works very well with high MIG and INT as well as Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon to help with survivability because both can heal your endurance nicely. Infuse with Vital Essence doesn't look like much, but its values are influenced by MIG, and healing bonuses as well. It will give you back quite some health which can be very useful for a melee wizard since a wizard's health is low. Things like Savage Attack and Two Weapon Style work well with all summoned melee weapons. They are all two handed and have higher base damage than "normal" weapons.
  16. It seems that hazards are like characters on their own.
  17. I like orlans a tanky characters. It's funny when the smallest guy in the party is the toughest one.
  18. Before complaining, look at MaxQuest's signature! He made an excellent webapp. Far better than crappy spreadsheets.
  19. Yeah. Like plate: it has 12 base DR in general against everything - but slash and pierce are higher and shock is lower. And watch out: the bonuses/malus are percentage based (like a plate with 12 DR has -50% shock DR: means 6). Those percentage based bonus/malus also applies to your own proofing enchantments that you put onto your armor.
  20. I would give more points to PER. As I said: the accuracy bonus of the Long Pain isn't used when you are attacking with Force of Anguish, Torment's Reach, Stunning Blows and so on. It only works with auto attacks. And since the base damage of tLP is very high, you want do do lots of crits.
  21. You can just add the oroginal item via console and then enchant again: additem <name_of_the_item> 1 <enter> For example: additem hide_armor_blaidh_golan 1 (hope the spelling is right) But this is not optimal if you already put durgan steel or things like adra dragon scale on the original armor.
  22. Items with bonus to RES help, also Potion of Spirit Shield, later maybe Celebrant's Gloves and the Lost Periapt of the Winding Path. And if you don't surround yourself completely with enemies and use your CCs then interrupts are not a big problem. You don't need to min/max everything though.
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