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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. That is not right. The Devil of Caroc can be healed like anyone else - she only can't use food, drugs or potions. For example: give her Veteran's Recovery or use Lay on Hands on her and you'll see that she heals like any other character. I'm talking about healing endurance here of course. But even health can be regained via Wound Binding or Field Triage. Not with a potion of Infuse with Vital Essence though. Why that? This will not make him any more defensive or sturdier. He will not even be able to kil the enemy faster because the switching will cause a very long recovery. Better to switch to a hatchet + shield setup since those deflection bonuses will be applied instantly after switching. Edit: corrected the wrong statement about Field Triage.
  2. The rule that weapons' enchantments stack with everything is only true for passive effects. The speed buff from spelltongue might be implemented in a way that it's considered an active, more spell-like ability that belongs to a certain group of speedups which suppress each other (like Disorienting on hit or Overbearing or Interfering). At least it has a duration and all. BUT I remember that it stacked with everything when WM came out (it also accidentally gave +90% speed back then) - so it might well be that it got reprogrammed and nerfed so it doesn't stack with everything anymore. Or it's a problem with Nature's Bounty - although a speed buff from potions never stacked with any other spell-like speed buff. However: a weaker effect should never suppress a stronger one. This has to be a bug then.
  3. I don't blame anyone. It's a natural thing that you find the things easy which you practiced a lot and which you know in and out. For me it's fun to do things like stacking ACC to the max or stacking defenses or damage per hit or whatever - even if it's not always that practical in most situations (because it takes time or may be complete overkill). I mean the game itself doesn't hold any surprises after you play it twice or thrice. It's this tinkering with the mechanics that lets me play it over and over again. And I really like the Redeemer. Especially on a barbarian with Blood Lust it's so much fun against vessels. Abydon's Hammer is nice and all but I usually pick that one up so late that it doesn't matter anymore. I really like weapons with truly unique features that you can find in early to mid game.
  4. No they can't. Only the ones you put there. The normal traps can only be triggered by the player. And same vice versa: you can't trip your own traps.
  5. Eh? You can combine those - they stack. Flanking + Disciplined Barrage (fighter) + Devotions + Inspiring Radiation (priest) + Marking + Marking + Coordinated Attacks + Inspiring Liberation (darcozzi paladin)= +100 ACC for the fighter. This turns even dragons into easy prey. Give the fighter an overbearing or stunning weapon (or both) and no enemy will get up again... Edit: Ninja-Torm!
  6. You should get that shield from the Drake in lvl 5 of the Endless Paths and fetch Blaidh Golan from Caedman Azo in the Sanatorium at some point. Both have the preservation enchantment (+50 to all defenses when stunned or prone) and they stack (because one is a weapon/shield). Sometimes it doesn't trigger, but most of the time it makes you untouchable if you sit down or get stunned.
  7. Ryona's Vambraces + Vulnerable Attack will give you 8 DR bypass which is OK then. You can even shove the Devil of Caroc into the Blood Pool and make it 9 DR bypass. If you have a wizard in your crew he can add Expose Vulnerabilities and you're at 14 which should really be enough. I would not replace Enduring Flames. It's a great talent when you have low INT. And even better in this case: it doesn't care about weapon damage.
  8. As I said: boar has a regenerating effect which also works with healing bonuses and stacks with Veteran's Recovery and Shod-in-Faith boots. It's not superstrong but it helps a bit. Besides that, boar can reach the same DPS as the cat form because his tusks are wounding. Depends on enemies' DR though (high DR: boar's better, lower DR: cat's better). The boar also has the "advantage" that he has two passives instead that one stupid 1/rest ability.
  9. Redeemer + Eyeless = problem solved. I've always reached the level cap when I get to them. Maybe I should go there earlier...
  10. Flails are not an optimal choice for Flames of Devotions because they are light - and light weapons' base damage is the lowest. You get the most out of FoD with weapons with high base damage or very good crit modifiers - or both. Besides that: cool build. One question though: why not Starcaller instead of Gaun's Share? Gaun's Share's Draining enchantment does not profit from healing bonuses (survival and Belt of Bountiful Healing) and Starcaller has stun on crit and a spell striking - which should be cool once you add Sworn Enemy + FoD and crit with it.
  11. For solo that might be better than putting everything into spiritshift.
  12. Also ok. Don't put too much thinking into stats - a few points here and there are not that important. All summoned weapons use whatever Weapon Focus you take. For example Concelhaut's Staff will work with Weapon Focus Peasant but also with Weapon Focus Soldier (or any other). In this regard, they work like soulbound weapons. So you don't have to use a quarterstaff with Weapon Focus Peasant as backup for Concelhaut's Staff (for the times you don't want to summon it). Of course you can do that, no problem whatsoever. But you could also use a pike like Tall Grass or a great sword like Tidefall or whatever - with Weapon Focus Soldier. Two Hatchets is ok if you also plan to use Expose Vulnerabilites + Vulnerable Attack. Otherwise the damage against higher DR is too puny. I like two handers better because Two Handed Style is something I want to take when I'm using summoned weapons. Since their base damage is so high they work really well with any kind of damage bonus, so I alsways take Two Handed Style at some point with summoned weapons and also use a two handed weapon as backup (for the easy fights or when the summoned weapon expires).
  13. Yes, I'm 100% sure. If it would be possible I'd say 200%. The game says "slow" and "average", but actually both need the same amount of frames for attack animation and also recovery. Heavy one handed melee weapons (mace, war hammer, sword, sabre, battle axe and so on) are as fast (or slow) as two handed melee weapons (great sword, estoc, quarterstaff, pike and so on). Hunting Bows are also labeled "fast" - but they are a lot slower than "fast" melee weapons (dagger, rapier, clubs and so on). So don't put too much trust into the game descriptions.
  14. Why didn't you summon blights until a rain blight appeared - it would be immune to shadows, shades and phantoms (I think...?).
  15. All but Wildstrike Belt's additional lash. This one's actually an active ability which gets started once you shift. If your INT is very high it can be that your Wildstrike Belt's lash expires before your Spiritshift does (the lash duration doesn't seem to care about INT). A bit stupid that. Nevertheless, the belt adds a lot of damage because of it's weird lash mechanics. Peddroelm once explained how ot works but I forgot. But it's definetely worth it if you want to use Spiritshift a lot.
  16. Shifter: you focus on your Spiritshift form and optimize it. You would take things like Wildstrike, Greater Wildstrike, Two Weapon Style, Weapon Focus Peasant, Savage Attack, Apprentice's Sneak Attack, maybe even Outlander's Frenzy and so on. Non-Shifter: you focus on your spellcasting and never use Spiritshift. That way you have room for a lot of different (e.g. defensive) talents. Stats would be done accordingly, yes.
  17. This might all change by the way. This was the info we got from Josh during the fig campaign.
  18. That's why I prefer weapons with two damage types. I'm lazy, too.
  19. Good plan. Use reach weapons, they are great for this. All summoned melee weapons of the wizard are reach weapons as well. Durance's Staff is a great weapon in the early game! Stats are fine for me.
  20. I would try Boreal Dwarf. The +ACC against the most common monster groups at the beginning helps a ton. Moon Godlike is also very nice. I never tried (or I can't remember) if Wildstrike also works with Battle Forged (burn retaliation) but I guess not. If you play a shifter I would recommend Sanguine Plate + Shod in Faith (and other spell holding gear) as well. Go in, catch a crit (triggering the spell holdings) and then shift. Frenzy + Consecrated Ground while mauling enemies is pretty nice.
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