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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. You have to keep in mind the following: chants don't cost any resources like spell uses chants keep on going forever chants are passive and thus stack with everything chants are passive and thus you can do different things while they are running. With a Troubadour/Lifegiver for example you could use Ancient Memory active AND cast Moonwell at the same time (and they'd stack). Or you hit somebody with the sharp end of the stick while you heal the whole party passively while they work, chants generate phrases for powerful invocations (for example calling summons) chants won't get interrupted chants have no casting time and recovery So yes, there are a couple of advantages of chants over spells. But you should not compare Ancient Memory with active healing spells though. You should compare Ancient Memory with other passive healing effects, for example the upgrade of Paladins' Zealous Endurance which gives the party the robust inspiration, which is also nice (and stacks with Ancient Memory by the way).
  2. It doesn't have to be for bad reasons. Actually, it may well be that it's for very "gleeful" reasons. You know... she got married not long ago, she's young... I don't want spread rumors, but that would be a very good reason to leave a company - at least for a while. Ooor she's just moving to Sweden. Or she's a teeth model now.
  3. It's pretty good actually. I had a whole "Troubadour testing session" just with Ancient Memory and Her Courage Thick as Steel - which is even better. Those two could be reasons for me to bring at least two chanters.
  4. Haha. Well - at least this problem is solved. That's all that counts, right?
  5. You can also write those two into any grimoire, retrain, pick two other spellst lvl-up and then after retraining learn the former two spells from the grimoire again. Then you'll have 4. And so on...
  6. Some things to consider: 1. Flipped enemies don't give you focus. If you use Whisper of Treason on an enemy and then hit him, you won't get any focus. Use Mental Binding instead. 2. Novice's Suffering's bonus damage doesn't profit from damage bonuses like Soul Whip/Biting Whip/Savage Attack and the like. Only the 5-8 base damage do. On the other hand the bonus damage gets raised by MIG - unlike weapons where MIG only uses base damage. Also, grazes and crits only work with Novice's Suffering's base damage of 5-8. Novice's Suffering therefore is perfect for builds that don't use damage bonuses, have lowish accuracy but very high MIG. You can build a cipher with them, but you have to know this stuff. Taking Biting Whip for example is rel. pointless. Also thinks like the Merciless Hand. You'd have to focus on attack speed and MIG and can use more defensive talents. 3. Fists can't be enchanted with a lash. But a lash generates focus. 4. Tidefall's wounding doesn't generate focus 5. The best melee weapon for a Cipher until you get Durgan Steel is Firebrand. You can get the Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer pretty early, followed by Forgemaster's Gloves. Those will give you 6 Firebrand uses per rest (from another thread): Firebrand with Soul Whip/Biting Whip/Savage Attack/Scion of Flame and Merciless Hand usually crits for over 100 damage. Use Mental Binding (that will make sure you crit often) and get ridiculous amounts of focus. Firebrand, unlike fists, loves damage bonuses. It can have no lash, but its base damage is so high that it more than makes up for this. With durgan steel, more than superb quality and a lash other great swords can be better options. For example the Hours of St. Rumbalt. However, even in the late game Firebrand is viable. You can stick to it and spare resources like Durgan Steel and dragon/kraken eyes for other party members. Also, Time Parasite with Firebrand is epic... If you are interested I can elaborate.
  7. Besides that: it was about hirelings (aka adventurers), not companions. And adventurers you can hire in the Black Hound.
  8. A while? It's right after the "tutorial" part in Gilded Vale.
  9. When you hover over your MIG score, what does the tooltip say?
  10. Eh? Until you find the first inn or similar. That shouldn't be too long.
  11. Ancient Memory is actually not bad if you only use it and nothing else as phrase. It stacks with itself. With good RES you'll put a regeneration effect on every party member in range which is stronger than Constant Recovery.
  12. Guns have no recovery time but only reloading time. Reloading time is not influenced by armor penalties, only recovery is. Thus you can shoot as fast in plate armor as you could in fresh underpants.
  13. As far as I know dominate is still bugged and ends prematurely. Charm shouldn't have that issue though.
  14. Or both. I also don't use consumables when I play with a full party. Also not on PotD. Mostly because I'm too lazy. And also because I don't need to of course. It's different for solo PotD. There I use everything I can get. Consumables in Deadfire are a lot better than in PoE (especially with enough Alchemy). So maybe my behaviour will change. But I doubt it... I also never use traps. In PoE they are weak - so why the hassle? In Deadfire they are quite good. Again, maybe I should change my bahaviour...
  15. Hah! I think we actually mean the same thing. Because for me leather is medium armor. And I agree that it seems to be quite useless. My definition of heavy/medium/light is: light: - robe - padded - hide medium: - leather - scale - breastplate heavy: - mail - brigandine - plate But only because of PoE. Maybe they need a different classification in Deadfire. However: there is a line or a "break even point" where it makes absolutley no sense to wear armor that is too thin. Of course there may be unique armors that have cool enchantments and that's the reason why you'd want to wear them - but that aside: it's a pity that you'll have no motivation to wear armor that is a tiny bit too weak. As you said: everything from leather and downwards seems to be useless in most fights in the beta. So - wizard in robe is actually gimpage... In PoE every point of DR at least did something. I think a percentage based system would have been better. Less "mushy" than PoE, still every kind of armor would do something for the wearer.
  16. @Veevoir: doing 3 solo fights against a single enemy is not really sound statistics. Once you meet an enemy that has the potential to overpenetrate your medium armor you would be better off naked or in heavy. It also matters if your deflection is low (crits give a huge bonus to PEN). I agree that it's of course better to wear the "fitting" armor. If the Skulking Terror has 7 PEN and your defenses are decent then 8 AR is the way to go. But those things you can only know with meta knowledge. If you want to be on the safe side in your first run your frontline has to be in plate.
  17. I was trying to be nice: washed and dried hair is even more itchy!
  18. Don't you think having greasy, sweaty hair in your nostrils all the time is even more itchy?
  19. You mean things like "Marking" and "Coordinated Attacks" I presume. Marking and Coordinated Attacks are basically the same thing - and they stack (also with all other acc buffs). Only one ally. And it's the ally who's nearest to the "marker" and attacks the same target. As soon als the marker does something else than attacking (auto-attack or targeted ability like FoD)the mark is gone at once. The marking works as soon as you command an attack. No need to hit and no need to be in melee range. It's the status "attacking that enemy" that counts. But if you look at casters: Once a caster did cast a spell and finished he turns from attacking mode to idle mode (if AI is switched off). Once a character is idle he doesn't profit from marking anymore and thus another character who IS attacking can have it. So if you have one marker and two casters then both casters can profit from the ACC boost. For example: imagine you have Pallegina with Coordinated Attacks and a marking weapon (+20 "marking" accuracy for an ally that's nearest to her and attacks the same target). THen we have Durance with Divine Mark and Aloth with Minor Missiles. The enemy is a single Dargul. So now Pallegina clicks on the Dargul for auto-attacking, "marking" the Dargul for an ally who's nearest to her AND attacks the Dargul as well. Durance is nearer than Aloth and casts Divine Mark on the Dargul. He gets +20 ACC for his attack roll and then goes to idle mode. While Durance finished his spell, Aloth started to cast Minor Missiles on the Dargul. The spell goes off right after Durance Divine Mark, but as the Missiles hit the Dargul Durance is already in idle mode, freeing up the marking for Aloth whos Missiles now also get +20 ACC. THe ACC bonus gets calculated right at the time of the attack roll. So whenever an attack hits there will be a check if the character was attacking the same target as the marker and if he's the nearest one. Hope I explained it in a way that it's understandable... PS: what also stacks: two marking weapons on the same character, e.g. two "Shame or Glory" with a dual wielding setup. This way you can "mark" with +30 ACC as a paladin (+10 Coordinated Attacks, +10 SoG, +10 second SoG). Markings of two different characters don't stack on the same target. A Darcozzi Paladin with Inspiring Liberation can stack +40 ACC (completely stackable) on a single ally that way.
  20. I guess she's just happy that the Watcher doesn't rub the back of his head against her eyeballs while finding a comfortable position anymore. It's the simple things...
  21. Erm... again... do you use Steam http://store.steampowered.com to purchase and manage your games or not?
  22. Do you use Steam? If the answer is "yes": most likely the Steam Cloud with its auto-backup and synchronizing of savegames does this. It is a very nice feature (enables me to switch computers and still play with the same savegame), but in your case you should turn it off. If the answer is "no": no idea. Loading times can be shortened by selling stuff from your stash as well. If you have hoarded hundrets of items consider to sell all but the uniques. Also sell furs, books and stuff - you don't need them for anything. Also traps. Don't sell ingredients for enchatning though.
  23. Yeah... I wanted that "eastern" vibe with the character, as I explained on the first page of the thread (long time ago ). Wood Elf would have worked, too, and the racial isn't that bad either (Distant Advantage also works with Barbaric Yell and Echoing Shout and so on and the higher defense against range isn't too bad), but the Pale Elf looked more "golden": Because it's one of the races which can have a golden skin tone, it gives you elemental endurances (which is not bad for a tank) and I wanted to achieve a bit of an asian look (Golden Dragon [...]) And as you said I alredy had a grumpy Wild Orlan.
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