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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. No. It should not. Those are all active abilities. I didn't test all those combos though. Devotions for the Faithful for example had special stacking rules in PoE, don't exactly know how it behaves in Deadfire now. But in general effects from active abilities that boost the same stat won't stack. But most buffs from priest and also Disciplined Barrage don't raise accuracy directly but give you an inspiration that buffs PER instead. That will of course stack with a direct ACC buff like Warrior Stance - there is no conflict/suppression. Only if two active abilities raise the same thing there will be suppression. Since Disciplined Barrage raises PER and Warrior Stance raises ACC there's no problem.
  2. It's weaker than the other forms in terms of damage, but the attacks jumps from the initial target to one additional enemy. It scales with level like the other forms. Yes, only ranged attacks (+1 jump). I did not check what happens when you do Fury/ranger with Driving Flight.
  3. As soon as your AR is way below enemies' PEN (and they overpenetrate) you better go without recovery penalty than having a bit AR which has no effect and suffering penalty. Medium armor may be too weak to prevent 100% damage in some cases, but if it prevents overpenetration it still has some value.
  4. Exactly. Other than the Minor Blights (which simply hit in an AoE with burn/freeze/corrode/shock damage), Citzal's Spirit Lance will do an initial hit with pierce damage and that will automatically trigger a secondary AoE "Blast" which does crush damage (no talent needed). So it indeed works like a blast from an implement, but it's a lot stronger than that. The talent "Blast" will add a crushing blast to every hit of the Minor Blights (creating multiple Blasts), but it will have no effect on the Spirit Lance.
  5. Skaen's baby-sneak with fists you mean? That has the same issue like all the other dmg bonuses with fists: it only works with the 5-8 base damage.
  6. Exhalted Endurance is an active ability, Ancient Memory is a passive - thus they should stack.
  7. I agree that some descriptions are really cryptic and obscure. And with "some" I mean most.
  8. It works like so (example): If your weapon does 30-50 dmg then the damage range (between min and max) is 20. Comtessa's Gage will add 25% of that (in this case 5) to your minimum weapon damage. Your new damage will be 35-50. It works like Confident Aim. And like Confident Aim the dmg bonus is multiplicative.
  9. Yes! It was reported several times in the bug section. It's not really a bug, more an oversight. Swift Flurry (crits trigger an additional attack) also cascades. If you combine both (fighter/monk) and add Blast (with a rod) things get really interesting. Often it ends in one-shotting whole groups (if you can mangage to hit a lot of foes at once). Other fun combos: Cleaving Stance or Swift Flurry + Citzal's Spirit Lance, Cleaving Stance or Swift Flurry with Minor Blights, CS or SF with Driving Flight... especially Long Pain + Swift Flurry + Driving Flight...
  10. I feel the same as katie - at least with the beta version. I have no idea how this will play in the final game of course.
  11. Yeah, it's an affliction with three tiers. That's tier III.
  12. You are right: Savage Attack would be a total waste. You would suffer -5 ACC but only gain 1-1.6 damage per hit. Vulnerable Attack is good in the early game. With a ton of MIG (raising your damage a lot) you might not need it, but at least in the early to mid game it will make sure you add +5 damage to every hit. The slowdown is a drawback and sometimes it will be better to turn VA off, but I consider it to be a good pick overall. It would be a no-brainer if the priest had any Full Attacks. Sadly, he hasn't. If you manage to find Gautlets of Swift Aim Action and use consumables such as Svef/Potion of Power or pick Outlander's Frenzy you can actually reduce recovery to a point where you can use Vulnerable Attack without speed loss (a bit, but barely noticable - you will only lose around 2 frames). But you can only wear durganized robes then. With Alacrity (potion or spellbind) you could wear scale armor and use Vulnerable Attack without speed loss. But honestly: what other armor than "Raiment of Wael's Eyes" can a Priest of Wael wear anyway?
  13. Yeah, why not? As far as I know Robust (included in an upgrade of Zealous Endurance) and Constant Recovery (passive) stack - so that's a great synergy and the warrior stance can do its work. You could also use Cleaving/Mob Stance instead of Warrior Stance. If you hit hard it's pretty good (if you kill an enemy who's at the brink of death and other enemies nearby are as well, it cascades into a m-m-m-m-monsterkillstroke ).
  14. By the way: backers didn't have access to the beta in general. Only backers who paid the extra 20$ got access to the beta. Having paid 20$ in order to help Obsidian with feedback and bug searching leads to a minor entitlement affliction at least.
  15. Not really. It has great defense buffs against mind control and paralyze and so on. Pretty useful. Just let go of your other MIG bonus gear and the helm also gives you +3 MIG on kill - which is the least useful enchantment of it, but since you insist Actually one of the best helmets in the game.
  16. Active abilities just don't stack. It's the stacking rules no.1: active abilities altering the same value don't stack - passives do stack.
  17. here we go again personal attacks on this forum for new time posters mods you are a joke letting this happen time after time after time after time "Take off the tin-foil hat" is hardly a personal attack. At the same time you call moderators a joke. There are a lot of new members here who don't get attacked. So maybe it's not all the forum's or moderators fault. Maybe your posting style provokes certain reactions? What do you think? i think you are a long term user of these forums who could set better standards. why dont you promote posatiivity instead of negativity. IF a comment is directed at another user is should not be a comment that is insulting. Take of the tin foil hat?? are you kidding me he was insinuating im crazy grow up! I think the standard I set over the last years is pretty ok. That doesn't mean that I can't say my opinion even if it somewhat offends you. I don't like insults, but it must be ok if people don't agree with what your're saying. Your initial statement was very, very far fetched and kind of silly - certain reactions can be expected and should not surprise you. Saying that I promote negativity in this forum is like saying Marry Poppins promotes flaying kids with a cat'o nine tails. You don't promote positivity yourself. You're acting passive-aggressively at the slightest criticism and at the same time you want to be treated like a sensitive plant. Actually at the moment it's your posts that promote negativity, not mine. "Grow up!" is not really a positive statement either. That last post about the screenshots for example was really silly and awkward.
  18. What does it actually do in Kingdom Come? How's it implemented?
  19. An email? Who got an email and why? I didn't get an email! *puff-puff*
  20. here we go again personal attacks on this forum for new time posters mods you are a joke letting this happen time after time after time after time "Take off the tin-foil hat" is hardly a personal attack. At the same time you call moderators a joke. There are a lot of new members here who don't get attacked. So maybe it's not all the forum's or moderators fault. Maybe your posting style provokes certain reactions? What do you think?
  21. Negativity maybe. Personal insults not so much. I didn't see any in the last couple of days. Moderators will intervene as soon as insults get thrown around. So maybe you are a tad too sensitive here. Sometimes users who otherwise are not known for being naughty will react with sarcasm and irony if they think some posts are really stupid, trollish, full of self entitlement or such. Due to language issues this may also happen when posts are not really meant to be annoying. For example germans or russians with little experience in international communications or low English skills often come across as blunt because they usually are used to a more direct communication style. This can be interpreted in a wrong way. Other users are known for their sharp tongue although they are reasonable. I remember getting a major clyster from Achilles when I first posted in these forums because I did some Cpt.-Obvious-post (in order to get a higher post count so that that stupid admin-approval would go away sooner). Usually the Obsidian forums are a nice place compared to many other gaming forums. Usually the pointless negativity is kept within reasonable limits. It's just that some behaviours provoke pretty harsh reactions. Take SonicMage's style for example: He obviously has a knack for pushing the upset-button on several forum people without breaking any forum rules. Maybe even unintentionally (hard to tell). I usually identify a certain audaciousness and a "Whoa there - here I come" attitude or a "I'm the expert you know?"-shtick what annoys most forum fixtures. At the moment - because of the pending release of Deadfire - the forums are more crowded than they used to be and discussions heat up more quickly. I don't think it's all too bad though. Just don't victimize yourself and it will be ok.
  22. A cipher with Firebrand will profit from high MIG, PER and DEX as well as INT. It's no possible to max all that without dropping CON and RES completely. I wouldn't do that but keep it around 16 or 15, leave CON at 10 and the rest I'd put into RES. That would mean dumped RES or up to 8 RES. Since cipher can use Whisper of Treason to very easily avoid getting attacked too hard I have no problem with completely dumped RES. Executioner's Hood is perfect but of course it would cover your face. The frightening aura is also great in combo with Threatening Presence and Painful Interdiction. The only other good with an enchantment is Footpad's Hood (+1 PER). Hours of St. Rumbalt works a bit like Firebrand (also annihilating) so it would be a good substitute. Although I like it better on characters who don't have their own disables. Another good backup weapon is Justice - because it not only has a 25% crushing lash but also an additional +10% crushing lash which will contribute to focus generation. But you need high hit numbers to push the smaller lash through DR. Blade of the Endless Paths is cool with the speed, but I believe you can't enchant it to legendary because it already uses too many enchantment slots. Since a Firebrand user might want to pick Scion of Flame (for +20% damage) he might want to put a burning lash on his backup weapon (+30% lash instead of +25%). The difference is not huge though. One has to decide if the synergy of Scion + burnig lash is better than the higher flexibility with a corrosive lash. Accurate Carnage stacks with everything. But it does not influence Threatening Presence. Gallant's focus doesn't stack with Zealous Focus and Blessing. Also not with any other active universal ACC buffs like Disciplined Barraged, Eldritch Aim and so on. All those active ACC buffs don't stack. What stacks with Gallant's Focus is: Inspiring Radiance, Coordinated Attacks, marking, coordinating, Devotions for the Faithful, Inspiring Exhortation, Tactical Meld and Borrowed Instincts. The last one and Devotions don't stack. The rest all stacks with each other.
  23. Pros: With Blast (the talent) + Blights you generate a lot of hits per shot. If you hit five enemies with Minor Blights each hit will trigger a Blast. If you use this with Combusting Wounds it all gets ridiculous. Damage of Minor Blights: 18-26 base damage in an AoE of 1.25 m base radius. +20(!) accuracy bonus. Damage cycles from burn over freeze and corrode to shock and back to burn after every shot. An average base damage of 22 is pretty damn great (for example a two handed weapon only has 17 base damage). Add Dangerous Implement, MIG and crit damage (Doemenel's Merciless Hand is the killer with Minor Blights) and you'll do a ton of AoE damage. Add all the blasts that proc and then try to wipe that smile off your face. Cons: No enchanting like lashes or Durgan Steel. That's all
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