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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. You forgot about the Steel Garotte... No, I didn't forget them. I actually didn't know about them, tehehe.
  2. The only paladin order in Eora that I know of which has a direct connection to a god are the Fellows of St. Waidwen Martyr. Those are not even playable. All playable paladin orders are pretty mundane. I don't have any problems with the names of the abilities - but I think Obsidian could have gone the whole way and name them accordingly instead of doing a balancing act with new lore/background/motivation of paladins and D&Dish ability names.
  3. But you will get Constant Recovery when being a Battlemage. So it indeed does grant you more survivability automatically.
  4. No. It is just very inexpensive and doesn't give you any resting bonus. Other food (which you can find and buy for a bit more copper) does give you bonuses.
  5. Yes, but you can rest all the time because camping supplies are gone. Now you use food. Hardtack is food and you can carry 99 with you.
  6. Hi, 1) if you are not looking for damage then Penetrating Shot is not needed in any case. Stormcaller does -6 shock DR on hit and does shock damage. So you can totally do without Penetrating Shot. 2) Yes, they stack. Only for ranged weapons though, but I guess that's what you're only after anyway. 3) Brisk Recitation is a talent that you get automatically. You don't need to pick it at level up. You can take any Weapon Focus. Stormcaller works with every one of them (because soulbound). Heart of the Storm raises the damage of Stormcaller by 20% without drawbacks. Usually it is a no-brainer with Stormcaller. If you want a CC build then Aspirant's Mark is good. Outlander's Frenzy is ok. Even in the late game you can use it to bridge the time it takes to build up phrases for The Champion braved the Horde. Interrupting Blows is kind of meh, but you could take it. Ever thought about Enigma's Charm? Free mind control 1/encounter is a strong CC effect. I would also recommend to buy Munacra Arret and Spirit Spiral (headgear & bracers) for another 6 charms per rest.
  7. Depends. Larder Door is a bad shield if you have no Full Attacks. Scath Gwannek is only good because of the spell bindings, not because of bash. Badgradr's Barricade and Dragon's Maw are good because of their special procs on bash. As far as I remember that's all the bashing shields in PoE.
  8. A shield with accuracy malus (medium & large) will lower your spells' accuracy, too.
  9. Definitely Brynlod for me. It's all not too hard with a full party, but still: Brynlod & Friends are some really tough nuts compared to others.
  10. With classes that are really weak in the early levels you have to cheese a lot. Kiting, split-pulling, sneaking past enemies, resting a lot etc. A wizard is one of the trickiest classes in the early game because his starting values are really low while he hasn't all the tools yet to compensate. Classes like monk for example are a lot easier in thetm early game because they start with a lot higher values and with very useful abilities right from the start. For a wizard there are some things that make the early game easier: Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff is great for example and so is Fleet Feet (good for kiting and split-pulling). Weapon and shield have no big effect in the early game because the starting deflection of a wizard is so low that he still gets hit a lot - while the shield's accuracy penalty may prevent you from hitting properly. Later on you can combine a shield with all those deflection self buffs and then it really makes a difference. But until then something like the Parasitic Staff is better. But still: cheesy tactics are necessary in the early game. It's the same with every class by the way, even if some are easier than others.
  11. Depends. If you have Full Attack abilities like Knockdown, Blinding Strike etc. then a bashing shield is ok and better than a normal one. If you only have auto-attacks (like cipher for example) they are bad. Also depends if the bash can proc special effects: Badgradr's Barricade and Dragon's Maw are great because of that.
  12. Well there are some druid spells that are pretty nice if you cast them before shifting. One can see them as additions to the passive Wildstrike abilities. Form of the Delemgan is great and so is Avenging Storm (if it's still in the game). And lets not forget Returning and Relentless Storm. All those spells that you cast once and then they're up an running are a bit like active abilities. If only the casting times where a bit shorter so that preparing the Spiritshift wouldn't take ages...
  13. Well the lore/world/ideas behind Tyranny was/is nice (for me). I just loathe the game mechanics and the character building. Does Obsidian own the IP on Tyranny? Or is it Paradox's?
  14. I don't think my resources are wasted. But what do I know...
  15. I think The Sharmat wrote some decent review - I don't have to agree to every point in order to acknowlegde the work and thoroughness.
  16. This starts to annoy me... and bore me at the same time. What is this called? Annoredom? Borenoyance? This doesn't happen when someone disagrees, it only happens as soon as you write weird, uncovered stuff haphazardly. It's toxic in the long run. By the way most of the answers are pretty reasonable - yours are not always among them.
  17. No, there isn't even an option when it comes to the subclasses. They are fixed. So for example Serafen can't be a normal cipher or a Wild Mind, instead he always is a Wild Mind (also when multiclassing). Tekehu is always a Storm Speaker and can't be a normal chanter (if you take the chanter class for him in the first place).
  18. Maybe something like that. But why not copy & paste the code from old Blast to new Blast in the first place? It did trigger on-hit/on-crit effects, but at least it didn't translate stuff like Runner's Wounding Shot's hobbling to the AoE. Same with Spirit Lance. They even nerfed Blast, Minor Blights and Spirit Lance once I wrote that Envenomed Strike poisons enemies in an AoE when used with those - and took that "oversight" out of those effects. They had it all fixed (except Carnage) and then *bam* they start all over again with the same stuff. I mean I like Blast or Spirit Lance + Arterial Strike or Stunning Blows in Deadfire - it's powerful and fun and worth to build a whole character around it. I just can't get onto the train of thought...
  19. "The Dark Eye" in English. DSA is the German abbreviation. CRPGs based on that Pen & Paper RPG are for example: - Blackguards I & II - Drakensang - Realms of Arkania series and so on... nothing too spectacular, but ok. It's Germany's biggest RPG system. It has some really douchy rules but also some great ones (gets better with every iteration though). Its strength is the overbundance of lore, background info and gaming material.
  20. The cap: I didn't really monitor it and only used it in one single playthrough, but I think I never saw it trigger more often than once per encounter. As far as I know a confused enemy will also get a disengement attack - only if he is engaged by somebody of course. But I never tested this as well. Usually confused, non-flipped enemies don't run around that much. The Restore Spiritshift proc of the soulbund scepter only triggers once per encounter. And if it procs before you shifted it's totally wasted. The procs of the Grey Sleeper are not limited. Nature's Marlk on Greentsone Staff is 1/encounter as it says. I never checked if Calling the World's Maw is really 1/rest, but I guess it's correct as well. Vent Pick's proc of Flames of Devotion is not limited. And Badgradr's Barricade procs Thrust of Tattered Veils unlimited times per encounter. Actually the only thing that I know of that doesn't work as described (in terms of proc limitations) is Psychic Backlash.
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