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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Nope. But for correct attack speed calculation you can use this: https://naijaro.github.io/poe-speed-calculator/ Calculating dps is easy once you know the frames. But of course no tool can tell you how Blood Thirst influences dps.
  2. I have 50% wrong-to-correct conversion. But it only lasts for 20 secs so I try not to write too lenghty posts.
  3. How convenient - because you don't have to use spoiler tags then.
  4. Not so well. Summons don't generate focus, cipher's buffs are for single allies mostly. Only thing that's good is that ciphers donÄt have spells with friendly fire. Maybe Reaping Knives can be cast on summons.
  5. Paladin Abjuration will probably be in Deadfire. Scroll of Greater Abjuration definitely is (you can add it with the console---yes it's basically Weapon of Mass Summons Destruction). Beckenor's summons are immune to Abjuration.
  6. I raise it all with a licked Tic Tac that I found among the dry catfood nuggets. Now that this is settled, off to...
  7. Like what? Weapons of mass summons destruction?
  8. Single Rapier + Style + modal with Swift Flurry used to be ok. Used to... Tested it with Soul Annihilation and that works quite well (helps a lot to land SA reliably) - but the switching is so tedious without AI support.
  9. I guess the spreadsheet has a flaw. As soon as you hit 0 recovery the two hander MUST do higher dps due to the higher base damage but same attack speed with auto-attacks. But it's a lot easier to get to 0 recovery with dual weapons than with a two hander. Over the course of the whole game dual it will be the better alternative when it comes to dps. Also because of the rogue's Full Attack abilities. Rumbalt is cool because of the prone proc (and how early you get that) and its synergy with Annihilation. And it's better for Runner's Wounding Shot and Sap - but that's it (until you reach 0 recovery). Barbs with two handers are in a special place because of Blood Thirst.
  10. I said "for the sake of (viable) variety". Not for the sake of optimization.
  11. Unbroken seems to be a bit broken because the +10 PEN seem to glue all engaged enemies to the Unbroken. Nobody dares to leave his engagement. Or so it seems. Still searching for new ways to make them break engagement. Another question regarding Fighter/Monk: since Transcendent Suffering scales with Power Level, wouldn't this be a chance to use the other upgrade of Disciplined Barrage? I mean the one with +5 PER, +5 INT and +1 Power Level? Always forget the name... It should stack with Wellspring if Life since that's a passive. So +3 PL for Transcendent Suffering basically. I know +50% dual conversion is maybe better - just for the sake of (viable) variety?
  12. I always did that. In PoE as well. There were just a few exceptions, mainly wounding (from Tidefall/Persistence/Boar Tusks/Drawn in Spring/Acuan Giamas). Shining Beacon with maxed INT and MIG was doing tremendous damage with a crit.
  13. Disciplined Strikes boosts your accuracy by 5 points. I wouldn't call that a lot. Honestly the more I try to trigger Cleaving Stance with several characters the less I think of it (in a full party). I find the Unbroken's Disengagement Attacks to be pretty... broken? You can't leave an Unbroken's engagement without severe punishment. No enemy ever leaves an Unbroken when I play him. He's like a Monster Magnet.
  14. Yes, it got buffed in one of the later patches to also work on grazes. Pretty big improvement. Still not overwhelming, but ok.
  15. Try to shoot an enemy who's affected by Confounding Blind with dual bluderbusses: instant -30 deflection. Now imagine a Black Jacket/Sharpshooter with 4 weapons sets, Quick Switch and 8 blunderbusses. That's -120 deflection in seconds. Bosses beware! Also nice synergy: Confounding Bling with rod&Blast (= AoE appliance of Blind) and then using Swift Flurry (additional attacks with crits). At some point, when deflections drops enough, a chain reaction is triggered where the low deflection leads to a lot of crits which trigger additional attacks which also end up as crits which trigger additional ttacks as well and so on...
  16. No, it does not apply to spells. But Assassinate does.
  17. Also try Assassin with explosives from steath...
  18. By the way: Beckoner can summon 6 skeletons in 3 seconds (not 6!). That's base duration. With a bit of DEX it's even faster. The Skeletons split into two other skeletons after death. So a dying skeleton is no problem. No nead to heal them. And he only needs 2 phrases for the summoning. And he starts the encounter with 2... At the same time he can buff the summons' damage with Mith Fyr and boost their move speed or use Sure Handed Ila to speed up the attack speed of ranged summons like the wurms (he can use slower summonings without a gap after the initial summoning of skeletons). That's why he's WTF tier. Definetely more use- and powerful than a Devoted. Like in PoE it's not pure dps of every party member that wins the game. As I said in another thread: if you multiclass with a paladin with Zealous Focus and Shared Flames the damage of 6 skeletons with a +45% burning lash is crazy while the survivability of the whole party is increased so much. Enemies tend to attack skeletons first because of their low defenses. They die, they split, those die, you summon new ones. Who cares? It's so powerful... Next upgrade: exploding skeletons please.
  19. Since the Adra Dragon can put her soul into other bodies even over great distances (with the help of an item as an anchor) I think she doesn't plan to die soon but change bodies.
  20. Right. But now it is easy to balance because it's just some weapon-unrelated AoE effect. It's just too weak atm. In terms of accuracy (it misses all the time for me) and in terms of damage. It's nice that it's raw damage though.
  21. Sure Handed Ila stacks with everything. So the Champion invocation will stack with Sure Handed Ila, making you shoot really fast. You can use Outlander's Frenzy to bridge the gap from start of the encounter until the Champion invocation is ready. If you use tier-one phrases (or a tier-two phrase like Ila with two or more tier one phrases that fit into the linger time) you can actually reach 5 or 6 phrases pretty quickly with Brisk Recitation. At lvl 16 it halves the duration of chanting time (leaving linger untouched) so tier-one-phrases only take 2 secs to complete (only 12 secs to get 6 phrases). Even with Stuff like Mith Fyr (only takes 4 secs then) it's not too bad. Brisk Recitation is an automatic talent, you don't need to pick it.
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