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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. If you want a build that's independent from items you should focus either on casters (Priest/Wizard/Cipher/Druid) or on monk. Monks can use their fists which are excellent weapons. Check out the Anvil build. It also works without special items and it suitable for solo. Another nice "no items" build is the Witch Doctor which can be adapted to solo play quite easily. Wizard is good because you can use his summoned weapons which are all great. Once you get Citzal's Spirit Lance you'll be especially happy. On top of those "efficient" ways of spell uses you'll have tons of self buffs, CC and nuking power. Solo Priest is hard at the beginning but particulary rewarding after some levels. He combines the power of very powerful (self) buffs, healing and nuking (after the first few levels). My favorite is a Priest of Berath with focus on max MIG and INT, using damage over time spells. Druid also works well because with Spiritshift you can deal tremendous single target melee damage without the need for weapons while you can always cast other stuff like the powerful Insect Plagues or Relentless Storm etc. My personal favorite is a high CON and MIG Boar Druid with focus on self heals. Cipher works well with all sorts of weapons, so no need to specialize in one particular weapon and such. Mind Control is a very powerful effect and ciphers are the masters of that. You can even play a Barbarian with Novice's Suffering (talent, like poor man's fist ). Those have quite the special mechanic that works very well with the Barb's Carnage - if you focus on high MIG and DEX. In this case you can even get away with low Perception. Lots of possibilities...
  2. If it was Steel Carrot I'd say +1 PEN. And +1 PER because you know: carrots!
  3. Who says that you *have* to be level 20 by the end of the game? Well... I do. Here:
  4. Lol It's hard to play with something you don't touch. True story...
  5. Carnage: nope. Torment's Reach: nope (although there's something weird going on with Spirit Lance...) What works: - Clear Out (and upgrades), melee only - Whispers of the Wind, ranged and melee - Whirling Strikes, melee only - Heart of Fury, ranged and melee - Driving Flight, ranged only So the only multiclass-abilities are Driving Flight and Clear Out. Driving Flight not with Scordeo's Edge obviously. Several weapons do translate on-hit effects in an AoE though. For example hand mortars, rods + Blast and Spirit Lance. Also Wahaī Pōraga and Whispers of the Endless Paths (but those two not in 100% of cases).
  6. SC Monk is truly great with dual mortars; with pistols: not so much. A nice thing with dual pistol is using the modal and combine it with some nice ACC bonuses - for example with a Paladin/Ranger, a Priest/Ranger, Wizard/Ranger...
  7. A good reason to raise MIG (besides fitting your role) is self heals. So Fighters, Barbs, Paladins and such are classes that might profit from the increased dmg AND the stronger heals. In addition to that: higher Fortitude! PER and DEX need to be more potent than MIG when it comes to weapon damage - because they lack the "tertiary" effect that MIG has. They "only" raise ACC/speed and a defense (now that interrupt chance got removed from PER). And they raise Reflex - which is still among the more unimportant defenses in my book. Because of that I think MIG is in a good place. Also, as MaxQuest said: everybody who deals damage with DoTs should raise MIG. It's the only thing (besides PL in some cases) that affects the height of otherwise "fixed" ticks from Gouging/Arterial/Toxic Strike and the like.
  8. I actually totally forgot about animal companionsand pets removing Lone Champion (although I reported that bug myself *facepalm*). Glad to hear that at least the pet issue got removed.
  9. I'd like to plan some builds for a new playthrough. Since I have very little time atm it would be cool to know that stuff now - and not when SSS comes out. I really really wonder what new subclass the Monk will have. And the Barb. And the Ranger. Aaand the Fighter. Aaaaand the Druid. Jeez!!!
  10. There are good mods for this. XP gain will not get "rebalanced" significantly because you need to get to (or get near to) level 20 when only doing the critical path.
  11. Phallic Forest - Balls and Chain... Resting food is sausage and beans I guess.
  12. That's why he said "can you please" and not "Do it!".
  13. lol "butthurt". are peeps still using that cringey adolescent sex-negative homophobic term in 2018? i love it. I only use it when I hurt my butt. I mean literally. Like last week when I slipped on that iced corrugated iron roof and my butt hit the parapet wall.
  14. What is a favored weapon? That's PoE stuff afaik or what did I miss? Do you guys mean the spiritutal (summoned) weapons of a priest? Those should be fists for Woedican Priests. Glowing purple hands with a raw lash - like the Woedica-Priest-NPCs have and which you can get via console. They stack with Transcendent Suffering/Monastic UT. Maybe they nerfed that though. Was pretty overpowered...
  15. Awesomest update! The best news is that Deadfire will come to Nintendo Switch! . . . . . . . . ...Hahaha! For a second I got you!
  16. White Worms in PoE exploded ALL corpses in range. Why does it work differently in Deadfire? Especially since in Deadfire the "corpses can be used multiple times" cheese got removed? If White Worms does only explode one single corpse (as the description and the higher base dmg suggest) I'd say meh. Maybe the whole mechanic got changed during development and the Upgrade (Putrid Stench) wasn't proplerly altered - and now behaves a bit weirdly?
  17. If you hit an enemy with Minor Missiles who has no Combusting Wounds and compare it to an enemy who has you will see a big difference. Especially if the missiles don't fully penetrate. You can watch the effects of CW best if you cast Wall of Flames on two enemies: one with CW and the other without. The dmg numbers will be shown above the heads but NOT in the combat log.
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