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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I don't think so. They are working on a fix. It wasn't included in the 4.1.1 patch yet. Keep in mind that turn based mode has beta status.
  2. Bumpington! Sam! Help the VEIs (Victims of the Essence Interrupter)! My essence feels so interrupted by this! Now excuse me, I need to take a shower...
  3. I have a comparable setup (GTX1080, 32GB RAM, SSD, Intel i7-7700K) and I have no problems as long as I don't use Avenging Storm with AoE Attacks (which lets the framrate drop dramatically for some seconds). I'm using Linux (Ubtunu 18.04.1) though. But I also have Windows 10 on the same machine and occasionally play Deadfire there: no such problems as well. Are you sure that this is a problem of Deadfire/Unity3D?
  4. And keep in mind that those weapons can be used with all weapon based abilites that scale with Power Level (FoD, Cripplling Strike, you name it). If they would scale their dmg/pen/acc with char level AND Power Level AND the ability scaling they would be totally broken.
  5. One other I know of is the Whitewitch Mask ("Gaze and Despair": cast Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage if wearer gets bloodied; 1/encounter). The ability of the Rakhan Field Boots is called "No Quarter" by the way. Other items with a "quasi" 1/encounter use and that come to mind are: - Bronlar's Phalanx - Duskfall and maybe more...
  6. Turn based? If yes: known bug.
  7. Summonend Fists from Woedica don't scale with Transcendent Suffering anymore. If you want a gun Monk I absolutely recommend single class Helwalker with dual mortars. It's the best. By far. Shadowdancer (Monk/Rogue) is always nice. Massive engagement (6 is the max when it comes to usefulness) can also be achieved with an Unbroken/Trickster. Very tanky but a lot more damage output than a Shieldbearer/Unbroken and debuffs passively via Persistent Distraction. Beguiler is the current champion of debuffing. He can spam deception spells without the need for weapon attacks. Nice in combo with a Wizard (Miasma of Dull Mindedness). Another great offtank/buffer/debuffer is a Fighter/Troubadour. Chant the weakening chant + Mith Fyr or Ancient Memory and use the Stunning Invocation + Ben Fidel's Neck and a Morning Star to lower enemies Fortitude to the ground. Helps your Wizard a lot. Random thoughts...
  8. Works like a charm. But hard to determine the actual numbers. But just compare an enemy standing in a Wall of Flames with Combusting Wounds to an enemy without CW.
  9. I don't know if it's intentional. But it has been like that forever. They could leave the loot and you could pick it up later - but since they actively remove either the dropped loot or clear the loot tables for those encounters I think it might be intentional for whatver reason.
  10. There are no different definitions of linear. You think it's not linear because you are altering the base and the bonus. But the effect of raising CON is linear: with a base of 50 endurance you don't get +2.5 for the first additional point of CON and +5 for the next one or something like that. If you draw the dots on a chart and connect them you get a line. Your example about deflection is misleading. The difference between getting hit for 10 damage every once in a while and not getting hit at all is infinity in terms of survivability. If you had 300 endurance and get hit every 100th attack by 10 damage you could withstand 3000 attacks. If you get hit by "10 less" you can withstand an infinite amount of attacks. You can repeat that with lower numbers and will see that the curve for every added point of deflection is exponential. The curve for adding CON is not. That's because there will always be defeat if you only get hit enough times. No matter how much CON you add - your survival will never be infinite. Not even if you add virtual endurace through healing - because your health will run out eventually and there's no replenishable resource for fixing that (unlike Deadfire where there is no separated health/endurance and a char with infinite resources or passive healing - like a Chanter or Paladin - can outlast for eternity with low defenses and endless refilling health). And you can't raise the base forever because at some point you are outleveled. With CON there is no "hard cap" like there is with deflection. You will always lose endurance and health when getting hit and no matter how much CON you add (except an infinite amount wich is not possible) you will get defeated in a simulation. You will not if you break the hard cap of deflection where no enemy can hit you anymore. While I want to insist on the math I agree that those extreme situations aren't that impactful or helpful in the actual game (as long as you don't do ultimate runs maybe - but I did one with a max CON Barb and even that is possible). Yet... in addition to the theory also my experience in game shows that high defense is a much easier way to achieve survivability than high endurance is. It's also paying off much earlier. I'm only concentrating on survivability here. Not the overall usefulness of a character. A supersturdy tank who never gets hit isn't neccessarily a good party character. Just saying...
  11. Don't know if somebody already said that, but if you like FoD (and the PL scaling from Otto Starcat, Sun&Moon and Magran's Favor which gives it a whopping 25% multiplicative dmg boost) you might also want to wear the Ring of Focused Flames which improves your FoD accuracy even more. It even boosts the ACC of auto-attacks of Sun & Moon - but only for the "Eothas" head. Hm... maybe Bleak Walker/Soulblade would be nice as well in this case? Sun & Moon applies Soul Annihilation and regains focus with its dual-hit while it also gains +10 ACC for Soul Annihilation use (with the Eothas head with Ring oFF). And if you need more focus you just use FoD, followed by Soul Annihilation again... If you are a Bleak Walker you could also think about Chromoprismatic Staff. It will give you +2 PL (one for burn, the other for corrode) for your Bleak-Walker-FoD (plus the lashes it comes with). By the way: when I use Eternal Flames on my current Bleak Walker/Arcane Archer the Imbue spells also get +10% burning lash. Does this also work with Cipher's Shred powers?
  12. This is bad. Is it really that hard to fix? It prevents me from using that weapon at all. I don't want to micromanage whom I may hit with it without risking a precious drop and whom not. And imagine all those players who even don't know about this and wonder why they never get nice loot.
  13. Yeah it was confirmed a bug (in the wake of fixing the gamebreaking AoE issues that were there before). Obviously the newly fix didn't make it into this patch because there were other priorities (mainly turn based issues it seems). Which is unfortunate for me (having a SC Beckoner in the party and his minions do royally suck atm). Ah well...
  14. The reason is money. It's a lot cheaper to write something down instead of animating it. And let's face it: a crowdfunding of 4 million (or whatever) isn't a lot if you want tons of animated sequences on top of a game with a lot of content.
  15. Don't know if it's "wrong", but the better way to do this would have been a check of Athletics, not MIG. Because you can play a mighty (high MIG) yet physically weak (low Athletics) character. And then carrying somebody with your MIG is kind of weird. Also because Josh said at some point that this could be avoided with the new skillset. I mean there was a reason why we have many more of them on Deadfire compared to PoE. Iirc the intention was to use the attributes as underlying base for certain mechanics but mainly the skills for dialogue/scripted checks. Implementing a MIG check where Athletics would be more appropriate is a mistake - albeit a minor one and understandable. With the same argumentation you could ask why certain races or cultures get a MIG bonus or malus. You could say because they are ohysically stronger (and that's a part of MIG) it's ok that they receive a general bonus. Maybe if it was only Strength their bonus should be even higher... so an "averaged" bonus of +2/+1 etc. is ok? Or you leave MIG as is, give them a bonus/malus to CON and to Athletics and balance that out with some other skill bonuses/maluses. FOr example I'm sure an Orlan has advantages when it comes to stealth while an Aumaua has advantages when it comes to Intimidating. And so on...
  16. For me the most serious issues were/are the broken summon scaling and the AoE weapons.
  17. Multiclass with Druid to walk in your own Tanglefoot or with Wizard and sit in your own Pull of Eora and you should be good.
  18. Looks like it. With 6 stacks you can't even survive with Greater Lay on Hands. I didn't try maxed RES + Clarity though. Edit: hehe - with 20 RES and 1 INT (Ring of Mule's Wit) the duration is at 2.5 seconds. I can spam it up to 4 stacks or so and the healing outweighs the damage... then it goes south quickly if I add more stacks.
  19. I guess you can also drop your own Smoke Grenade or let a fellow rogue use Smoke Cloud/Grenade on you (it's friendly fire) to distract/flank you (and also the enemies).
  20. That may be the reason. It was pretty fun to scare off enemies and then punishing them with disengagement attacks by the way.
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