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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Scrolls work exactly like spells. Most of them don't work with Marksman. However, some spells are an exception and work like ranged weapons (mechanically) - I believe most Missile spells and stuff that gets cast "in a line" (like Rolling Flame) might work.
  2. Step outside the Temple of Gaun and follow the green line, take the stair then:
  3. The Marksman bonus only applies to targets that are >4m away. Since the character sheet can't determine this circumstancial bonus it won't show a raised ACC value for your ranged weapon when you casually look up your character's stats. It would have been cool if it showed the bonus anyway but maybe greyed out or somethng. Deadfire (sequel to PoE) does this but unfortunately PoE doesn't. You can see the difference in the combat log though: if you attack an enemy from far away (>4 meters) your accuracy value used for the attack roll should be 5 points higher. If you attack from point blank it should not be. It works with ALL ranged weapons (not all spells though - but a few). So you didn't pick something bad. 4 meters isn't very far, so usually if you are a ranged character you'll get the bonus most of the time unless enemies you want to attacks come pretty close.
  4. That would be very helpful indeed. I still use pen & paper. Not very comfortable once you try to play the game on console I guess.
  5. I never encountered this bug in nearly 3K hours of Deadfire. So it's really not very common. But it happens often enough that you can read about it every now an then in the forum.
  6. Is it? The new mechanic allows you to not pick any spell at level up but only take passives and/or foreign abilities (in case of multiclass) but with the right collection of grimoires still have a tremendously broad spell portfolio to cast from. The only downside is that you have to switch more often since you can't put all your favs into one grimoire. Priests and Druids don't have this very advantageous mechanic (especially powergamey for multiclass wizards) and yet you don't complain about those two but about grimoires. If grimoires were also customizeable this already borderline broken mechanic would become absurdly overpowered. Why pick a spell in the first place? You'd learn spells, write your favorite 2 or 3 grimoires, then retrain and pick no spells at all - while your perfectly composited grimoires would hold them all.
  7. Unfortunately that's a known bug that happens very rarely - but it happens.
  8. Nope. That stretch goal was not reached during the crowdfunding campaign.
  9. Shadowed Hunters: I wouldn't use an additive damage bonus. Like with Assassinate and Backstab this favours weapons with high base damage - and I don't think that this is a good approach for a stealth ability. Distraction Training: absolutely agree. Has anybody ever taken it? Who would want to spend a high PL ability point for something like this? Gaining 1 Bond per miss on AC would make it very potent. Maybe too much? Maybe have a chance like with Fighter's Toughened Fury?
  10. You can solve that quest without any fights if you wish. As a Shieldbearer diplomacy should be your favorite thing anyway.
  11. With cannoneers the difference between 4 and 3 stars is quite significant. Only master cannoneers cause special events on hit quite reliably. It makes ship fights a lot easier if the enemy captain has to send in crew to fix flooding or fetch crew that went over board instead of firing their cannons at you.
  12. Correct. As I showed in my example above (with Kalakoth's Minor Blights) its impact can be very significant - but only if you are able to hit several enemies at once. That isn't difficult if you use chokepoint tactics or/and have a tank in the party.
  13. @Scottlameany: You can apply the same basic principle (automatic wounding which will always unlock Predator's Sense) with the early hunting bow "Persistence". It has the same enchantment as Tidefall (wounding) which makes it one of the best single target ranged weapons right away and also helps to boost your Animal Companion's damage. It's also much easier to get than Tidefall (still some tricky fighting though, but more space to kite).
  14. Doesn't work with ranged weapons in PoE (does in Deadfire). Weapon Focus: +6 stackable passive accuracy is always worth it. Apprentice Sneak Attack works exactly as the normal Rogue Sneak Attack. Just lower dmg bonus. It's good on a Cipher. Psychic Backlash: used to be limited per encounter but that got lifted in one of the latest patches. It now retaliates every time your Will gets attacked. It is absolutely devastating for any dragon because they attack your will every few seconds with their terrifying aura. If you add Brutal Backlash this can kill a dragon. Skills are things like mechanics, survival, athletics etc. I guess you mean talents?
  15. So no Accuracy bonus - but graze to hit? I think that's redundant because a decently build Ranger at PL 9 doesn't graze much.
  16. Eh, sorry - am obviously a bit confused atm due to slight fever. Winter should really stop now - that's the third cold I fetched this season.
  17. Don't know why Twinned Shots couldn't stay a modal. Sure, one left it on anyways and that means it could also have been a passive ability - but making it an active ability was not the best move in my opinion. Since it's PL8 anyway it wouldn't have been a multiclass-synergy-problem as a modal.
  18. Your level is too low. You can solve a lot of quests without any fighting. Gain more levels and come back later. Every level-up is a pretty significant step and can make a lot of difference in the early and mid game.
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