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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. An SSD for your console would help a lot.
  2. Furyshaper I only do as single class recently since I discoverd that Blood Ward drains health even from DoT-ticks.
  3. I tried to execute the command to advance the quest and tried to autocomplete with the tab key. That way you avoid typos. But I get an "ArgumentOutOfRange" exception. I don't know the ID of that special "Nature's Mark" passive (or is it a boon?). Else I could tell you how to add it with the normal console commands. I searched for it with "FindGameData" but couldn't find anything that fits (nothing that's named Nature's Mark - besides the obvious spells). However, you can shortly just change your race to nature godlike by using SetPlayerRace Godlike NatureGodlike That will chance your race to Nature Godlike. You won't see a difference at first, your character model will not change. But you will lose your headgear slot. If something's in it it will be put into the stash, but in that case your character's head will be invisible (because the game wants to reload a nature godlike head without headgear - one that fits your non-nature-godlike body model - which of course doesn't exist). Better to take off the headgear first, then change the race - which should unlock the dialogue option. When the dialogue is finished just use the same command to set your race back to what it was. Human would be something like SetPlayerRace Human SavannahHuman . You can use the tab key to autocomplete commands and parameters. So if you don't know the exact names you just guess it starts with "H" and then hit tab. You can then cycle through all options that start with "H" with the tab key. Hope it works.
  4. I don't find it very difficult. The dragon can be disabled and locked down quite easily. But not at lvl 10 I guess.
  5. It took me more than a minute to sidescroll that post. Love the playful sarcasm.
  6. Monastic Unarmed Training is decent enough if you stack some Power Levels. See SC Barbrian. But that wasn't the point. The point was that if Transcendent Suffering and Monastic Unarmed Training can both scale with Power Level and don't create big balancing issues - then I don't think scaling summoned weapons with Power Level will result in balancing issues. I know that wasn't your own argument but rather said from the perspective of the devs - but I still think it's not a convincing one.
  7. Speed enchant on reloading weapons only applies to the recovery, not the reloading phase. For a pistol that's 260 frames instead of 275 frames or in other words a 6% speed increase (at 10 DEX). As comparison: a war bow would have a 14% increase in speed at 10 DEX with the same enchantment. With Durgan Steel on top it would be 12% (pistol) vs. 30% (war bow). If you use Swift Aim it becomes a bit more interesting though (192 frames with speed ench. vs. 210 without speed enchantment) because the 50% reloading bonus reduces the reload overhang quite a bit.
  8. Sounds like Beguiler. You can gain a lot of focus just by casting Phantom Foes or Secret Horrors on several enemies at once. You can alternate between Deception Spells (gain focus) and other spells (spend focus) without using a weapon. Ascendant can also deliver what you want (somewhat): once you have full focus you can cast spells for 0 focus cost for a certain amount of time. You don't need to care for focus regeneration during that period. Didn't try it in TB mode though. Psion just gains focus from by time. It stops briefly when getting hit though. So no frontliner. Instead of dealing weapon damage it just comes to him. Instead of dealing weapon damage you just have to wait. If combined with another caster (e.g. Chanter or Wizard or Druid or Priest) you can alternate between spell from that class and cipher spells. For example Troubadour/Cipher: cast invocation (then need to recharge phrases), cast cipher power (then need to recharge focus), cast invocation and so on. Or Wizard/Cipher: cast a wizard spell, another one, then cipher spells, again wizard spell... Lots of casting, no weapon usage. If you want to stick to blunderbusses: Kitchen Stove is great and so are the two hand mortars (which are also blunderbusses). All those can fill up your focus with a single shot (if you hit enough enemies). Also Watershaper's Focus + Blast is a nice weapon in TB mode I heard. All those weapons work even better with a Cipher/Ranger because ot Driving Flight. ALso Ranger/Cipher has the highest potential accuracy in the game. That's also good for casting.
  9. There is no pistol that applies an effect you describe. Blunderbuss: yes. The first pistol I would use is the Disappointer. If you enchant it with any quality enchantment (e.g. "Accurate I") the "Terrible" will get removed. There's no other pistol that comes so early. Then St. Garam's Spark - and I would stick to it. It comes quite early and has the marking enchantment: provides +10 ACC for your animal companion if you attack the same target and stacks with everything. Fellstroke and Dulcanale are also good. Stiletto for pierce damage I presume? But for optics may I point you to Aattuuk? Since it looks a bit like a (small) cutlass. The alternative to the hat would be the Crossed Patch obviously.
  10. Same argument could be made for Transcendent Suffering/Monastic Unarmed Training - but isn't made. Of course summoned weapons wouldn't be useless like fists aren't useless for multiclass characters. You compensate for a lack of weapon scaling with multiclass synergies. Sounds totally balanced. The current approach is what isn't balanced. Giving a Bloodmage/Assassin the same scaling for Cobra Strike as an SC Conjurer is just not right. SC Conjurer could be made a viable weapons user if his weapons scaled with PL. He would gt +3 PL just from being SC + Prestige and +2 from his subclass. If the weapons scaled like Monastic Unarmed Training that wouldn't even mean full two quality tiers. That's not too much compared to stuff like added lashes, damage bonuses, Driving Flight and what else you can combine with multiclassing.
  11. Yes, those would be nice as well. Also Insect Swarm. That's why I said "and so on". I don't know how many concentration layers the dragon starts with. Because the abilites above (insect stuff and chant) all target fortitude or will (same goes for some of the abilites I noted) - and those are the two defenses which are highest on that dragon. Deflection isn't even half that high (see Concussive Shot). Reflex is not that high as well (see Slicken). Keep in mind that he is tryng to hit with those at level 10. So it might be better (depending on the number of concentration layers) to use stuff that is sure to hit. Another case for Morning Star and Club I guess. Of course the chant has a high chance of hitting at some point eventually - so if you have it you should most def. use it, I agree.
  12. @Walden: The only damaging Chants are Damage over Time effects (DoTs) - and both items do nothing for DoTs. So unfortunately: no. Invocations: yes, they both work with stuff like "The Thunder Rolled" and so on. They are only additive dmg bonuses though so the impact isn't breathtaking. However, you can combine them with the follwing: What does work for a Herald (for his invocations and also his other offensive abilites like Sacred Immolation) is Eternal Devotion (10% burning lash to all direct damage abilities, inluding spells) and Shocking Prelude from Sasha's Singing Scimitar (shocking lash that's based on the number of your phrase count and also applies to all direct damage abilites). Lashes are multiplicative dmg bonuses and thus work nicely with additive ones. So you could use the ring and wield Griffin's Blade with Sasha's Singing Scimitar and get all the dmg bonuses (additive and multiplicative) for your invocations. Which is a noticable difference. I would prefer Scordeo's Edge over Griffin's Blade because of the accuracy bonus though, but that's another story.
  13. They didn't remove those items from the non-preorder game version so I guess they also left them in for the console ports. But it's just that: a guess.
  14. Level 10 is low. Use interrupts. Use them wisely. Don't just wail at the dragon with brute force and spend all your resources on damaging abilites. Rather time your interrupting abilites. Once he wants to cast something: interrupt him. You must remove all his concentration layers first though. You can do so with Slicken, Rooting Pain, Mule Kick, Concussive Shots and so on. Just keep enough interrupts to cancel his spells once he starts casting them. IIRC you can use shock damage (e.g. Essence Interrupter bow) since his shock AR was very low. Interestingly my go-to-method with bosses (Combusting Wounds + multihits) doesn't work too well because his burn AR is quite high.
  15. It's not understandable why summoned weapons, summons (and animal companions, too) don't scale with Power Level but character level. For example: what good for is the Conjurer subclass if its PL bonus does nothing (besides prolonging duration) for most stuff it conjures? And why make Transcendent Suffering/Monastic Unarmed Training scale with PL but not the other scaling weapons? I'm still puzzled: what's the rationale? I know I keep bringing this up... but I just... can't...
  16. Console is not accessible from... console (uhhh consoleception). Can a console player import characters that were exported by PC players? I guess not - but that would be a way to transfer items.
  17. The Magnificent Escape Cape has a 1/encounter Escape (Rogue ability) iirc. But you have to get bloodied to be able to cast it. Rakhan Field Boots have a 1/encounter ability named "No Quarter" that works kind of like Flagellant's Path (Monk ability). Bounding Boots have a 2/rest Leap (same as the Barbarian ability). Okura's Kettle (helmet) has "Hearth and Home" which lets you teleport to an ally. I think it's 1/rest but am not 100% sure. Those are the ones that I can remember from the top of my head. And of course you could think about Boots of Speed. No dashing but +25% stride.
  18. As was already said: the limited editing function of the new forum software prevented updates of the build list for quite some time. Afterwards there were two, maybe three new builds and the interest was quite low. So the list would look kind of sad even if it were up-to-date. If you think you can compose a comprehensive list of builds for the current version and are motivated to do so then feel free to open a thread. If you then send a PM to a moderator (e.g. @Amentep) in order to pin the thread then they will usually follow. The old list could get unpinned then and allowed to sink down into the depths of the forum. All builds that were posted so far can still be found via forum search. Nearly all of them use [class build] or [build] in the title so it's easy to filter.
  19. This was changed with a patch some time ago (don't remember the version number) - maybe right after you stopped playing. I made a quick screenshot: You can still use Avenging Storm with a Multiclass: with the unique helmet Heaven's Cacophony (works while shifted) and/or scrolls of Avenging Storm. Not quite the same of course, but possible. In my opinion if you want to focus on Avenging Storm you should build a dual mortar Stormspeaker anyways. Nothing stops you from using a Fury with Lord Darryn's Voulge (and Deltro's Cage) and not shift while casting Relentless or Avenging Storm with +5 PL and the +1 PEN from the Fury's passive. It always applies. Of course: no Rejuvenation spells. Taste of the Hunt works though. Livegivers with Spine of Thicket Green face the dilemma that they could get +2 PL from the staff but will get +5 PL while shifted (and nothing from the staff). But it's a good thing to dampen the hefty -5 PL debuff after Spiritshift ends.
  20. Unfortunately the Storm Blight's weapons are not super good. At least they got changed from two handed to dual wielding which is good for FoD. And they have an auto-jump which is nice. I think it even jumps whem there's only one target (simply hits twice then). At least it used to. Eternal Devotion works with all spells and abilities which deal damage, that's cool. With Ring of Focused Flame and Acina's Tricorn as well as Marksman Ring and Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay and Heart of the Storm (like dgray62 said) you'll have +15 ACC and +4 PEN for your FoD attacks (on top of the +10 ACC which FoD already has). That's not bad at all. Plus the several lashes of course. If you wear Deltro's Cage Helmet and manage to somehow get hit by lightning (e.g. a Wizard in the party, shocking lash as high as the dmg you received) or wear Horns of the Aurochs (+10% freeze) and the Belt of Magran's Chosen (+3% burn) you can add even more lashes. Paladin/Fury doesn't have a lot of damage bonuses. Sworn Rival might help a bit. Also Improved Critical and maybe Killer's Gloves since one tends to crit quite often with the +20 ACC (or even +25 with the Tricorn) of FoD.
  21. No, only the FoD-attack of Bleak Walkers itself has two lashes. The following attacks (during Eternal Devotion) have the same 10% burning lash like any Paladin would have. But Blightheart adds a 10% corrosive lash to spells.
  22. I also don't know about any further effect. Maybe it was planned as part of some quest but got cut.
  23. That bug I know as well. But I can simply fix it by using the "x" command that cancels all action and also resets that stupid loop. So it's not game breaking. Just annoying. For me that loop bug only occurs with individual characters. Eitehr they have it or not (like a genetic disorder). In most playthroughs I don't have it at all and in some one or two characters suffer from it (which is annoying). Turning on AI also gets rid of it. It only occurs (for me) when I'm turning off AI.
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